The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2142: Set the world

"I am ordered by the sky, how can I allow you to threaten you?" Qiantian's disdainful voice passed from the void.


Seeing the spirit treasures in the hands of the ancestor of the Taiyuan Sect, I had to do it. Suddenly the light of the Buddha in the Lingshan skyrocketed, and the ancestor of Jade came out with a smile: "Taiyuan, you old boy likes to bully people, right? Now Jiu The defeat of the clan has been determined, you are going to make a fool of yourself! I can tell you, Gantian, this kid ancestor, I am covering, if you are not convinced...".

As the old ancestor Jade said, he squeezed his fingers: "I don't mind moving your muscles and bones for you, ancestor."

"You..." Taiyuan Jiaozu pointed at the jade ancestor and was speechless.

Taiyi taught the ancestor with a gloomy expression: "Old ancestor, this is a matter between my eight schools and the Buddhism school. My eight schools have one heart and one mind. Old ancestors don't want to be foolish."

As he was speaking, the general’s laughter suddenly came from the lower realm: "Hahaha, you dog emperor, do you think you have the seal of the emperor, you will win? You fainted king grabs the love of others, molested the family of the courtiers, really We deserve to be condemned."

After speaking, the general shook his whole body suddenly, his clothes bulging, and he exploded towards the surroundings in an instant, revealing the emperor's robe surrounded by stars.

"What!" Gantian in the Lingxiao Palace was shocked, and almost sat up: "How could this be! How could the emperor's robe be in his hands, Yaozu...There must be a Yaozu intervening in this matter! Xihe! Xi And! You explain it to me," Gan Tian said furiously.

"Your Majesty!" Listening to Qiantian angrily, Xihe walked in grievously.

"Didn't the emperor's robe borrowed by the Fox God? Why is it in the hands of mortals in the lower realm! Why!" Qian Tian stepped forward and grabbed Xihe's collar.

"Your Majesty... the concubines don't know" Xihe's eyebrows trembled, and there was a touch of grievance in his eyes.

"Bang" Gantian pushed Xihe to the ground abruptly, and his anger rose to the sky: "I will give you three days. You'd better go to the Yaozu to ask for understanding."

After speaking, Gan Tian rushed and turned away. Looking at Gan Tian's back, a little bit of tears brewing in Xi He's eyes, then he stood up and hurriedly walked out of the world.

"The robe of the emperor!" The nine ancestors immediately smiled, and the old jade ancestor jumped with anger: "How can this be? How can this be? How can the robe of the emperor be in your kid's hands."

The jade ancestors jumped with anger, and he saw that the eight sects were about to be deflated, and they all lost all the gains and losses. He never thought that he would have made an emperor's robe.

"Hahaha, people are not as good as the sky, this emperor's robe has always been in Hongjun's hands, I don't know how to get into this mortal's hands" Taiping Jiaozu said with a smile.

But the next moment Taiping Jiaozu smiled stiffly on his face, and his eyes were full of shock: "Damn the emperor's robe, could it be Hongjun who also made arrangements in secret, want to count my eight sects!"

After hearing the words of the ancestors of Taiping, the excited ancestors suddenly looked stiff, so Taiyi taught ancestors with a smile: "Anyway, we are fighting in our own family's nest. It is better to take advantage of the Buddhists. We are not in the Buddhists. Losing the dough in front of you is good luck."

At this time, the ancestors of the teachings came back, looking at the emperor's robe, their eyes were full of entanglement, not knowing what to do next.

Hongjun's layout has always been extremely meticulous and will never reveal any flaws. Now that the flaws are revealed, it means that the matter cannot be turned back, and the overall situation has been determined.

"Haha" Wukong had a sneer in his eyes: "The emperor's robe and the seal of the emperor, who wins and who loses is yet to be known. What you are proud of is as if you have won. Even if you win, you have to beware of Hongjun. This kid has never been a fuel-efficient lamp!"

Listening to Wukong's words, the ancestors of the teachings were overcast, and they forcibly held back no attack.

"Niang, didn't the emperor's robe have always been in the hands of the Niang? Now in the hands of the Human Race, does the Niang have an explanation?" Xihe walked into the fox god's bedroom, stood at the fox god, and asked with his head down.

"Xihe, you are so courageous, you really think you are a queen? How dare you question this palace regardless of size?" The fox **** played with a horn in his hand unhurriedly.

