The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1186: Surrender

"It turned out that way, the shadow devil ..."

The principals and elders in these several 10,000 demon palaces have completely understood the antecedents and consequences of the matter, and each one is shocked and sad: "I did not expect that the suzerain was occupied by demons, and he should have been taken away."

"Who said I was dead."

The shadow space of the Shadow Demon's mind has almost been completely burned by karma, just like a tattered rag. It cannot stand on its own. From here, you can clearly see the scenes of the sunset mountains, right here. While the principal elders in several Wan Yao Palaces were in sorrow, suddenly the shadow king, who had been entangled by karma, was about to be completely incinerated, opened his eyes, and showed kindness with the face of Wan Yao Supreme. Color, hurriedly said, "Several elders, don't listen to their words. My life will soon die. Come here quickly. Although I will die, the heritage of the Wan Yao Palace cannot be cut off."

The tone of his speech was exactly the same as that of Wan Yao Supreme, making the chief elders in these several Wan Yao palaces suddenly shocked and happy. A chief elder shook his body and showed a golden princess in its original form. Booming towards the 10,000 demon supreme, surprised and happy: "You are not dead, lord? I will say ..."


The demon star evil hummed coldly, his big hand was like a cloud of heaven, and he grabbed at the golden Dapeng, his voice was still annoyed, although his speed was, but the shadow king who was about to incinerate into gray was there The moment Golden Dapeng arrived, it seemed that the last might in life was bursting out. Rushing towards the Golden Dapeng, it was about to fall into it.

Although the demon Xie Xun shot quickly, he did not expect that the dying Wanying Demon King who had been burned by the karma actually retained the last ray of strength, as long as he could re-integrate with the principal elder of the 10,000 demon palaces. When the karma was extinguished, he had a chance to be resurrected and even resurrected.

Even Yunchuan and Gushen are too late to make a shot. The existence of such a demigod can be said to be able to do one thing between them. After a while, it is difficult to re-apply It's catching up.

"Dead is not dead. I am indeed dead but not dead. The tragic war a long time ago failed to completely wipe me out and turned me into a million shadows to be born again. Now, I will not die!"

That group is in the karma, and the existence of Wan Yao Supreme looks like a laugh. There is joy in the laughter for the rest of his life, and the Shadow Road is far more strange than other Taoism, as long as he will do karma. After being extinguished, it's easy to escape and make a comeback here.

The elder in the Wan Yao Palace whose main body is the golden penguin also found that something was wrong at the moment, and tried to step back, except that the existence of his divine realm said that the strength was not weak, but in front of the Wan Ying Demon King, But it is like a baby who is a toddler, it is basically inevitable and retreat.

"Shadow Devil, don't you think about it!"

However, just at the moment when the body of the Wanying Devil's burning industry fire was about to be submerged in the body of the elder of the Wan Yao Palace, suddenly, the words of Wan Yao Extremely Old but decisive came out from his mouth, and his Body, also paused for a breath at this moment.

"I've made a great mistake, but Wan Yao Palace shouldn't be buried here, it shouldn't be buried in my hands ..."

Originally fused by the shadow monster's remnants, it has become the Wan Yao Supreme who blends the foundation of consciousness. At this moment, it is as if the last potential in life has been released, forcing the Wan Yao Supreme body to stop breathing for a while. time.

boom! boom!

And the stagnation of this breathing time, all the results have changed, the big hands of Yunchuan and Yao Xingzhuang came in, the big hands of Yuan Xingzong's Yuanli came in, and took the golden Dapeng away from here However, Yunchuan's Yuanli's big hands contain extremely powerful power, and the palm of his hand will directly smash the body of the Wan Yao Supreme who is burning with the raging fire.

The karma raged, and finally shattered the body of the Wan Yao Supreme, along with the fused consciousness Wan Ying, and let its complete body disappear.

Only Wanxun Supreme, with his old age and a sad voice, echoed in the entire sunset mountain range, and never dispersed.

The golden Dapeng rescued by the demon star evil demon, as well as several other elders in the Wan Yao Palace, were all dull. After a moment, they knelt down and respectfully slammed their heads towards the position where Wan Yao Supreme fell. Five bodies cast the ground, turned away without going back, and returned to Wan Yao Palace.

Yunchuan looked at the whereabouts of Wanmon Supreme, and sighed. According to the degree of integration of Shadow Demon's remnant and Wanmon Supreme at that time, no matter how Wanwan Supreme's consciousness could not emerge again.

However, at the last moment, Wan Yao Supreme, the former lord of Wan Yao Palace, couldn't bear to see the Wan Yao Palace being destroyed, but still gave out his final strength, controlled the breathing time of the body, and let the battle truly fall. Curtain.

"Master Wan Yao, at least in the end, you still maintain the final dignity of being in the supreme state. This is the old opponent who has fought with me for a lifetime, not a poor worm controlled by a monster!"

The demon star evil mumbled, his complexion said.

Yunchuan nodded, looked at the evil star, and sighed, "Don't break or stand, Daoyou, although Wan Yao Supreme said that he was dead, but if it weren't for him, the setting sun wouldn't fall into the rain of Dao. From now on, the entire demons will rise up! "

The demon star nodded his head, and he was also able to anticipate this, so this look was a little complicated, and sighed: "This is just the prelude before the catastrophe, and many Taoists have fallen into it. If it is really big, The robbery is coming, I don't know who can survive that trouble. "

Although he said that he had truly been promoted to the late stage of the world, if he was talking about the realm, he was already the first of many super-sovereign lords, but now he has no slight joy in his heart.

Although the fusion consciousness formed by the shadow demon king's fusion with the demon Supreme is dead, the karmic fire of Ebara is still burning in this area. After three days, this slowly flattens out. Take a break.

The demon star demon appears in its original form, and the strength of the later stage of the world's cultivation emerges without any reservation at this moment, turning into a spring rain to nourish all things, because this sunset mountain range originally passed the battle of several world-class supreme characters. Has become sore.

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