The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1148: Castle ghost

Yunchuan's face showed a little thoughtfulness, but he did not hesitate too much, squandering all the soul values ​​in the golden scrolls, and realizing the colorful road to the beginning.

He stretched out his palm, and at the next moment, he could clearly see that in the heart of Yunchuan, he originally only existed in the colorful castle as a brand. At this moment, he was gathered in many colorful lights, so he condensed into a colorful castle. Shadow, quietly spinning in the palm of Yunchuan.

"The colorful road of the entry realm can only summon the ghost of this colorful castle?"

Yunchuan looked at the colorful castle in the palm of his hand at the moment. Although the colorful castle is not the kind of thing that existed as a brand, it is just a ghost. The previous one will even dim the demon. This colorful divine castle, which has been annihilated in the real divine realm, has not been summoned by Yunchuan.

"go with!"

With a wave of Yunchuan's hand, the ghost of this colorful castle headed away in the distance like an arrow from the string, and fell directly to the center of the Luoyun Island where Yunchuan is located.

Kaka Kaka Kaka!

A series of broken sounds continue to come out. During the flight, the ghost image of this colorful castle directly assimilated the elemental forces of all directions into a colorful atmosphere, and thus absorbed and converged into the ghost image of this colorful castle. The wind rose and hit the center of Luoyun Island.

The area drawn by the ghostly shadow of this colorful castle seems to be a colorful rainbow, hanging over the entire island of Luoyun, looking colorful and beautiful.


However, Yunchuan's forehead was dripping with fine cold sweat, and the entire Liaoyun Island became turbulent at the moment when the colorful castle fell, accompanied by those crackling clicks, this A falling cloud island is about to fall directly.


The light flickered, and the ghostly shadow of this colorful castle was returned to Yun palm's palm, but although the ghostly shadow of this colorful castle was retracted by Yunchuan in time, it converged in the blow. Most of the power, but now this island of Yunyun is in danger and is about to fall.

Yunchuan can clearly feel that although the ghost of the colorful castle and his fall in Yunyun Island were a short collision, the power of the Tao contained in this floating island has been eliminated. No trace of it, nothing left.

The entire supermassage of the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor is located at high altitude. Many floating islands hang in the sky and never fall. It is very difficult to find the residence of the supermajority of the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor.

And these floating islands that never fall will always hang high in the sky, because these floating islands contain the void roads, and the massive void roads are the power, so they are suspended high in the air. .

However, as soon as the colorful shadow of the colorful castle contacted the floating island, the power of the colorful road contained in the colorful castle has directly assimilated the power of the void in Luoyun Island into the colorful road. With the power, Luoyun Island lost the void path contained in it, and fell directly apart, and fell down the next moment.

This is Yunchuan's timely discovery. In the case where the power contained in the colorful castle's ghost image was first recovered by 90%, if the power in the colorful castle had just erupted, I am afraid that this Luoyun Island has now been turned into A piece of black powder disappeared.

Kakah Kakah.

Thousands of miles of the entire island of Luoyun Island, the earth is like an earthquake, rumbling cracks, one after another extremely wide fissures continue to spread out from it, the dirt ran down, even those originally on the island of Luoyun The successive palaces collapsed one by one in the rumbling.

"What happened to Brother Chuan?"

The palace where Yun Qing'er was located was also bursting and cracking because of the violent turmoil in the entire Yunyun Island. The girl looked a little confused, and looked at Yunchuan with an embarrassed face and asked.

"It's okay, it's okay, this experiment didn't work well ..."

Yunchuan was embarrassed, and I didn't know how to explain it. Looking around, at this moment, the movement of Luoyun Island had attracted most of the elders and disciples in the Heavenly Emperor Sect.

Yunchuan's face was embarrassing, but now the situation is too late to pay attention to the surroundings, and he suddenly drank, and the power of the Void Road around him broke out at this moment, towards the constant fall of this seat, about to be torn apart. Falling Cloud Island injection.

His understanding of the Void Taoism is not as good as the previous causal Taoism, but it also has the level of the later stage of the world, and the power of the Void Tao is suddenly injected, which immediately made this cloud that was already in the verge of collapse and falling. The island stabilized again.

However, the current area of ​​Luoyun Island is thousands of miles away. Yunchuan did not have much preparation before. After a moment of rush, I suddenly felt that there was some power that could not be caught. perfusion.

"Mr. Yun, old man and others are here to help you!"

And at this moment, the elder Gu Yan who saw this scene in the distance and other principal elders came, and the power of the void came out, all gathered in Yunchuan Island, where Yunchuan was about to fall completely. With the injection of these principal elders' strength, the precarious situation in Luoyun Island became stable.

"Elder Yun, how can this empty island on the floating island become empty and empty?"

Although the elder Gu Yan previously saw the floating island where Yunchuan is falling down, he did not know exactly what happened, and when he came into contact with that falling cloud island, he knew what happened. Severity, asked in surprise.

"Ahem, inexplicable, inexplicable."

A bit of embarrassment appeared on Yunchuan's face at this moment. Luoyun Island is his island, but it was directly collapsed by a trial. If it was passed out, I am afraid that one of his sacred heaven The Lord was laughed away.

"However, although this floating island was stripped of the Void Path because of this accident, when I previously destroyed the Mother Emperor's altar, I obtained a large number of precious materials. In exchange for that batch of precious materials, maybe I can sacrifice this Sunyun Island and make it my own defense treasure! "

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