The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1053: Extreme Fall


A series of bone blasting sounds came from the mouthpiece of the female worm, and the next moment, the female worm returned to the mother god's nest again.

\ "Monster! \"

The angry mad monster demon and the demon star evil lord roared, and the terror attack came out without any reservation at this moment, and fell on the people of the snow chaos and the blood sea supreme, so that the faces of these people changed. He vomited blood, and his breath fell down.

It was only because Xuerantian and other people did their best to shoot without any defense, so the power was so extreme that the Qinghe Supreme Sanshou Supreme in the early stage of the world had lost the power to fight back in a flash, and the female worm appeared Giving directly.

However, although Xuerantian and others have suffered a lot of trauma because of this, several people did not have any depression, but instead laughed happily.

In the heart of Xuerantian, it is also very happy. Under the turbulent mood, a blood spit can not help but spit out, and smiled: \ "The blue crane is supreme, oh, for so many years, it should be the first fall of our heavenly world Extreme World exists! \ "

Many lords of the world, such as Hei Li Shengzhu, have become ugly at this moment. From that mother insect to devour the Blue Crane Supreme to the present, it is just a few breathing times, but the Blue Crane Supreme The breath was getting lower and lower in that trembling creak, and disappeared as the snow fell and the sky fell.

\ "Not good, Blue Crane Supreme Small World ... \"

Although the demon star Xunzhuang just blasted the Lord's magical power and made the Lord vomit blood, but his face was extremely gloomy, and suddenly he thought of something and shouted at the back.

At this moment, the setting sun is deep in the mountains.

In the depths of the sunset mountains, among the countless endless mountains, the void is turbulent, and a small, looming world emerges from the void and gradually solidifies.

After this extremely small world was exposed to the void, the weight of the entire Tianxuan world suddenly moved towards it. It didn't take long for us to clearly see that this was like an egg. In the small world, cracks appeared around it, like a thunderous thunder.

How amazing the collapse of a small world is, so that a large area of ​​the sunset mountains is shrouded in the power generated by this void collision, and a continuous stream of mountains collapses. The monsters in the sunset mountains were directly involved in the turbulent void under this terrible and turbulent turmoil, and they even collapsed and annihilated without screaming.

Even many magical monsters trapped in it were unable to escape the space due to the fierce turbulence of the void, and were drawn into it. Despite the struggle, they still couldn't escape the passive volatility. Broken end.

It can be seen from the breath of this small world that it is constantly collapsing, it is a small world that is supremely blue crane, but there is a breath of death permeating on it, which makes people can't help but rise at a glance. A sense of collapse and extinction.

And if you look closely, you can see through the cracks in the small world that the Blue Crane Supreme is constantly collapsing, all the creatures in its small world are exposed with unspeakable despair and terror. With this small world that is constantly collapsing, the highest cultivation among these creatures is only the refining of the virtual world. Under the collision of Tian Xuan World and Qing He Supreme, the constantly collapsing small world, it is impossible to escape. Some have just flew up and have been crushed by the void cracks that appear one after another in the void, and the dead cannot die again.

Those who are in the blue crane supreme small world and have not yet reached the refining state of virtual reality. After this horrible disaster arrives, they have no chance of struggling, even the breath produced by the collision between the two small worlds. , All of these beings in the blue crane supreme small world into a piece of annihilation.

After a few pillars of incense, in this small world of the Blue Crane Supreme, there is no longer a breath of life, and it has become a dead existence.

And this blue crane's supreme little world is still in constant collapse and annihilation, squeezed by the power of the entire world of Tian Xuan World, and the speed of its annihilation almost shows a geometric multiple growth, a black hole. Existence, appeared in place, devouring everything.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

For a few weeks, the monster with a breath of magical powers came and fell from the depths of the sunset mountains at this moment, looking at the small world in the distance, which is constantly collapsing and annihilating, one by one, showing a fundamental cover. Unstoppable horror and shock.

"This is, how does this small world of Qinghe Supreme show up? Could it be, Qinghe Supreme has fallen?"

"How is it possible that although the Blue Crane Supreme has not joined me and other super-blocks, but he is a world presence after all, how could the existence of the world scene fall ?!"

"In the Supreme World of the Blue Crane, there are his clan. Now it seems that his clan has perished in the collapse of the small world just before. This small world has no vitality."

"His Blue Crane Supreme is a casual repair. Previously, his small world has always been carried in his own body. I did not expect that this time he was pinned on his old nest in the sunset mountains. He and the suzerain all went to Dongzhou. Where's the magic nest, Murphy, Murphy Dongzhou ... "

These great monsters with magical atmosphere are the two super-sects in the setting sun mountains, the two remaining chief elders of the evil star evil sect and the Wan Yaozong, watching from a distance the young man who is collapsing. The world has horrible horror in its eyes.

Such a change happened in the sunset mountains, and in Dongzhou, there are many world realms. Looking at the female devil's nest, the female insects are creaking and chewing, and they feel that their backs are cold.

The Supreme of the Blue Crane Supreme is clearly dead completely, and the casual world like the Supreme of the Blue Crane, its own small world is generally not like the master of a super-block, staying in it Suppressing the secrets of the super-mass, but carrying it with them, the previous two have truly sacrificed their own small world to compete with the small world of a few people in the snow.

But in the genius, Qing He Supreme until his death did not sacrifice his own small world to save his life, which made the existence of many world realms feel a little puzzled for a while. However, the existence of many world realms is in the way of void. There is also a lot of comprehension, and naturally I can feel that in the belly of the mother worm, there is a wave of void that is not weak and spreads.

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