"Niangniang forgive me!" Xihe was awakened in a panic when he heard the words, and fell on her knees with a thump: "Niangma, a small fire attacked my heart. I have lost my mind. I don't know the honor and humiliation. I ask the mother to punish you."

"Forget it! Forget it! Get up!" Fox God shook his head and sighed softly: "My palace already knows about the things in the Heavenly Palace. No wonder you! Gantian is crazy now, and I don't know what's wrong. It is planned that this emperor's robe is Hongjun's calculation, how can this palace go against Hongjun's meaning?"

"Niangniang, Xihe is really at a loss now, I don't know what to do in the future, and I would like to ask Niangniang to teach." Xihe choked up.

"Proof!" Fox God only uttered two words.

"General Cao, I will take you not to be thin, why rebel! If you know your mistakes and withdraw your troops now, I will spare your life, or wait until the northern frontier army breaks through, and I will punish your nine races." The emperor Dayi looked majestic, Murderous flashes in the eyes.

"Emperor Dog, I have tolerated you for a long time." General Cao began to call himself me, and the emperor's luck between heaven and earth continued to converge towards the emperor's robe: "As the saying goes, the hatred of killing your father and the hatred of taking away your wife, you won My favorite three ladies, now is the time for you to suffer retribution. I must cut you a thousand times. As for the army of northern Xinjiang, let’s wait for them to enter Beijing."

After speaking, General Cao took a long knife in his hand and slashed towards the Emperor of Justice.


The emperor of great justice did not show weakness, holding the seal of the emperor in his hand, and fighting with General Cao.

"How can this be."

Regardless of the outcome of a blow, the emperor of great justice looked shocked and finally showed panic: "This is impossible! The seal is the key symbol of the emperor's way, how your emperor's robe is my opponent of the seal of the emperor."

No one knows that the emperor’s robe incorporates a gold medal. An emperor’s robe may not be an opponent, but what about a gold medal? .

General Cao saw that there was only the emperor's robe, and when he did not see the gold medal, he was still puzzled. Suddenly, the two sides did not distinguish between the victory and the defeat, but they had an understanding.

"Emperor Dog! Take it to death! Heaven will take you, so this robe can be used to counter the emperor's seal. Today is your time of death." General Cao said thunderously.

"It's impossible..." Emperor Dayi was taken away by General Cao's words, and fell into the wind instantly. Without checking, he was instantly led by General Cao after more than a dozen rounds. A burst of blood soared into the sky, and the golden dragon wailed. Opening, was swallowed by General Cao, and the emperor's seal was thrown away, only to see a pair of palms sticking out from the void, constantly grabbing the emperor's seal.

"You bastard, get out of here, the seal of the day is my treasure" Qiantian's angry voice sounded.

There was a scream of "bang", followed by Qiantian's angry roar: "Tai Yuan, dare!"

At this time, the ancestors all shot one after another, and the supreme powers of the heavens also shot and competed. Seeing that the opportunity was not good, the Ziyin Seal instantly rushed towards the emperor's robe and disappeared.

"Amitabha" Amitabhas shot, blocking the attacks of the powerful.

"Everyone, now the trend of my Buddhist family's prosperity is set, I also invite all the daoists to stop," Amitabha said unhurriedly.

When the words fall, everyone looks at me, I look at you, and the new emperor, all smiles bitterly, and can only stop.

"Is this to kill?" General Cao wore the emperor's robe and seemed to be dressed in the stars of the heavens. His majesty was so majestic that countless armies were attached to the ground wherever his eyes passed, and he did not dare to resist.

"I've seen your Long live my emperor."

The officials shouted, energized by air, and the real dragon was born.

"All Aiqing got up quickly"

"Thank your majesty."

"Switch, let the army of northern Xinjiang come in" General Cao said.

"Your Majesty, the hundreds of millions of soldiers in Northern Xinjiang, if they are reluctant, I am afraid..." An old official hurriedly stopped.

"It's okay, if I can't even subdue the army of northern Xinjiang, how can I determine the people and princes of the world?" General Cao said boldly.

"Where is the boy Hongjun? Is the matter gone? Help the Buddhists win and fight against Basong. I don’t know what kind of abacus this boy is playing." The ancestor of Jade looked around and never found a trace of Yu Duxiu. There was a whisper in my heart.

Amidst the chaos, a continent slowly emerged, and there was no life on the continent, only a black lotus wrapped in the purple placenta, slowly sleeping.

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