The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2141: Hole cards

"I told you that my magical powers are innate magical powers. Before the heavens and the earth, your world-destroying mill can destroy the world and destroy all things. It is nothing more than making all things return to chaos. My magical powers were born in the chaos. How can you compare to it?" Kong Xuan smiled mildly, his unusually handsome face was full of painstaking persuasion: "You should leave early, the dispute between you and me is hard to distinguish."

"I don't believe it, I'd like to see the power of the innate magical powers of the five-color divine light." As the top powerhouse of the heavens and ten thousand realms, the Primordial Heavenly King has a tenacious heart and a firm heart.

Kong Xuan looked relaxed at this time, but he did not know that he was also secretly crying. The most powerful aspect of his five-color light was his ability to collect and trap people, but he did not dare to use it in the face of the primitive king. Once he was caught in this five-color **** In the light world, the Primordial Heavenly King will inevitably wipe out his own little world with the great destruction of the world, and then rush out to make himself break the power.

Kong Xuan’s world is an endless void. The Primordial Heavenly King is in charge of the Great Moment of World Destruction. He may not be able to survive in the void. Although the Primordial Heavenly King who breaks the world will be exiled forever, but... In his own world, he would be fearless if he thought that there was a great tribulation to destroying the world.

"Look at my divine light"

Behind Kong Xuan, the blue divine light was turbulent, engulfing the power of the world and thousands of currents, and struck toward the primitive king.


The sea is boundless, and the Primordial King was knocked into the air again. Kong Xuan said, "Although your world-destroying mill is powerful, it takes time to obliterate it. You should go back obediently now. Every blow of mine is going all out. If you don’t give you time for refining at all, you have already flown out, unless you dare to refine the world and destroy it."

The Primordial Heavenly King stood there with a gloomy expression, holding the World Exterminating Mill in his hand, and staring at Kong Xuan with a pair of eyes: "What anxious, I'm not serious yet."

While talking about the Primordial King urging the Great Moment of Extinguishing the World, he immediately rammed towards Kong Xuan, the Billowing Extinguishing Rune bursting into the sky like flames.

"This is great" Kong Xuanguai yelled, a person who knows the goods.

At this moment, there are constant battles in the capital city. The green bamboo stick in the hand of the wooden green bamboo dances, and the hand is invincible wherever it passes. The Buddhist quasi immortals burst open. They are not the enemy of the wooden green bamboo at all. Fortunately, there is a kingly way. The spirit flew out, and Luo Bao Qian restrained Mu Qingzhu's offensive.

"It's amazing." General Cao's pupils shrank: "But it saves me a lot of hard work."

At this moment, the soldiers of Northern Xinjiang kept attacking the city, and General Cao's men were seizing the time to break the imperial city.

The eyes of countless powerhouses gathered one after another. Mu Qingzhu and Mo Xie showed their splendor at this time. There was no enemy in the battlefield. The Buddhist monks were killed and retreated. Mu Qingzhu and Mo Xie were both great fortune. It is not comparable to ordinary people.

"The Buddhism is defeated" Tai Yi Jiaozu laughed.

"It's too easy, don't be happy too early, the emperor is so powerful, you don't know it" Wukong walked out of the self-purification world with a gloomy expression.

Hearing this, everyone looks at me and I see you. Their eyes are full of weirdness. Taiyi taught the ancestors: "The emperor's dragon gas? I control the orthodoxy of the human race. All the dynasties of the world are under the command. Do you think that the dragon spirit of the dynasty has no way to restrain me?"

"Where is the dry sky?" Taiping taught the ancestors.

"I don't know if the ancestor called me, what can I tell you?" Qian Tian's expression was gloomy, and he slowly walked out of the Palace of Lingxiao.

"You quickly hold the seal of the emperor and go to the Dayi Dynasty to help the Emperor of Dayi in suppressing General Cao" Tai Yi Jiaozu said unceremoniously.

Qiantian's face turned dark when he heard this, the Emperor of Great Yi was his clone, how could he casually expose himself? .

Besides, the emperor's seal has been sent away by himself, how to suppress the dragon gas? Unless you do it yourself!

As the emperor, he thinks he is the son of heaven and earth, and hates someone who is aloof.

Qian Tian said blankly: "Teach Zu Rongzhen, the emperor's seal was lost the day before and is missing, so please consult Zu Mingjian."

After speaking, Gan Tian turned around and wanted to go back, but was reprimanded by the Taiping ancestor: "You stand still. My ancestor hasn't finished speaking yet, have you asked you to leave?"

