The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2145: Cut the future

In the chaos, I don't know when a vast land appeared in it. Numerous chaotic disaster winds blew through the chaos, but they couldn't take up a single bit of that land.

In that land, a black lotus is sleeping quietly. If no one is disturbed, it seems that this lotus will sleep until the sky is old.

"The Immeasurable God"

"The Immeasurable God"

Countless powers are projected from the chaos, seeming to nurture a little bit of life, and constantly nourish the black lotus in the soil.



There were bursts of shattering sound from the black lotus, and then a bright brilliance shot through the chaos, and then the black lotus was spinning, the soil was broken, and a figure dressed in a robe appeared in the chaos, and his eyes rounded. The jade butterfly is constantly in flux.

"The Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, the future body will not come out at this time, when will you wait?" With an order, the future body was cut out in an instant, and a figure appeared beside Yu Duxiu.

"I call Lingbao Tianzun, also said: Immeasurable Tianzun" The figure smiled slightly, and the river of time rolled behind him, and two figures slowly emerged in the chaos.

"My name is primitive, I live in the past" Yuanshi Tianzun held the chaotic clock in his hand.

"My name is too good, I live now" Amitabha was expressionless.

"My name is Lingbao, lives in the future" Wuliang Tianzun whispered.


Time fluctuates, but the body of the three great celestial beings is distorted, the immeasurable celestial being merges into the future time and space, the Yuanshi Tianzun is fused into the past time and space, and the primordial being is fused into the present time and space. A future that stands in the infinite, and every time and space that exists at all times is called the present.

At this moment, Yu Duxiu felt that she had changed and become different. It seemed that she was no longer constrained by time and space, and was no longer controlled by the law of causation.

"Enlightened?" Yu Duxiu touched her chin: "It doesn't seem to feel anything."

"The Immeasurable Heavenly Sovereign is not only the Lingbao Heavenly Sovereign, but a collective term for the three dharmakayas that include the past, present, and future time and space. This is called the three-time body of the beheaded. I am invincible in the heavens and all realms, and it is difficult to have an opponent." Duxiu sighed slightly.

At the same time, I saw countless temples in the world shaking, and the Immeasurable Heavenly Sovereign's divine light was radiant, returning to his place instantly.

"Xiantian Lingbao is placed at the future Lingbao Tianzun. I don't seem to have anything except Black Lotus, but I seem to have everything, and everything can be mobilized" Yu Duxiu couldn't describe the feeling before her eyes.

"The Immeasurable God"

Lingbao Tianzun walked slowly into the great world and instantly attracted the attention of countless monks.

"My Dao is here!" Amitabha walked out of the Lingshan Pure Land slowly, and the whole person seemed to be integrated with the heaven and the earth, and there was no more distinction between each other.

Yuanshi Tianzun fell on the Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai, and his body became extremely introverted, as if he was in the remote chaotic age, standing in the chaos, silent.

At this moment, all the powers of the heavens all looked at Lingbao Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun standing in the future time and space, seems to always keep a distance from everyone, never see each other, the whole person is in the cloud and mist. , Not visible.

"This is the immeasurable Tianzun? It's such a powerful cultivation base, and this seat can't see the slightest details. When will such a powerful person appear in the heavens and worlds?" Tai Yi Jiaozu slammed the turtle shell in his hand with a solemn expression.

"There are too many secrets in the heavens and myriad worlds, maybe in a corner, there is an old guy hiding" Tai Huang Jiaozu shook his head, eyes full of emotion.

You see me and I see you, Taidou taught the ancestors: "The immeasurable Tianzun united with the old tortoise in the Yujing Mountain, and the Yuanshi Tianzun at Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai to build the Taoist gate. Obviously, it was aimed at Amitabha. In the early years, I heard people say Lingshan Pure Land. Having a sordid relationship with Yu Duxiu, this matter must be Hongjun's calculations, adding to the blockage of the Buddhist school. Our Basongs cannot act because of the vows, but it is okay to support the Daoist secretly and suppress the Buddhist school completely."

"This matter still needs us to take the initiative to find the Yuanshi Tianzun, and then introduce the Immeasurable Tianzun on his behalf. This Immeasurable Tianzun has an unfathomable cultivation base, as if it is a vast ocean, and this seat does not see the slightest details." Taiyi taught the ancestors.

"Blessed Heaven?" The three demon gods of the demon clan looked at the monks who had entered the great world together, and the fox **** frowned: "This matter has the Yujing Mountain mixed in, and the insect **** said that Yu Duxiu and the Buddhist school were nasty. This palace still doesn't believe it, but now the evidence is solid. Without Yu Duxiu's permission, Prime Minister Turtle would dare to act indiscriminately."

