The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1153: Talk to Yuntian

In addition, the word of seed of hope also touched Yunchuan very much. Although he said that he heard the word of seed of hope said by the remnant soul of the colorful god, Yunchuan had no way of searching. It is known that it would be of great benefit to Yun Tian if there were specific records of seeds of hope in his broken memory.

The time for Yunchuan to get this golden scroll is too short, and in this life, with the emergence of the Dark Creator and the change of the Buddha and others, the traction beam appeared, and the time of the Dark Age was advanced by dozens of times. Years, and now the time left to Yunchuan is less than ten years.

Compared with Yuntian of the previous life, the preparation time for Yunchuan is even less. At the time of its fall, Yuntian had at least the cultivation of the true state of God, and Yunchuan's arrival in the next dark age was less than this. In ten years, at least it must be upgraded to the strength of the true **** realm, this is the capital that can turn the tide in the dark age.

"it is good!"

Yuntian heard Yunchuan's words and nodded in agreement, Yuntian has also been a little scared and panicked about his own changes over the period of time, but now it seems that Yunchuan seems to have a lot of his changes. Understand that the moment is like grabbing the last straw.

Yunchuan nodded and took Yuntian toward the area where the ancient devil's nest was located. Yunqinger remained in the barbaric sacred sect. The girl had already learned a lot in that experience, and she is now taking those many The understanding is all integrated, and as long as the integration is completed, Yun Qing'er enters the world and becomes a supreme figure.

Of course, before Yun Qinger's real promotion to the world, Yunchuan still has to return to Yun Qinger to find a side of the void as the seed of the small world, so that it can lay a good foundation.

Yunchuan and Yuntian both galloped all the way. The silver flying boat, which is already the supreme treasure of the world, exuded an indomitable breath and turned into a silver streamer. Wherever they passed, the void seemed to turn into a wave of water. It's like flowing in the ocean.

Riding this silver flying boat, although it is not a teleportation, its speed is much faster than that. The silver flying boat is extremely fast, but there is a screen-like light on the outside. The circulation makes Yunchuan and Yuntian in them not feel any discomfort.

After a moment, under the gallop of this silver flying boat, the ancient devil's nest was already in sight.

Yunchuan put away the silver flying boat, and his face showed a bit of joy at this moment. He just experimented with the power of the silver flying boat, and has already been able to initially test it. If he urges this silver flying boat with all his strength, the whole sky Mysterious world, between the five regions, Yunchuan can come in less than a day.

"Ancient god, why haven't they appeared yet, did they not welcome me?"

Yunchuan and Yuntian came outside this ancient god's devil's nest, and looked towards the distance. I saw the devil's cloud rolling above this devil's nest, so that the sky of tens of thousands of miles was rendered a layer of black , Faintly able to hear bursts of thunderous sounds coming out of the ancient devil's nest.

This sound followed by another sound, like a thunderous sound, is exactly the sound of the heart beat of the ancient god.

Yunchuan's words came out remotely, and they passed into this ancient god's nest. After time has passed, the ancient god's nest has never heard a voice. Only the black magic cloud is still rolling. Spin endlessly.

"Don't welcome me?"

Yunchuan's body stood up like a green pine. After standing for a while, outside of the ancient demon nest, after seeing that the ancient devil's nest still had no movement, Yunchuan's complexion became a little bit It got cold.

"In this case, I will let you take the initiative to welcome me!"


In the next moment, the falling cloud sword burst out. At the moment when the falling cloud sword appeared, the entire sky and the sky were radiant, just like the first light between the entire sky and the earth since it opened the world. The dense fog of magic outside the devil's nest was completely chopped off at this moment.

And when the falling cloud sword fell, countless roads converged around this falling cloud sword, letting this falling cloud sword, and thus brought together a phantom with a lot of lands, as if the whole Above the sky, the heavenly sword that was cut and chopped is like.

Kakah Kakah.

This ancient god's nest was originally the strongest defense created by the ancient god. Previously, it was not completely destroyed in the battle against the creators of darkness. After the previous battle, the ancient **** was also obtained as a result. Because of the great benefits, I got a lot of the essence of magic, and a large part of it was used on the ancient god's nest to make it stronger.

However, with the cutting of that sword, this incredibly tough ancient **** devil's nest directly sent out a series of cracking clicks, which can be seen by the naked eye. There were countless cracks permeating the contact area of ​​the devil's nest.

As long as this situation lasts for a period of time, then it is not surprising that the ancient devil's nest will certainly let this sword directly cut a huge gap.

"Yunchuan! Stop!"

At this moment, there are countless devil mists rolling inside the ancient god's nest, so the huge face of the ancient **** is formed, and the voice has anxiety and unbelievable, hurriedly speaking.

"Why, didn't you welcome me?"

There was a sneer on Yunchuan's face, and the horrifying power of the falling cloud sword continued to spread. Causal road, Wucai Road, Void Road, Time Road, Qinglian Kendo ... Between extensions, each one spreads like a chain, showing all kinds of strange visions, and at the same time showing a lot of horrible powers.

Various doctrines are superimposed on each other, superimposed on this falling cloud sword, and evolved into an unparalleled sharpness. It is this sharpness that makes the world and the world tremble because of this, which makes this extremely tough. The ancient devil's nest that resisted the attack of the demigod, at this moment, there appeared countless horrible fissures.

Even if the face of the ancient **** in the ancient devil's nest appeared with anxiety, Yunchuan's falling cloud sword did not stop, but still slowly and firmly went down.

Where the two collide, the void is crushed and crushed silently, emitting endless light and heat.

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