The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2144: Daomen was born

The Buddhism side was calculating, the human race also had a dispute at this time, and the ancestors gathered together, sitting there with gloomy faces, anger in their eyes.

"I really didn't expect that these **** of the Buddhist family would get a big bargain," Tai Yi Jiaozu said with a gloomy expression.

"The general trend of Buddhism is unstoppable! I didn't expect that my nine sects' careful planning would actually be defeated." The Taiping ancestor was angry.

"We must not let the Buddhist plan succeed, we still need to find a way to stop it," Tai Dou taught the ancestor.

"How to stop? I will wait for an appointment with Buddhism, unless it is not to face, if you violate the covenant, where to put this face?" Taiyuan Jiaozu said weakly.

"Wait! I don't believe that Buddhism does not make mistakes. Hongjun intervenes in this matter, and it may not be called the wish of Buddhism." Tai Dou Jiaozu sneered coldly.

The ancestors were talking here, and suddenly they saw the turmoil of the outside world, the overcast clouds between the heavens and the earth, and the roar of the golden dragon of luck, only to hear a decree spreading across the three realms: "Following the heavens, the emperor's edict said: Pardon Taoism as the state religion, look to the world , The Quartet’s ghosts and gods learn from each other!"

The decree was issued, and the heavens and all realms were shocked. What kind of power is this Taoist family who dares to pull his teeth at the mouth of the Buddha? .

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard Yuanshi Tianzun’s chaotic bells lingering, spreading throughout the nine heavens and ten places, inside and outside the chaos: "Today, I have established Taoism, preaching to the world, and respect Wuliang Tianzun as the first, Yuanshi Tianzun as the second, Xuanwu The emperor is the third one."

"I am Xuanwu Tianzun." In the Yujing Mountain, the old turtle's words spread slowly, shaking the world.

"I am Yuanshi Tianzun" Yuanshi Tianzun's chaotic bell sounded long.

This is where the original, Xuanwu Tianzun was born, I don’t know where the Immeasurable Tianzun is? .

"I'll wait for my respect!" No hundreds of people from the Dayi Dynasty knelt to the ground, and kept begging. As today's order, Wanmin caters, who dare to violate half a point? .

Wanmin shouted three times, but the immeasurable Tianzun has not appeared for a long time. All the powers of the heavens and all directions are all doubts in their hearts. The Yuanshi Tianzun and Xuanwu Tianzun have been born, and they are famous and powerful in contemporary times. I don’t know where this immeasurable heaven is. The gods are definitely not the people waiting for leisure.

"Blessed Heaven!"

Countless sentient beings shouted and knelt to the ground.

"Which master is Wuliang Tianzun?" Amituo's expression was gloomy. At this time, the two strong men in Lingshan rose into the sky. The nine great ancestors who watched clapped their hands and praised them. Taiyi taught the ancestors: "I never thought that Yuanshi Tianzun would actually do It's really beyond our expectations to come out to set things right. This Yuanshi Tianzun unites with Xuanwu Tianzun, and the unborn Immeasurable Tianzun does not know which master it is. This expert dares to be known as immeasurable, and it must not be the easy one."

The endless calls have never been seen, everyone is constantly jealous, and the identity of this immeasurable Tianzun has become a mystery.

In the spirit mountain, the jade ancestor's eyes showed a weird color: "Why did the old king get in too? Could it be Hongjun's kid who is doing the trick?"

The ancestor of Jade looked at Yuanshi Tianzun, and then at the old tortoise. Both of them were Yu Duxiu's confidantes. At this time, such actions must have been planned.

Thinking of the unborn Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, the old jade ancestor scratched his head: "Couldn't that immeasurable heavenly Lord, is this kid Hongjun? What does this kid want to do? Amitabh seemed angry, but his eyes were full of anger. Calm, there is even a hint of joy in the faint, ancestor, am I right?"

"What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?" The Fox God's eyes were full of confusion, and he looked at the lower bound for a long time without words.

The jade ancestors, the demon gods, and the fox gods are uncertain here, but they don't know that the human race has also changed at this time.

After the General Cao was sober, he slowly put on his clothes, and just put on the emperor's robe, only to see a stream of light in the emperor's robe exuding the emperor's dragon gas, and it instantly projected into the belly of the third lady.

"This is? That is the seal of the emperor! How did the seal of the emperor get into the belly of the third lady?" General Cao was uncertain, and the third lady was also panicked: "General, something on your body ran into the belly of the concubine. Up?."

