The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2143: Clue

With the seal of the emperor and the robe of the emperor, how can the hundreds of millions of troops in Northern Xinjiang have any reason to disobey?

Unsurprisingly, the dust settled and Buddhism won the war.

After sorting out the affairs in the palace, General Cao slowly stood up: "Go to the mansion and see the third lady."

General Cao led his subordinates to the courtyard of the third lady, but seeing the third lady sitting there blankly, General Cao said: "Now it's a different day, and I will be my imperial concubine!"

"Congratulations to the general," the third lady said indifferently.

The General Cao looked at the third lady with a smile on his face when he heard the words: "The dog emperor was finally slaughtered by me, which is a breath of relief for the concubine.

The third wife was silent, saw General Cao step forward, hugged one of the pillars, and said softly, "I have been wronged by Aifei these years."

While talking, General Cao made a gesture of holding a person. He came to the bed for himself, tore his clothes indiscriminately, tossing everywhere, looking shameless.

The third lady was stunned when she saw this. She watched the general himself toss, and she was stunned for a while before she realized: "I have long heard that the magical powers of the immortal family are incomprehensible, and I never thought it was so mysterious. The kid is caring and thoughtful, otherwise the fetus will have to spend some time thinking about where it comes from."

General Cao tossed himself for a while, then the bed stopped shaking, and General Cao said: "Do you know the whereabouts of Xiaodao Chief?"

The third wife walked to the bed and watched General Cao holding the pillow and talking softly, and she couldn't help feeling amused: "But I don't know, the trail leader has already gone to visit the mountains and water."

"Help me ascend to the throne that day, and then I must preach the world for him, and respect Taoism as the first one. Now that the little Daoist is absent, how should I plan? What should I do?" General Cao's eyes were full of regret.

Listening to General Cao’s words, the third wife said, "The leader of the trail has already explained this."

"Oh?" The general was taken aback and patted the pillow: "I don't know what to explain?"

"As long as the general comes to the Datong and stabilizes the dynasty, the Taoist school is pardoned as the first in the world, the heavenly deity is established, and the immeasurable Tianzun, the Yuanshi Tianzun, and the Xuanwu emperor are respected as the three Taoist deities. After the temple is established, there will naturally be supreme "The strong can help each other" said the third lady: "The Buddhist monks are willing to help your majesty. They must be uneasy and kind. The rumors of the monks have long been legends in folk talks, not to mention that the Buddhist family cannot be the only one. If the Buddhist family is alone Great, your majesty’s kingship is threatened. If you can make Buddhism and Taoism fight against each other, your majesty can sit back and relax. No matter how powerful your majesty is, it’s just a mere mortal, and each monk has a long life, tens of thousands of years. Suppress the monk, but what about your Majesty’s descendants? It must be a long-term plan."

"What Ai Concubine said is exactly what she said, it is a word that awakens the dreamer, what Ai Concubine said is extremely true, I have not considered it." The general suddenly said, "After nine sects, we will come to a Taoist school to control and balance the Buddhist school. Check each other and this matter is considered complete."


Great Leiyin Temple

After Sun Chi was finished, he completely achieved the supreme status. After waking up, he saw all the people in Yujingshan sitting on the side, and his eyes were startled: "It turns out that it's a young lady, you actually left the customs? But call my Patriarch to be good. Wait, this wait is nearly a hundred thousand years."

"General Sun" Yu Shiniang heard a little tear in her eyes: "My brother! My brother..."

"This seat knows" Sun Chi stood up, came to Yu Shiniang, looked at Yu Shiniang up and down, and then said: "Don't worry, the Lord will be as long as a thousand years, and if it is a hundred years, he will return against the sky. You have Why worry? Just sit quietly and wait for my Patriarch to return."

Hearing Sun Chi's words, Yu Shiniang gritted her teeth and nodded, looking at Sun Chi up and down, her eyes full of envy: "The general is now at ease, but it is a pity... If my brother is alive, he will definitely be dead now. The strong one."

"Oh!" Sun Chi sighed softly, "Everyone has their own destiny. All of this cannot be forced or forced. The master has a profound layout, and no outsiders can see through it. Suppress the supremely strong, if you become enlightened, you don't know what style it is."

"Yes! I don't know what style it is." Wangchen's eyes were full of longing.