Listening to the Fox God’s words, everyone in the field, looking at me and looking at you, were silent. After a while, they said: "The human race has started fighting again. All of this has nothing to do with us. We just need to find a way to recover me. The demonic tribe is that when the human race is beaten and disabled, it is naturally my demonic turn to rise."

"Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations to the original Taoist brother for establishing a religion."

"Friends of the Taiping Taoist came from a long way, and there were disrespect, disrespect and disrespect." Yuan Shi Tianzun gave a salute unhurriedly.

Taiping Jiaozu looked at Yuanshi Tianzun, his heart suddenly burst, his pupils shrank, and he could no longer see the details of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun asked the Taiping ancestor to sit down without hesitation, and then listened to the Taiping ancestor: "Unexpectedly, if I haven't seen it for a few days, the cultivation of Taoists will gain again, and the deeper it will be unfathomable."

"Where and where, you are busy calculating all day, and you are practicing hard day and night. You delay a lot of time, so I will naturally fall behind." Yuan Shi Tianzun shook his head and turned the topic around: "The Buddha In the battle of the nine sects, the emperor holds the seal in his hand, why the nine sects are still defeated?"

"Oh, don't mention it." Taiping ancestor smiled bitterly: "The Buddhist monk somehow obtained the emperor's robe, which is really maddening and defeated my eight achievements."

Speaking of this, the Taiping ancestor was shocked: "I forgot one thing. The Ziyin Xi was clearly in the hands of Gantian. How did he fall into the hands of the ordinary emperor? Could it be that Gantian also secretly shot?"

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t know what Taiping ancestor thought, but said slowly: “In the past, Hongjun walked the road to heaven. In the tenth reincarnation, the robe of the emperor and the seal of the emperor remained in the Buddhist family. Later, this set of treasures was borrowed by the demon clan. When the Ziyinxi returned to Qiantian, the emperor’s robes were still in the hands of the fox god. This time the emperor’s robes suddenly appeared, causing the Buddhist family to come back. Maybe it was the Yaozu who took the opportunity to make trouble and entrapped nine sects. Take revenge for that year."

The Taiping ancestor was taken aback: "Both treasures are in the hands of the Fox God? The seal of the day fell into the hands of Gantian? I have never heard of this matter."

Speaking of this, the Taiping ancestor felt a lump in his heart: "The fox **** actually gifted the treasure to Qiantian, and the seal of the emperor fell in the commonplace. What kind of medicine are these guys selling in the gourd?"

Seeing the changes in the complexion of the Taiping ancestor, Yuan Shi Tianzun sneered in his heart: "You old guys are too smart, and now you are trying to reap the fruits of your own life, but your cleverness is mistaken."

Taiping patriarch said calmly: "I also congratulate the Taoists for the establishment of Taoism. It is just that the Buddhist school is very powerful. Now that the Buddhist school is prosperous, the establishment of Taoism at this time will hinder the development of the Buddhist school. I am afraid that the Buddhist school will not allow it. Deliberately embarrassed with Daomen."

"Huh, you don't know something. The bald donkeys of the Buddhist school are too unkind. They secretly calculated that I was waiting. Hongjun was dissatisfied and deliberately told me to wait to add trouble to the Buddhist school." Yuan Shi Tianzun said.

"There really is Hongjun's calculation! Compatibility!" Taiping ancestor was affirmed in his heart, and then smiled: "I see the Taoist immeasurable Tianzun's supernatural powers, I don't know which expert, I have a heart to make friends, can a Taoist friend recommend it?"

"Recommendation? Of course," Yuan Shi Tianzun said with a smile: "My brother is an expert outside the world, as evidenced by poetry:

Chaos and sacred fire forges embryos, nihility and disaster wind plastic body ~ ~ 3,000 Dadao mantras, thunder and fire tribulations have a complete look.

The immortal body is immortal, and the time is also waiting.

Thirty thousand years with a single palm, the first immortal of the heavens and the world.

As soon as this statement came out, the Taiping ancestor suddenly changed color, the first immortal in the heavens and all realms? It's really a big tone.

Forcibly holding back the ridicule in his heart, Taiping Jiaozu quietly waited for the arrival of the strong.

The figure of "Blessed Heavenly Venerable" seems to have walked out of the long river of time. From the future to the present, it looks very shocking, at least the Taiping Teacher was shocked.

"The Force of Time" Taiping taught ancestors clenched his fists.

Ahem, sorry, there was indeed a problem with the chapter yesterday. I will see if I can figure it out. Sometimes the writing gets messed up soon. In the past few days, try to add it as much as possible. The new book is recommended by Sanjiang in the afternoon. Everyone can help to vote for Sanjiang at night... Touch it, and it’s going to be the college entrance examination. For high school seniors, please don’t read it. It's over, maybe it's over, just in time. r

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