"Don't be afraid of Concubine Ai, don't be afraid, everything has a general, but Concubine Ai misread it, her eyes are gone," General Cao hugged the third lady.

"Really?" The third lady said in surprise.

"Yes! Concubine Ai will follow me into the palace from today" General Cao said.

General Cao has now become the emperor, so naturally he will not live in the founding general's mansion. The family moved into the palace and began the enthronement ceremony, and then chose a good day and auspicious day to seal the Daomen as the state religion.

"Emperor!" Kong Xuan walked in with a gloomy expression.

"It turns out to be Bodhisattva Kong Xuan. I don't know what to do if I came here today?" The General Cao or the emperor said unhurriedly.

"Back then, the general said before that, my Buddhist family helped you reach the Three Treasures, and you helped my Buddhists preach the world. Now why do you lose your promise and become fat and violate your oath? I established an unknown Taoist school as the state religion. Where does my Buddhist family reside?" Kong Xuan His face was full of anger.

General Cao said unhurriedly: "Kong Xuan Bodhisattva should not be angry. Back then, I only said that your Buddhist school helped me win the reign, so I would allow you to preach from the Buddhist school. Why did you ever say that your Buddhist school was established as a state religion? "

"You..." Kong Xuan's complexion was bloodshot, and he pointed to General Cao who didn't know what to say, and was almost sprayed out by a mouthful of old blood from this fellow.

The Buddhists assisted you on the Ninth Five-Year Plan. What kind of kindness is this, and it should be the national religion. Your servant passed the national religion to others without a word. Where did you put my Buddhist school? .

Looking at Kong Xuan's gloomy face, General Cao said unhurriedly: "If the Bodhisattva is all right, please go and prepare for preaching. Now Taoism has begun to recruit disciples, preaching to the world, and Buddhism must not fall behind."

"You..." Kong Xuan's five-color divine light vibrated behind him, but seeing the emperor's dragon aura rising, he forcibly suppressed Kong Xuan's magical powers.

" are are good..." Kong Xuan scolded angrily, turned and hurried away.

Seeing Kong Xuan walking away, General Cao smiled coldly, then rubbed his head, with a headache on his face: "The emperor's seal ran into the belly of the third lady. I don't know what to do with the moth. This time it is troublesome. , It’s better to ask Tianzun for some advice.

After speaking, General Cao stood up and hurried to the Tianzun Temple in the palace, bowed his head and bowed down: "Emperor Dayi, please see Tianzun."

"What's the matter with you?" Laogui stepped up unhurriedly and walked out of Xuanwu Tianzun's tablet.

"The disciple has seen Xuanwu Tianzun, and the emperor's seal suddenly ran into the belly of the disciple's wife the day before, and he asked Tianzun to speak."

"Is there such a thing?" The old tortoise was taken aback when he heard the words, opened his eyes, and then said after a while: "The deity knows about this, and there will be some twists and turns in the future. You can't solve this matter, you don't care about him."

After speaking, the old tortoise disappeared in place.

In the Yujing Mountain, Prime Minister Turtle stood up slowly and said with a sad face: "The matter of the emperor's seal is not trivial. It needs to be reported."

At the Thirty-three Heavenly High Heavenly Palace, Qian Tian’s eyes flickered coldly: “Samsara is endless, Feng Shui turns, I have time to play with you.”

"Emperor Seal" Yuanshi Tianzun held the chaos clock in his hand, the bell slowly spread and swayed, Yuanshi Tianzun frowned: "This matter will be discussed later, the immeasurable Tianzun is about to be No other attention right now. , It’s still important to preach. Only the power of the preaching business can help the birth of the Immeasurable Tianzun."

"Never mind!" The old turtle nodded boredly, turned and left.

outside world

Endless Void

Kong Xuan frowned: "It's also so difficult to act. It's not only necessary to get angry, but also within the scale. This thing is really difficult."

Having said that, Kong Xuan walked slowly into the Great Leiyin Temple and bowed to Amitabha: "Teacher, the disciple has already done so."

Amitabha nodded: "Next, it's all up to you. The deity must practice in retreat. If you don't break through, you will never leave."

"This..." Kong Xuan was a little overwhelmed when he heard the words: "Teacher, I'm afraid it will be difficult for a disciple to be a big responsibility."

"Sun Chi has become enlightened and needs to live in the pure land of Lingshan, and the external affairs will be transferred to you one by one. This is also a kind of training, a kind of practice." After Amitab finished speaking, his figure has disappeared, only Kong Xuan was left standing still at a loss. r

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