The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1152: Past life mystery

The Sword of Clouds, the Silver Flying Boat, and the three worldly treasures of the Island of Clouds have been sacrificed successfully, and Yunchuan's current strength has been greatly improved compared with the previous one.

Although it is said that Yunchuan consumed a lot in this treasure refining that lasted for three months, but it did not damage it at all. After having the entire Heavenly Emperor Sect as the backing, the endless source of power was added to let Yunchuan Xiu Wei's strength soon resumed as usual.

"Yunchuan cousin ..."

However, at this moment, a voice came and attracted Yunchuan's eyes.

"Brother Yun Tiantang?"

Yunchuan turned his head and looked surprised, and with his gaze he saw that it was Yuntian who came to him not far away.

Many of the elders of the Emperor Heavenly Sect, the disciples have seen this scene, with a look of surprise on their faces, Yuntian naturally knows that, and in the recent period, with the advent of the evil, Yuntian is also in the evil Fame rises.

Although compared with Yunchuan, who is now the master of the supermassive sect of the Apocalypse, Yuntian looks a bit bleak, but compared with the younger generation who has recently risen, Yuntian can be regarded as one of the best. , Absolutely Tianjiao characters.

However, during this period of time, Yuntian did not enter the Heavenly Sect of Desolation, but remained in the original Tao Danzong. Due to Yuntian's reason, Tao Danzong has now truly been promoted to become a first-class sect, and it is first-class Outstanding among the sects.

"Yunchuan, recently, my mind seems to have some more memories that were not mine, or some broken memory fragments. In the extra memory fragments in my mind, I seem to have experienced it. In a different life, the entire world of Xuanxuan is shrouded in boundless darkness and monsters, and the most appearing is a golden light scroll ... "

Yuntian spoke, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and with his memories, a bit of pain appeared on his face. Obviously, his memories were not easy, and even made his forehead seep into the cold sweat and grit his teeth. "I don't know why. Recently, such a picture has always appeared in my mind. With the advent of the devil, these broken memories appear more and more in my mind."

Yunchuan is now the world's supreme figure, and in the previous battles to destroy the monsters, Yunchuan has already faintly become the first person in the Tianxuan world, and Yuntian has previously asked several worlds. Extreme figures, but these world-class figures don't even know what happened to Yuntian.

Hearing Yun Tian ’s words that seemed to recall the general words, Yun Chuan's pupils suddenly shrank. Although her face remained calm, Yun Chuan's heart caused a stormy sea.

"The entire world of Tian Xuan is shrouded in endless darkness? What appears most often is a scroll with golden light? This should be the scene of Yun Tian from the previous life. Hasn't all this changed with my rebirth, Yun Tian? Life is no longer following the previous trajectory. How can Yuntian still have fragments of memories from previous lives? "

Yunchuan's heart was shocked. He looked at Yuntian himself. At that moment, because of the previous memories, the whole person seemed to have suffered a great deal of pain, his brows were frowned, and dripping sweat dripped from his forehead.

Yunchuan is now the supreme existence of the world, and has extremely powerful sense of soul and soul, but now Yuntian is only the gap between strength and realm at the beginning of the magical world. If Yuntian is lying, Yunchuan can naturally feel To the end.

However, Yunchuan did not feel that Yuntian had any lying psychological fluctuations. The words he just said were not at all false, not to mention that the golden scrolls are now rooted in the deep soul of Yunchuan. No one can find out that the words that Yuntian just said also ruled out the possibility of fiction.

"In the past, Yuntian, with the help of golden scrolls, was honored as the emperor Yuntian, and as far as I know, it can be honored as a emperor, at least it should be a true divine realm, as was the previous mother emperor. However, after my rebirth, the memories of previous lives have been too much missing. I still do n’t know much about what Yuntian did when he was the emperor of Yuntian. "

Yunchuan quickly calmed down his mind, frowning slightly, everything Yun Tian said now was really beyond his expectations, and even had a sense of surprise.

"Mr. Fei, when I was born again, it was not a coincidence like I thought before, but it was premeditated, or when the emperor Yuntian died in a frenzy, there were some backhands left? After the Holy Emperor became mad, he practiced the sacrament of samsara and slaughtered countless people in one fell swoop. At that time, I became a remnant soul in the sacrament of samsara. The sacrament of samsara ... maybe there are some rules, there are Can the mystery of the time be reversed and everything be returned to its original origin? "

The previous life was already a bit perceptive when Yunchuan felt it, but after Yuntian's thoughts today, it is to let Yunchuan connect all the things he has previously known, so that Yunchuan's heart rises. A sense of horror.

"Yunchuan, do you know what's going on here? Also, in the last few days, among the broken memory fragments that appeared at that time, there has been a discourse, the seed of hope, which is always in me Thinking back ... "

Just then, Yuntian spoke again, and immediately attracted Yunchuan's attention.

"Brother Yun Tiantang, for the seed of hope, I have heard the colorful God before, you may wish to follow me during this period to see if you can think of more things."

In Yunchuan's eyes flashing, it seemed that he had made up his mind and slowly spoke.

After returning from this rebirth, he took the golden scrolls that originally belonged to Yuntian as his own, and changed the life trajectory of the two. Yunchuan originally thought that Yuntian would spend his entire life peacefully and no longer He died in the madness of the past, but now it seems that the current situation of Yuntian has already encountered great problems, and it seems that there have been some changes that he did not expect.

Yunchuan is going to completely solve the problem of the ancient devil's nest. Yuntian previously said that he had come into contact with the evils that have erupted in the Tianxuan world in recent years, and then there was a memory fragment in his mind. Chuan wanted to find a solution to this.

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