The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1140: Die so well!

"Senior, colorful, you have done enough, and then leave it to us, without having to destroy yourself."

Yun Qing'er's eyes were reddish, and she also knew everything that the colorful God had done. After seeing that colorful and colorful vortex, there was a pause, and her heart felt a little relaxed.

After all, as long as the colorful whirlpool can be stopped and the essence of this supernatural land is not completely consumed, it also means that the remnant soul of the colorful true **** may survive.

The advent of the dark ages was supposed to be a war between them today, the huge crisis they faced in the mysterious world, and now the multicolored true **** has only a ray of remnant soul, which has taken countless years. There is a possibility of rebirth. Whether it is Yunchuan or Yunqinger, they do not want to see a great contribution to the heavenly world long ago. They have killed a demon in the real world. The multicolored true **** of the next strand of residual souls completely annihilated the last strand of residual souls.


However, at this moment, the rumbling voice sounded again. The colorful vortex, after stopping for a few breaths due to the words of the mother emperor butterfly, slowly and firmly revolved again. The rolling and rolling room formed a stream of chaotic airflow, which caused the body of the female emperor butterfly to break up and roll at a faster speed than before.

"Okay! Good! Good! Colorful old ghost, it looks like you are already stubborn to kill this projection of me, but you are the only soul left in this world. I still do n’t want to keep the last trace of it! "

The mother emperor butterfly stopped seeing the colorful vortex and she was overjoyed. However, it didn't take long before the colorful vortex re-rolled, but it made the mother emperor butterfly startled and horrified again, with a sharp voice. Harsh mouth.

"Give up this stubble, fight evil for justice, and die where you want to go!"

With the rotation of the colorful vortex, the entire psychic land is constantly collapsing and collapsing. This is because with the condensing of the colorful vortex, all the colorful atmosphere of the entire psychic land has been stripped away. The reason for this is that without the many colorful spirits as the support, the foundation of the resurrection of the colorful **** will no longer exist in this supernatural place.

However, despite the constant collapse of Tongshi, there was a desolate and loud voice at the moment between heaven and earth. This sudden voice carried vicissitudes, but there was a kind of perseverance and determination, as if it had already been Made up for determination.

And with the rumbling voice of the high sky, in the center of the colorful vortex, there appeared an old man looming, with a colorful body around him. This old man's appearance was kind and looming, it looked like Unreal.

"Dark Demon? No, no, it was the dark demon of the day, who misappropriated the colorful true god. This is the true colorful true god, or that is, a wisp of soul that the colorful true **** still has."

When I saw the old man with kindness on his face, Yunchuan's face was startled, but the difference between the two was discerned the next moment, the one who had previously disguised in the colorful castle. Temperament is completely different from the phantom of this old man now. This old man with colorful awns all over him has a kind temperament, and people ca n’t help but raise a good impression on him. People feel like a spring breeze.

And this feeling is not caused by the charm of the human emperor, but by the special personality charm of her.

"Yunchuan, a descendant of the Tianxuan World, since you have inherited my Tao and inherited it, and it is very outstanding. I have a colorful successor, and there is no need for this remnant soul to continue. That colorful castle, It is my true **** ’s treasure, and it is precisely because of this true **** ’s treasure that I can wake me up from my deep sleep. Now you, the realm is still insufficient, and you cannot use the power of my true **** ’s treasure, but if Your understanding of the doctrine of Wucai has improved a little, and you may be able to use it a little bit. "

The figure of the colorful old man condensed from the center of the colorful vortex, looked kindly at Yunchuan, opened his eyes, and there was eagerness and satisfaction in the cloudy eyes.

"Uh, uh."

Yunchuan nodded again and again, and firmly remembered the words of this colorful true gods and remnants at this moment. He has seen that the state of colorful true gods and remnants at this moment is very wrong, and is constantly disintegrating with the trembling of the colorful vortex The whole person has reached the edge of that kind of disappearance, and if it continues like this, it won't take long for it to completely collapse and disintegrate.

This colorful old man's words to Yun Chuan became his last words. In this case, Yun Chuan didn't even dare to interrupt his words, because he was afraid the next moment, this colorful real body The remnant soul will perish completely.

"Yunchuan, you should know that in the last war, we failed. We did not succeed in preventing the advent of the stunned star, and everything returned to its origin. However, we did not fail completely, and the seeds of hope remained. Come down, if you can grow some more, open my colorful castle, which contains most of the most detailed things you want to know, now you have not been able to fully grow up, if you confuse the disaster star, and the mother If the emperor completely descends, you are not their opponent, and the Tianxuan world will repeat the previous mistakes again. It ’s okay if the old soul is completely annihilated. At least, it can be for you, for the Tianxuan world Fight for a while. "

Although this respectable old man's body is constantly in collapse, he doesn't care much about himself, and his wrinkled face has a free and easy color.

"Colorful old ghost, since you want to die out, then I will complete you. This is your fault. From then on, the last trace of the colorful true God left in the world will be completely wiped out and no longer exist!"

At that moment, the female Emperor Butterfly again made a sharp and harsh sound, and immediately, its huge body, which had become a worm body, suddenly lost its vitality, burst into pieces, and disappeared.

Without the traction of the traction of the beam of light, the projection of this mother emperor can no longer persist under the rotation of colorful swirls.

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