The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1054: Dangerous situation! Dangerous situation!

"The Supreme World of the Blue Crane appears in his nest in the sunset mountains, and it has completely collapsed."

At this moment, a demon blast came from a distance, and fell into the body of the Wan Yao Supreme, the next moment Wan Wan's complexion became extremely ugly, and there was an incredible, slowly opening.

"How can it be!"

"The former Blue Crane Supreme has also successfully sacrificed his small world!"

"In the belly of the mother worm, I felt a strange void wave spread inside its belly. Could it be this strange power that made the blue crane supreme little world return directly to its old nest? ? "

The words of Wan Yao Supreme have just been exported, and many world-class Supreme figures have shown a horrible and incredible look on each face. The death of Qing He Supreme has been confirmed from the sense of breath, but after his death, he himself However, instead of manifesting itself in its original place, the small world returned to its old nest and collapsed, which made many world-class figures feel a little puzzled or even horrified.

In particular, the supreme figures of the two world realms, Wanxun Supreme and Yaoxingxun, are even more ugly. After all, Qinghe Supreme is a world-class supreme figure of his demon tribe, if his small world manifests here , Their existence in many worlds, to prevent their small world from collapsing, they can be preserved intact, and the blue crane Supreme family can also leave blood, but now, this blue crane Supreme small world is from its The collapse in the old nest immediately set off a great disaster in the entire sunset mountains.

"In addition to the extremely powerful gestation ability, this female worm also has a strange ability on the Void Road, swallowed into its belly, and the small world existing in the world will return directly to The origin of the void of its small world. "

Arakawa Supreme opened his mouth. From the scene of genius, he has seen a lot of clues. The existence of each world condenses his own small world, and he will use the power of the void to cut the next void from the heavenly universe. This side of the void is its origin, and in the belly of this mother worm is a small world that allows the world to exist, returning to its origin.

This ability is hardly conceivable for the existence of these worlds, but after opening it, they can also speculate that it is harder to look at each one.

This ability in the way of the void can also be confirmed from the side. The strength of this female worm is far beyond the previous, and even in one way, it can be said that it has the power of a demigod. can.

After this female worm devoured the Blue Crane Supreme, the monsters bred by it were more violent than before, and their strength was stronger than the previous one by 20%, allowing many distant magical lands. The elders are at stake at this moment.

The previous situation was still slightly superior, and from this moment, it suddenly turned down sharply. Many elders who witnessed it all from a distance, many can't believe that this happened is true.

The existence of a world state has fallen in front of them, and it is conceivable that the blows to many elders in the world of magical powers can be imagined. It must be known that for many years, there has never been a world state existence, even before None of the several Devil's Nest battles has fallen, but for now, this situation has been broken.

Within the mother god's devil's nest, the breath of the female worm was up and down, and after devouring the Supreme Master of the Blue Crane Supreme, she was gestating a monster in the world.

If the mother worm has thoroughly nurtured the monsters in this world, there is no doubt that the monsters in this mother god's nest will completely enter the semi-god realm.

In this situation, the scales of victory will slide completely to the side of snowy sky and monsters, and they will have no chance of turning over.

Xuelantian laughed loudly. Although the power between the shots had shrunk a lot compared with the previous one, he was slowly recovering. He was preparing for a period of time. After the two recovered, he re-applied his skills and re-emerged one. The world's most extreme characters bombarded and turned into nutrients restored by the mother worm.

The Lord Buddha and Supreme Master Xuehai looked at each other, and they could see the excitement in their eyes. The previous approach of the three was not a temporary intention, but it took a long time. And their previous plans were not in vain, and they succeeded in sneaking a supreme attack on the world to death.

In this situation, as long as the female worm absorbs the blue crane's supreme power and enters the demigod's realm, all the threats in their eyes will be resolved. Similarly, the female worm will fully gain the trust , The threat of magic on the three will also disappear.

"Ancient God, help me, these two monsters are the essence of death, I will not compete with you!"

On the other side, Yunchuan Chuanyin, the ancient god, that ancient **** and the magic tree have been fighting in this period of time. Although the two are said to be quite expensive compared to the previous one, they have always been indiscriminate. Although the ancient **** It has the power of the ancient devil's nest, but the magic tree will not fall into the opponent's nest silly.

The voice of Yunchuan's eloquence is really to let the ancient **** use the power of the devil's nest to smash the mother god's nest. Today's female insects are in a key transformation because they are absorbing the blue crane's supreme energy. In the middle, he heard the voice of Yunchuan, the ancient **** gritted his teeth, and a few breaths of time directly agreed.

The ancient **** knew that if the mother worm's strength returned to the world, he would have no chance to succeed, and he would even be killed by these monsters in turn. It is necessary to know that only a few people have joined forces to kill a world. This incident also brought great shock to the heart of this ancient god. In addition to Yunchuan's promise, although he felt a little uneasy in his heart, he agreed.


The next moment, Yunchuan's entire figure turned into a streamer, blasting towards the direction where the magic tree was located. Then, at this moment, Yunchuan's small world suddenly appeared and merged into it. Divided by cause and effect, the entire small world formed a burning sea of ​​fire at this moment.

The full-scale magic tree had previously suffered a big loss under Yunchuan's small world, and half of its roots had been burned. At this moment, we saw that Yunchuan's small world exploded. The first response was to retreat to the distance like a viper.

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