As he was talking, Kong Xuan walked in with a sullen face, the whole house of Bodhisattva Arhat was silent, and Sun Chi looked at the sullen face of Kong Xuan, but he smiled: "Brother, why is this like this?"

"Don't mention it, I met the **** of the Primordial Heavenly King. This servant is immortal, and there is a great mill to destroy the world. It just restrained me, but it didn't take advantage." Kong Xuan shook the dust on his body and looked around Sun Chi. The silhouette of, but was suddenly taken aback: "Shi Niang? Shi Aunt actually left the customs?"

"You know me?" Yu Shiniang was taken aback.

Kong Xuan said: "Where can I not know that, when the master was in the middle of the war, but left the image of the master aunt, the master's red and blue kung fu is unique in the heavens and the world, and the master aunt’s face is vivid, just like a real person. ."

Having said this, Kong Xuan said: "Since you are here, don't stay here. Please enter the Pure Land and participate in Sun Chi's Enlightenment Feast."

The relationship between Amitabha and Yu Duxiu is not a secret to Sun Chi. When Yu Duxiu came out of Guanhua Buddha, Sun Chi personally accompanied him.

For Kong Xuan, although he is not as clear as Sun Chi, but after spending so long with him, he can still guess ten.

After drawing this conclusion at that time, he almost scared Kong Xuan to death. His master is only in the realm of quasi-xian, and there is a clone of the supreme realm, which is really sensational and shocking.

"It's a pity! If my brother is still alive, he has become a Taoist" Yu Shiniang's eyes are full of emotion.

"Auntie, what are your plans for the future?" Sun Chi looked at Yushiniang.

"My brother has left me with a sense of blackness and yellowness. I plan to take the opportunity to rush through the barriers, and the card will not have the upper level. Even if there are variables in the future, I can still have the strength to protect myself.

"It's the same reason" Sun Chi nodded.

The jade ancestor on one side couldn’t sit still anymore, couldn’t help but grab Sun Chi’s robes, climbed up to Sun Chi’s neck, and suddenly made Sun Chi’s face black, he was about to drag the jade ancestor down, but saw the jade ancestor. The calf shrank and sat on Sun Chi's shoulders: "Sun Chi, you dare to be disrespectful to my ancestors? I can tell you that even if Hongjun sees my ancestors, I must respectfully salute and call out' Patriarch', ancestor, I just sat on your shoulders and didn't pee on your golden body."

Listening to the words of the jade ancestor, Sun Chi suddenly turned dark, his movements were stagnant, and he dared not speak, still sitting on his golden body by the jade ancestor.

On the Lingtai Fangcunshan, Yuanshi Tianzun sat there blankly with the Chaos Clock in his hands, and his whole body was hazy and tumbling.

After a long time, Yuanshi Tianzun slowly opened his eyes and sighed softly: "The time has come, and it's time to act. We still need to go to Yujing Mountain and find Laogui to prepare. The eight ancestors are not easy to provoke. With the eight peaches who taught their ancestors, they must fight each other."

While talking Yuanshi Tianzun slowly stood up, his figure disappeared in the mountain boundary of the Lingtai square.

The Eight Sects have exhausted all kinds of hardships and still haven't temporarily stopped the great prosperity of the Buddhist school. Still waiting for the reaction, a Taoist school has actually come out to grab food, how upset in my heart.

In the Great Leiyin Temple, Wukong sat opposite Amitabha.

"Buddha, I am a buddhist, and I was abruptly resisted by Jiu Zong. What should I do now?" Wukong's face was full of irritability.

Amitabha sat there unhurriedly and moved his fingers: "What's the matter? At that time, we used the power of Yinsi to reincarnate the Buddhist masters as generals of the Dayi Dynasty. The defeat of Nine Sects is precisely the time for the rise of Daomen.

"Dao Sect! Why give Dao Sect a chance? Why is my Buddhism general trend given to Tao Sect?" Wukong's face was full of puzzlement.

"You are still too tender! You must know that Jiu Zong is very powerful. My Buddhist family needs an opponent to act. I act for Jiu Zong. By the way, I won the Qi of Jiu Zong. Isn't it happy!" Amitabha's eyes flashed with the light of wisdom: " It's interesting and interesting. Jiu Zong is thinking of counter-offensive strategies, but he never thought that before the Jiu Zong action, someone would give it to Jiu Zong."r

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