The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1139: The choice of colorful ghosts

"Can the existence of the true state of God actually trace back to the ontology directly with an incarnation? It is incredible, it is incredible."

Now that Yunchuan has faced such a scene, he can't interfere too much, because the current situation can be said to be far beyond his control, especially after hearing the news that the colorful true **** may not be dead, let Yunchuan's mood was very exciting.

The words that the mother emperor projected before her death did not change the vortex formed by the myriad multicolored air in the psychic land. The multicolored vortex is still like a tornado storm that penetrates the sky. Projected and rolled down towards the mother emperor.

The mother emperor screamed. At this moment, there was no previous charm in her voice. On the contrary, it contained an immense amount of pain and despair. The beam of traction outside could be said to be weak, but still at this moment. The mother's scream attracted all of them.

And at this moment, the connection of the traction beam was lost, as if it was directly broken from the middle. Although the depth of the starry sky, the location of the fascinating star still dropped the traction beam, but because this traction beam has been removed from The azimuth centered on the psychic land is broken, and the monsters such as the Dark Creator who previously guided the fall of the traction beam can no longer be hosted, so the re-projected traction beam can no longer interact with the original traction beam. Connect, at least for a short period of time.

Of course, if this mother emperor's projection avatar can be completely killed by this colorful vortex, then for a long time, there is no guide of any monsters, and this traction beam that can directly cause the fainting disaster star to come can no longer condense stand up.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

And at this moment, in the colorful vortex, a sound like a thunderous sound sounded, and then, the next moment you can clearly see that the mother Emperor projection butterfly was originally like sheep fat beautiful jade skin There are already fissures on it, and from that fissure there is an extremely dazzling atmosphere of chaos, which will be crushed and crushed by the colorful swirl.

"Colorful old ghost, I can confirm your status now. In the war a long time ago, you were indeed dead, but you haven't died yet. There is still a lingering soul left to breathe to the present. No wonder, It's no wonder that the Divine Land as your dojo has never really withered since you died. Instead, it has been constantly dissipating in the stars, because you still have a ray of remnant soul that hasn't really died out! "

The original seductive and attractive posture of the female emperor butterfly has become extremely ugly at this moment. With her words, her body has also become the female-like worm-like appearance that Yunchuan had seen before. Although his skull is still as beautiful as before, the beautiful appearance coupled with such a huge and ugly body at the moment gives a very penetrating feeling.

And the shape that the mother emperor butterfly changed at this moment is not without any effect. On the contrary, after the appearance of such a large and ugly body, the power of the flesh has obtained an incomparable horror. The skyrocketing, stiffened again and again for a few breaths under the strangulation of the colorful swirl.

"Colorful old ghost, since you are a lingering soul that hasn't really died down, let your dojo dazzle the land in the stars for countless years, it is definitely still holding the idea of ​​being able to be resurrected one day. Since you With this kind of thought, you should know that if you want to make my true body rebuild through this projection of me, then no matter what my true body is, you still have this hard soul that you have saved so much. , Will definitely dissipate because of this, there is no possibility of existence! "

Although the female emperor butterfly said that she had transformed into such a huge and ugly body at this moment, allowing her to persist for a longer time under the siege of colorful swirls, but that's all. She has been unable to escape, only I can scream loudly, trying to make this colorful swirl that is constantly crushing her, the wispy soul of the colorful true **** changes his mind.

After hearing the words spoken by the mother emperor butterfly, she was slowly rotating, and the colorful vortex that was constantly annihilating the mother emperor butterfly suddenly stagnated, and the whole world became silent.


Yunchuan's gaze was condensed and he looked in all directions. The voice of the queen mother Emperor Butterfly was so loud that it spread in all directions, letting him and Yun Qinger listen in their ears too, making Yunchuan's complexion change. It must be dignified.

Although the female emperor butterfly said that it was only a true God projection clone, but her eyesight was still there, even if her judgment on the status of the colorful true **** was not the same, I am afraid that it is almost the same. The colorful true **** is not dead, but There is only a ray of residual soul left.

And after hearing the previous words of the mother Emperor Butterfly, Yunchuan's heart was also agitated. This sacred place has been floating in the stars for many years, in order to prepare for the resurrection of this colorful true god, but now, Wucai true **** has invested in the power of the entire psychic land. To destroy the mother emperor's projection and even to destroy the mother emperor's deity, the price to be paid is the annihilation of countless years of resurrection plan, and the only remaining That wisp of remnant will also vanish and disappear.

"No ....."

Yunchuan murmured, seeing the pause of the colorful vortex, his heart was relieved because of this, in Yunchuan's heart, he also wanted to see the colorful true **** resurrected, but did n’t want the colorful true god. A ray of remnant annihilated.

He accepted the inheritance of the colorful god, and has been very grateful to the colorful god, and although the past history has been lost, Yunchuan was able to infer from the bleak demon trapped in this supernatural place, Wucai True God had already killed a monster of the true **** realm before that, and made a great contribution to the entire world of Tian Xuan, and also made him exist as a ray of residual soul.

Now, his psychic land has been scattered for many years in the cold and dark starry sky, and finally has a chance of rebirth, but now, if the colorful gods use the projection of the mother emperor, Respecting the words of creation has a great effect on the arrival of the entire dark age, and can win some precious time for them. However, this remnant soul of Wucai Zhenshen will absolutely disappear without a trace. There is no possibility of resurrection.

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