The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1096: Find the root

This red beam of light was directly cut off by Qinglian Sword Master. To the most extreme figures in the world, this represents the greatest crisis, and it is now completely invisible.


However, suddenly at this moment, deep in the ground, there was another red light rising up from the sky. Between that moment, the broken red blood column of light was flowing around, and in this red light After the circulation, the fractured area of ​​the beam of light that was previously chopped by Qinglian Sword Master has all healed, and a red beam of light that once covered the sky is formed again. The previous pressure like a planet falling down has swept again Many worlds exist in the mind.

"How come, there is something under the ground!"

The re-emergence of the red beam of light, and a lot of enhancement compared to the previous, immediately made the exhilaration of these world world supreme disappear without a trace.

Qinglian Jianzun's face was a bit unstoppable at the moment. The first time he stepped forward, toward the source of the red pillar of light that led to the fascinating star, Jianguang was like a cyan dragon, and rounded the red pillar of light a hundred thousand The frozen ground in the year was cut directly into pieces.

A large pit with a radius of hundreds of miles appeared from all sides of this red beam of light. These lands in the southern region originally belonged to the kind of permafrost. The further down, the harder, even comparable. Some extremely precious smelter materials are difficult to destroy.

Qinglian Sword Emperor has been promoted to the middle of the world. Although his attack is extremely arrogant, the more he goes down, the more he is unable to catch it. The frozen ground deep in the ground has already rendered an extremely rich layer color.

However, other world-class supreme figures such as the Lord of the Black Lies who came later did not sit idle, and also began to help Qinglian Sword Emperor.

After a long time of incense, when the permafrost around the red beam of light was completely eliminated by a group of world-class extreme figures, it was presented to the crowd. It was a five-colored flashing black and red. Astral array.

"So it is, this pentagram array is the source of that red beam of light!"

On this pentagonal array of faint black and red flashing monsters, it reveals that red beam of earth, so that many world-wide Supremes have not hesitated, and they shot directly together, countless horrible attacks , Directly covered this pentacle array flashing with fascinating black and red rays.


However, after a wave of terrible terror, many world-class figures looked at the original position of the Pentagon array, and suddenly appeared in astonishment and incredible color.

They just shot a lot of world-class extreme characters together. Under normal circumstances, if a world-class extreme character does not evade, it will be severely damaged or even fallen because of this. However, that amazing array of pentagrams, despite being After it was destroyed, it was reproduced at a very fast speed. The regeneration speed is so fast that it can only be called a short blink of time. After a blink of time, all of it, then It has been restored as it was.


Hei Li Shengzhu was unbelievable. He shot again, and the black dragon formed by the flames whistled past, annihilating the fascinating array of pentagrams again, but to his surprise, he was reborn again.

"Oh, what I said, everything you do is just futile and has no effect!"

At this moment, there was a sound from far to near in the distant place, and said, "Yunchuan little ghost, I said no before. At this moment, the general situation has been achieved. Even if you all shot it all, it will have no effect. Because this ending is doomed! "

In the distance, those who came suddenly, were Yunchuan and Arakawa Supreme, etc. Previously, Yunchuan captured the creator of darkness by causality, and studied it along the way, so several people came later , But it also received the actions of many world-class figures, and frowned slightly.

The little red fish transformed by the creator of darkness was held in his hands by him, like a dead fish, without any slight resistance, which is exactly the same. This red little fish has been Yunchuan was tightly restrained and could not escape at all.

However, Yunchuan also found that the founder of the darkness has lost all its origins, and even its body is constantly disintegrating and cracking. Even if he does not kill it himself, it will not take long. This creator of darkness will naturally die.

After Yunchuan detained the founder of darkness with causality, he discovered that the founder of darkness was at this moment. Instead of killing him in the first place, he detained him and wanted to detain him. The root of this great change is put in his mouth, but because of the short time and the red little fish transformed by the creator of darkness, his mouth is hard, so Yunchuan has not received any useful news for the time being.

Yunchuan has just arrived here, and after seeing this scene, the creator of the darkness is sarcastic, opening the eyes of many world-class figures.

The present state of the Dark Creator, they can all see that it is apparently broken in a jar, and it will soon dissipate completely, but despite this, when it is about to dissipate, it still gives Tianxuan World Brings such a devastating disaster.

Click, click.

Hearing the grievous voice of the Dark Founder at this moment, Yunchuan frowned, and forced his hands to click the body of the Dark Founder's body that was constantly disintegrating, and stepped forward.

"This Pentacle array is somewhat familiar ..."

I saw the futile attack when many of the world's top characters attacked. After Yunchuan arrived, he didn't take the first shot, but went forward and looked around the black pentagram array. , I felt the breath of two monsters, the female insect and the magic tree.

The five-horse array formed by the two major monsters is obviously very capable of regenerating. After the Astral Array, various forms have undergone great changes, and this change has not been discovered in many previous worlds, so it will appear that the previous attacks have no effect at all.

"Hehe, Yunchuan, under this inertia, you can't crack this pentagram star array, and it won't be long before you fascinate the Holy Star, and you will really come, no one can escape!"

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