The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1120: The magic of the magical land

"This colorful castle that was previously inexplicably integrated into the palm of my hand has never had any effect, and has not shown any changes. I have never explored and understood its true purpose. Why, this time, I encountered the same pass again. After the land of God, will this inexplicable change occur? "

There was a groan on Yunchuan's face, and after a moment he looked at Yun Qing'er, and said, "Qing'er, let's go to the place where the gods look."

Yun Qing'er nodded, she also saw the colorful imprint of the colorful castle in the palm of Yunchuan at the moment, and now she followed Yunchuan toward the colorful swirling vortex in front of her.

Yunchuan had once entered this psychic land once. The core of the original psychic land was the annihilation **** suppressed by the colorful castle, but now, with the demise of this annihilation god, The colorful castle was integrated into Yunchuan's palm. In Yunchuan's speculation, this supernatural place should not have much value.

However, when the land of miracles appeared, the colorful castle in his palm was always hot in his palm, and there was a kind of traction that seemed to be promoting Going to that dazzling place.

"When I first entered this psychic place, the only way to cultivate for strength is to refine the realm. Because of the lack of strength, I have not explored many places in this psychic place. Could there be anything else? Is there any omissions that I have not fully explored? "

Yunchuan thought for himself, headed towards the area where the psychic place was located, followed the traction of this colorful castle, and stepped into the colorful vortex formed by this psychic place.

He has previously obtained the inheritance of this colorful true god, and has an inexplicable feeling of closeness to this psychic land. There is a homogeneous atmosphere between the two, which is pulling each other.

Huh! Huh!

Yunchuan and Yunqinger stepped directly into the colorful swirl at this moment.

At that time, when the two feet felt down to the ground again, Yunchuan looked around and could clearly see that the surrounding area was a sparse jungle, and the brown-yellow land could not see the end. In the distant sky, you can faintly see that there are several big stars twinkling with dim light, the largest one of which is a brilliant red color.

"It's a stunned star, and the size of the stunned star that I saw when I first came here increased by two or three times."

Yunchuan looked up at the sky and looked towards the sky with a dignified expression.

The location of the psychic land is special, and it constantly disperses in the starry sky, which can also reflect many stars. Now, when looking upward, the sky of the psychic land is originally no larger than the same size Several of the stars have suddenly become the largest of the bright red stars, which have even covered a small half of the sky for this reason, looking strange and weird.

And this bright red planet looks larger, not to say that its volume has really expanded a lot, but it means that its distance has been shortened too much compared with the previous one, and such a scene will appear. scene.

Compared to Yunchuan's light roads, Yunqinger came here for the first time, and he felt extremely novel about the scenes here, and followed Yunchuan step by step.

The two walked out of the heavenly world and stepped out of the starry sky. It has been several months now, and the improvement of Yun Qing'er is also extremely large. The previous Yun Qing'er, because of the Taiyin body, the martial arts repair was too fast. The reason is that its foundation is somewhat unstable, and there will be any hidden dangers. But now, the disadvantages of Yun Qing'er because his realm has been promoted too quickly have been polished, and there is only one accumulation and opportunity to allow She truly stepped into the realm of the world and became a supreme existence.

After all, a prerequisite for wanting to enter the supreme realm is to have a preliminary understanding of a certain Tao, and this can be said to be difficult for nearly 90% of the giants, but for Yun Qing'er , But this problem does not exist.


Yunchuan and Yunqing'er went towards the depths of this fascinating place. After a moment, Yunchuan's brows frowned, looking around, and his feet slowed down.

"What happened to Brother Chuan?"

Yun Qinger saw Yunchuan's movement stopped at the moment and asked.

"Qinger, do you feel that in this area, there seems to be a magical energy hidden in it?"

Yunchuan Fang just glanced at it, so he noticed some anomalies. When Yun Qing'er asked again, the feeling of Fang Cai disappeared without a trace, so he could not feel it.


Hearing Yunchuan's words, Yun Qing'er's body was released from the vagina, spreading in all directions, and the girl now exerts power on the vagina. After this period of exercise, she has become more and more skilled. At this moment, the kind of icy coldness unique to the **** can also be perfectly hidden by Yun Qing'er, making it imperceptible.

However, Yunchuan can still see that in the air around Yun Qing'er, there can be a faint ice flower diffuse. Obviously, for the vagina's understanding, Yun Qing'er has not really entered the world. The reason is that doing this step is already its limit, and there are still some imperfections.

"Chuan brother, I really feel in this psychic place like a monster that has previously reached the creator of darkness, but there are still some subtle differences from the previous female worm. Closer. "

The cold and cold power of the **** has doubled Yun Qing's perception, and after a while, the girl's complexion was a little dignified, and she said, "This place of gods, isn't it? Is there a monster invasion, or is it a monster that descended from that pillar of light? "

Both Yunchuan and Yunqinger previously thought that the ultimate purpose of these monsters was the Tianxuan world, but at this moment, the atmosphere of this monster appears in this supernatural land.

"This supernatural place was previously suppressed by the multicolored true god, the monster of the annihilation demon. It has a strong repulsion to these demons, but this supernatural place will be released from the stars to the sky every so often The location of the mysterious world, isn't this the monster that appeared in the land of psychic gods. Do you want to use this psychic land as a springboard? "

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