The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1095: Blood column and pentagram

Seeing his struggle, the Dark Creator has been unable to get rid of the other party's control, and he no longer continued to struggle, but instead made a gruesome voice in his mouth, growling and roaring at the people present.

His voice, just like the evil spirit crawling out of the Nine Nether Hell, sounded extremely evil and infiltrating, so that the world's most extreme figures suddenly changed their faces at this moment.

"The fascinating star is coming! It really is like Yun Shaozong said!"

The speculation that Yunchuan owed money first was just a speculation. Now, judging from the words uttered by the creator of the darkness, this speculation of Yunchuan has turned into a fact, and it is still the type they are most Unwilling to believe, the least willing to accept the facts.

In the Tianxuan world at this moment, the Strange Catastrophe is no longer a secret. At least, many of the world's most extreme characters present are aware of this Strange Catastrophe. This Strange Catastrophe is in a sense. From the above, it can be said that it is the cradle of almost all the monsters. If the star that confuses the disaster and descends on the heavenly world, then the consequences can naturally be imagined.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

There are already many extreme figures in the world. At this moment, there is no hesitation at all, and they have gone directly to the direction of the Xihuang, and want to prevent all this from happening.

"It's late, it's late."

The little red fish watched the scene happening, his face sneered, his voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell, watching the world-class figures in the direction of the South Region, but Not blocking.

Click, click.

It was just that the voice of the creator of the darkness was just a curse, and was caught by Yunchuan, and then with both hands, he almost broke his bones.


Yunchuan frowned slightly and snorted coldly, and then the whole person's body turned into a streamer, blasting towards the direction where the southern region was.

He did not have any reservations, constantly tearing the void, and after just half a day, the position of the entire southern region was already in sight.

He has now been truly promoted to the supreme realm. Although his realm has not been completely consolidated, his speed of movement has been several times or even dozens of times faster than before.

Traveling to the desert, twilight to the ice field, this is the true portrayal of many world-class figures. The five regions of the Celestial World can be said to be extremely vast. For ordinary existence, even if it is a lifetime, I am afraid that Traveling through a large area of ​​one percent, but for the world's most extreme figures, it seems that it will not take so long.

Looking far away from the edge of the southern region, we can clearly see that in the very center of the southern region, there is a red pillar of light that rises through the sky.

The entire southern region was originally a snow-capped scene, but because of the spread of a red pillar of light, the entire ice field has become an extremely scary and evil blood.

In the sky above this southern region, centered on this earth-sharp red beam of light, all the high-altitude clouds are rendered with a layer of blood, and it is also extremely dark, which makes people look at it at first glance. There is a feeling of incomparable horror and palpitations.

The entire Tianxuan world, the kind of black cloud that is so dense that it almost obscures the sun, is released from this southern region.

Just looking from the distance of this blood-red beam of light, it has caused a sense of oppression in the hearts of the supreme figures in this world. This sense of oppression is not completely from that world. It came from above the red beam of light, but from the connected area of ​​that red beam of light, giving them a feeling that it seems that there is a huge planet, a huge world, is suppressing towards them.

When they, the most extreme figures in the world, saw the red beam of light and the sense of oppression that caused them to tremble, all of them suddenly changed their looks, and that one exuded a strange light, with all kinds of The twinkling red beams of weird runes are still constantly attracting the stunned star.


Qinglian Jianzun took the lead in this moment, and an extremely thick sword light suddenly canceled out at this moment, and blasted towards the red pillar of light that was so clear that it was so clear.

This green sword-light power is extremely horrible, and even the power generated at this moment makes many mid-world existences have a sense of death.

This sword of Qinglian Sword Emperor has already gone all out. He previously got the Qinglian Kendo because of Yunchuan's relationship, so that he can make great progress all the time.

And at this moment, when Qinglian Sword Emperor waved a sword that represented all of his cultivation, the breath of Qinglian Sword Master once again violently oscillated and kept increasing.

Amazingly, with the horrific sword he slashed at this moment, Qinglian Sword Emperor has completely entered the middle of the world, and his extremely cyan sword light is also because he has entered the middle of the world. Because of mutual promotion, the power has been improved a lot again.

Suddenly, this cyan sword light had cut through the void, and when it reappeared, it fell sharply before the crimson beam of light covering the sky.


At this moment, Qinglian Sword Emperor exerted her full strength, and the sword light she waved fell sharply in front of the sky-high beam of light, and only heard a cracking sound as if thinking from above the red beam of light, tight Then, it can be clearly seen that countless dense cracks appeared on the crimson beam of light, and then, Kaka broke directly from the center.

"Fortunately, we discovered in advance that Qinglian Sword Master's attack was also tyrannical enough. Qinglian Sword Master can use this pressure to break through to the middle of the world, which is a gratifying thing."

Hei Li Sheng saw the crimson beam of light exploding from the center, and the whole person was relieved and laughed.

Many world-class figures who arrived one step in advance saw each one of them relieved after seeing this scene, and laughed.

Qinglian Jianzun saw his all-out sword, which produced such an effect, and his face was instantly ecstatic, plus today he finally took the last step beyond the middle of the promotion of the world, haha Laughing and saying: "The former creator of darkness was just a silver-like wax gun head. The old man just happened to meet his party today, haha, just his party!"

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