The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1149: More than enough

At present, this island of Yunyun has undergone previous experiments with the colorful castles of Yunchuan, and the void roads contained in it have been exhausted, although there are many elders of the Heavenly King Sect and Yunchuan's own void road. Then, under the injection, the cloud of Yunyun Island did not completely fall down, but Yunchuan knew that this was only temporarily maintained. To restore the original cloud of Yunyun Island, it was necessary to re-sacrifice it. Practice it.

When Yunchuan was in the depths of the sacred land, he had previously visited many treasures. This was exchanged for half of the net worth of the existence of the real godland of the mother emperor, but it has not been used yet. Yunchuan has already been cheap, and Yunchuan has made a lot of money.

"Elder Gu Yan, please take a look at all the books on the way of the refiner in the Holy Sect. I will prepare to re-sacrifice this Luoyun Island."

After a moment, the situation of the entire Liaoyun Island stabilized, and no longer fell down for the time being, Yunchuan vacated his hand and opened his mouth to the elder Gu Yan.

"Mr. Yun, you have to re-sacrifice this Luoyun Island? May wish to let Chu Laogui directly sacrifice, he is a master of the refining method, and if this floating island wants to fully sacrifice, it takes time and effort. It ’s better to let Chu Laogui do this coolie, and you do n’t have to do it yourself. ”

Hearing Yunchuan's words, Gu Yan's face was surprised, and he laughed a moment later.

"Ancient ghost, what is coolie!"

Not far away, Elder Chu Yuanwu heard the words of Elder Gu Yan, and immediately with a beard and a stare, turned to look at Yunchuan, and he laughed and said, "Sect of Yun, the void road that the Yundao Island broke into. It has been completely obliterated, and indeed it needs to be re-cultivated. It is aging and it does not take long. "

Elder Chu Yuanwu is a master of mastery of refining skills in the Sacred Sect of the Heavens. He had previously led Yunchuan to participate in the martial art exchange event hosted by the Qinglian Sect, and had a lot of friendship with Yunchuan.

The elder with gray hair and a pair of horns on his forehead has a sense of emotion on his face. The previous Yunchuan was just a junior he was more optimistic about. However, Yunchuan's growing step by step was greatly out of step. After his expectations, he even made him feel extremely amazing. Until now, he has become the master of the Emperor of the Heavenly King Sect. Under the leadership of Yunchuan, the strength of the King of the Heavenly Sect has also grown by leaps and bounds. Bulk potential.

And Elder Chu Yuanwu was also convinced of Yunchuan, taking the big bag at the moment, covering the work of re-cultivating Luoyun Island to himself.

"Thank you for the kindness of the two elders, but I have nothing to do in my spare time. I also got a batch of smelters and treasures. This time it can come in handy and allow me to practice."

Yunchuan shook his head and laughed: "Elder Chu must have forgotten that I also learned a lot in the way of refining. Although I haven't studied too much in this period, the technology industry hasn't become rusty. This time, I Prepare to sacrifice Luoyun Island Festival into one of my supreme defense treasures! "

Elder Chu Yuanwu's face was stunned, and he nodded in the next moment. What Yunchuan said was true. He had seen Yunchuan Refiner before, and knew that Yunchuan was not a layman who knew nothing about the way of refining. It has good talent.

However, Chu Yuanwu still had deep doubts about Yunchuan's words that he wanted to sacrifice this Luoyun Island into a defensive treasure. Because he wanted to sacrifice the Supreme Treasure, the state of the sacrifice himself, There are also accomplishments in refining the Tao, and there are other ways to comprehend the Tao. Although he has deep accomplishments in the Refining Tao, he has never been able to reach the world because of his realm. Therefore, it is impossible to sacrifice the Supreme Treasure alone.

"Yes, Lord Yun, if you want to sacrifice the Supreme Treasure, the requirements of the refining equipment are extremely high. The ordinary materials cannot sacrifice a Supreme Treasure at all. The size of the island is huge, so the material consumed is an astronomical figure! "

Elder Chu Yuanwu seems to be thinking of something, and said to Yunchuan: "The treasures of countless years in my sacred sect can be sacrificed to a supreme treasure, but half of the heritage will be lost."

After all, if the power of a supreme treasure is fully agitated, it is equivalent to a supreme existence, but the same consumption is also extremely great. In this case, many super bulks have accumulated for countless years before they can accumulate enough. Refining a treasure of supreme treasure.

The treasures accumulated in the Emperor's Sect of Heaven over the years are only able to sacrifice a supreme treasure again. Yunchuan is the new ruler in the Emperor's Sect of Heaven. These treasures are naturally for his use, but the sacrifice In the case of Luoyun Island, it is still a big question whether such a large area can be successfully sacrificed by the precious materials accumulated over the years in the Sacred Heavenly Sect.

If the sacrifice fails, there is no doubt that the precious materials accumulated over the years in the Sacred Heavenly Sect will disappear, and Yunchuan will no longer have enough precious materials to worship its own supreme treasure. On the issue, Elder Chu Yuanwu had to be extremely cautious.

"Oh, Elder Chu rest assured that I set foot in the sky before and occasionally found a batch of treasures, which was enough for me to worship several Supreme Treasures!"

Facing the concerns of Elder Chu Yuanwu, Yunchuan smiled and said confidently.

"Enough to sacrifice several treasures?"

After hearing Yunchuan's words, Chu Yuanwu, a well-informed chief elder, suddenly felt a little shocked and incredible. You must know that to sacrifice a supreme treasure, you have to empty the Heavenly King Sect. The supermass has collected the treasures accumulated over many years, and it is enough to support the sacrifice of multiple supreme treasures. I am afraid that in the entire world of Xuan Xuan, no one supermass dares to boast such a seaport.

However, Yunchuan found a batch of treasures in the starry sky, enough to allow him to sacrifice several supreme treasures. How could Chu Yuanwu not be shocked, saying that Yunchuan is now the largest soil in the entire Tianxuan world? The rich man is not overstated.

Although Chu Yuanwu said that he was shocked in his heart, he was not idle. Instead, he rushed out of his storage space and directly took out all the classics about the way of refining in the Sacred Heavenly Sect, saying: "Sovereign, these are There are many books on the Tao of the Refiner in my Holy Sect, all of which are transcripts here. You can go there again, save the ancient and old ghosts. "

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