"Haha!" Gan Tian smiled, looking at Taiping Jiaozu with a pair of eyes: "I was ordered by the heavens, and since I live forever, the heavens and the earth are all under my jurisdiction. I don't think that teaching the ancestor is the immortal immortal transcending the world. You will be held accountable for your disrespect."

"Bastard!" Taiping Teacher Ancestor patted Gantian with a palm.

"Roar~" A beast roared, and then saw a huge claw slowly stretched out, uniting with Qiantian, and greeted Taiping Jiaozu.

"Bang!" The ancestor of the teacher instantly turned into a powder, and was turned into flesh and blood by the sky.

"This?" The supreme powerhouses in the field were stunned, at a loss for a moment, and seemed to be unable to believe their eyes.

"Is the Emperor's Avenue really so domineering? The supreme power can be slapped into flesh with one palm?" Tai Yi Jiaozu muttered in his heart.

"This is not Qiantian's own power. This guy doesn't know where he borrowed the power. He ran here to play majesty and conspiracy against me. For a while, he didn't check Qiantian's tricks and was regarded by Qiantian as a power Object".

Taiping ancestor was resurrected. Those with a gloomy complexion had to do it, but they were held back by Taiyi’s ancestor: "At the moment of Buddhism, don’t regenerate troubles and do things in heaven. There will be opportunities in the future. After dealing with Buddhism, my nine sects will be great. Its abolished".

"Humph" Taiping Jiaozu snorted dullly, and then looked at the human race below silently.

In the High Heaven Hall, Gan Tian looked at his palm, his eyes were full of intoxication: "This is the power of the heavens. I don't know how much difference it is compared to the ancestor who used the innate spirit treasure!"

After speaking, Gan Tian sighed, "When will I have such a powerful force?"

At this moment, the battlefield of the lower human race has begun the most critical battle, with the help of experts from all walks of life, the imperial city did not insist on a few breaths, it was broken by the pig eight ancestor, the army rushed into the imperial city, and then met The neat formation of the righteous emperor pro-military.


An order was given, and the palace was bloodied instantly.


The general shot, the dragon's energy was vertical and horizontal, the wood green bamboo exploded in an instant and turned into fleshy, the innate green bamboo stick was a little dim, but saw the righteous emperor slowly walk out of the palace, looking down at the fighting in the field, his face was expressionless Stand there.

Outside the city.

After all, the army of northern Xinjiang was one step late, and it was too late to break through the walls of the capital.

"General Cao!" The Emperor Dayi sighed slightly.

"Emperor Dog, now Dayi is about to destroy the country, what else can you say?" General Cao stepped forward with a big knife dripping with blood in his hand.

"Be careful" Wang Daoling came back to life, and took General Cao's arm: "The Northern Army is just outside the city, and the Dayi Dynasty is immortal. This emperor has dragon energy protection. Unless the Buddha comes in person, I am afraid... Only by turning around and destroying the army of northern Xinjiang and breaking the dragon energy can the emperor be killed."

"Hahaha, you monk has some insights. I was appointed to Tianji Shou Yongchang, with the seal of the emperor. I am the emperor of the world. I will not be afraid when the ancestors come to me. Wait for that which is my opponent? Want to destroy The Dayi Dynasty is wishful thinking."

"The seal of the emperor?" All the ancestors were shocked, all of them looked ugly, and their eyes looked at Gantian.

"Trouble! How did the seal of the emperor fall into the hands of this servant ~ Unless I am waiting in person, who is the opponent of this servant? Is this the trump card of the nine?".

Wukong's expression was extremely ugly: "No wonder Tai Yi teaches ancestors to propose gambling. It turns out that no matter how you gambling, Bazong will win the game. I was so fooled."

"Damn bastard, what a cunning! What a crime!" General Cao gritted his teeth: "Is there a chance to come back now?"

"Unless the people of Yujingshan take action, it will be weak to return to the sky." Bingqin shook his head. The people of Yujingshan are all in the Buddhist school. There is no time to pay attention to the eight things.

"I'm not reconciled," Kong Xuan replied with an ugly face.

Taiyijiao ancestor looked at the Lingxiao Hall in anger, the emperor's seal is a treasure of the emperor, how could it appear in the hands of an ordinary emperor at this time, this matter must have dry heaven in the dark...

"Diantian, did you secretly make a move again?" Taiyuan Jiaozu held a colorful bead in his hand and asked blankly. The words were murderous and shuddering, and his hairs stood up instantly. .

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