The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1121: Mother Emperor Altar

Yunchuan opened his mouth, and suddenly thought of such a possibility. Before that, when he killed the annihilation god, the annihilation **** wanted to directly lead the scourge disaster star, Yunchuan has now found that these high Almost all of the monsters of the order have mastered the method of letting the illusory cataclysm come in advance, and even the dark creator who has lost its origin can let the illusory cataclysm drop the traction beam of light.

"Let's go and see."

Thinking of this possibility, Yunchuan couldn't sit still, and his pace accelerated a little bit again, and Yun Qing'er went to the depths of this amazing place.

The further forward, the richness of the magical sensation that the two men previously felt has increased by a little more than the previous one, which is not the previous feeling of the two if they are absent, but directly in the two The person's surroundings can feel that kind of strong magic between his breath.

To the depths of this fascinating place, the sparse jungles previously seen in the outer Yunchuan and Yunqinger have disappeared, replaced by an endless range of mountains, although bare One piece, but it is far easier to hide than before.

And at this moment, Yunchuan, although he said that he did n’t have much understanding in Wucao Taoism, but after all, he gained the Taoism tradition, especially in this psychic place, the Taoism before Wucai ’s real life was able to interact with that Wucai The power of the Word of the True God fits perfectly, and even Yunchuan's surroundings are covered with a layer of hazy multicolored brilliance, as is Yun Qing'er, and the environment of this psychic place Almost perfect fit together.

In this case, Yunchuan has confidence. Even if there are world-class figures coming here, standing outside of Sanzhang in front of them, they will not be able to find them either.

The colorfulness of this colorful Tao is originally simulated by the five elements in Yunchuan's comprehension. If it is the colorful Tao, it can truly understand the perfection, and even surpass the power of the five elements, and become a kind of unique presence.

"Buzz buzz."

Yunchuan and Yunqinger quietly moved forward, just like a ghost hidden in the night. After a moment, in front of the two, a humming sound came, as if there were countless bees , Is wandering in constant flight from the front.

"That is....."

When the two crossed a mountain peak and looked down, Yunchuan's pupils shrank, and they saw that they were ahead. I did n’t know when, there had been a series of palace palaces. There are strange black and red runes on it, flashing with uncertain light, and in the distance, there are strange monsters, which are constantly stacking materials from a distance to build palaces. .

Most of these strange monsters are shaped like a worm, and some have wings as thin as cicadas. The number of these monsters is the largest, and they are also engaged in the construction of these buildings. There is no half-time. Rest, the buzzing sounds that Yunchuan and Yunqinger had heard before came from the flight of these winged monsters.

In front of these palaces, there are a small number of monsters. These monsters are weird, some are like a fat and fat maggot, some are covered with compound eyes, and the skin is fleshed with blood. These weird monsters are stronger. Yunchuan has dozens of them at first glance. Each one has the fluctuations of the atmosphere of the world. They play the same existence as supervisors, watching those who have wings of cicadas. As soon as one of the monsters is lazy, the scarlet long tongue pops up directly, and the lazy monster is caught in a mouthful and chewed.

"Hurry up, whoever dares to be lazy is this end!"

"It has been confirmed a while ago that the heir to the Mother Emperor was destroyed in the Tianxuan world. The sacrifice drove the scourge of the scourge of the disaster. The Mother the Emperor was outraged. It took me more than half of the precious materials to let me wait from the traction beam in advance. When you come down, you build the altar that leads the incarnation of the Empress, and if you dare to be lazy, even if there is a flaw in the palace, you will be thrown into the Insect Purgatory by the Emperor. redemption!"

A fat, fat-like monster was standing up at this moment, grabbing a cicada-winged monster into his mouth, eating a mouthful of oil, and vaguely opening his mouth.

"You can let me come down in advance. You low-level demons can know how much those big stars who have stunned the stars have paid. Once they mess up, it is still light to be thrown into purgatory, but, As long as you can successfully build these palaces, and build these altars, so that the incarnation of the mother emperor can truly come, you have made great achievements, and you have the opportunity to truly get rid of the identity of the lower demons. Become a demon! "

Another monster with blades all over his body suddenly stood up and laughed, "You everyone, we can be selected by the mother emperor and come as the front soldier. You know what glory, what opportunity, mother Lord Huang is responsible for the Tian Xuan world. As far as I know, this Tian Xuan world was extremely horrible and horrible long ago, but now the world is broken. Even the existence of the demi-god seems to have not been born. It is said that It has something to do with the shots of the big stars on the disaster star. The real reasons for these history are not what we can know. What we need to know now is that the Tianxuan world is a soft persimmon. The first batch of people we came to just happened to be able to Squeeze on! "

The monsters who seemed to be the leaders stood up and opened their mouths one by one. The sound was full of inspiration. Immediately, these tired monsters were building up the altars and palaces. The spirits were exhausted one by one, and they were more vigorous than before. A few minutes.

"But ... I want to make it clear that on these palaces and altars, there are many cherished materials left by the mother emperor. Even if the mother emperor is a real divine realm, it takes time to take out these materials. The entire half of its net worth, as long as one of them is taken away, will directly prevent the incarnation of the Queen Mother from coming completely. Do n’t try to steal it. Once I find out, I do n’t need to elaborate on the consequences. "

A monkey-like monster stood up suddenly at the moment, unlike the focus of the other monster leaders, his words were murky, as if they were coming from Nine You Hell.

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