The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1187: Qinger Breakthrough

Although the shadow space on that side is not really located in the sunset mountains, but in a special mezzanine, after being burned by the cause and effect industry, a large area in the depths of the sunset mountains has become a piece. The vast ruins and even countless mountains have become a fan.

After the power of the demon Xingzun fell, among the mountains that had completely collapsed, the earth was shaking and shaking, forming a continuous chain of mountains. The mountains that had previously collapsed are being transformed by an extremely fast Speed ​​reappears.

There are even small saplings breaking out of the ground, and Yunchuan's time channel is flowing. These small saplings are growing at a very fast speed. It seems that time has passed here for hundreds of years and just a short time. , From the previous kind of small saplings to grow into a towering tree.

The power of the ancient god's blood is surging, and the blood and blood channels are tumultuous. Even in the sky, there is blood rain. This area of ​​the sunset mountain range that was originally collapsed, although it is said that Yunchuan and the evil star are the two. Weili regenerates, but the area just regenerated, there are still a lot of deficiencies compared with other places. After these blood rains fell, this defect disappeared without a trace.

The area of ​​the setting sun mountains is extremely important in the entire Tianxuan world. It can even be said to be the backbone of the entire Tianxuan world. It even faintly affects the other five regions. In this case, it is natural to not lose. The gray-black rainwater formed by the many shadowy roads previously burned by the industry fire fell into the entire Tianxuan Mountains, which is also considered by Yunchuan.

"Mr. Yun, I am exempted from the terror of the sunset mountain demon. Thanks to your help, if you have any help in the future, I will have no objection to the monsters!"

At this time, the evil star evil respect looked at Yunchuan, and said with gratitude in his voice.

Now that he is the late existence of the demon star, he is the master of the demon star demon. When the demon is dead, it can be said that the demon star devil is already the master of the demon tribe. The words spoken are absolutely Can represent the demon race in the entire sunset mountains.

In fact, at this moment, the demon star evil demon is really convinced of Yunchuan. No matter whether it is strength or strategy, Yunchuan makes his world existence sigh.

"Qinger broke through?"

At this moment, when Yunchuan's expression moved, his face was shocked and delighted, and then he received a voice. It was learned that during the period when he beheaded and killed the Shadow Demon King, it had already reached the end of the magical power. Yun Qinger, taking advantage of this period of time to finally make the last step, successfully promoted to the state of the world today.

"What's so great about Cloud Sect?"

The demon star Xunzun inspected the words and saw the excitement appeared on Yunchuan's face, and he was surprised, and asked.

"Oh, not long ago, Yun Qing'er broke into the supreme realm, brother, since it's happening here, I'll go back to the school first!"

Yunchuan didn't conceal anything and said goodbye.

"I have one more world-class figure in the world today?"

Hearing Yunchuan's words, a shock and joyful look also appeared on the face of Yao Xie Zun, saying, "Yun Zong takes one step ahead, and later, my demon Xie Zong prepares a big gift and goes to celebrate."

Yunchuan nodded, and then looked at the ancient **** again, arching hand in hand: "Brother, your help in this period of time, keep in mind."

The ancient **** didn't dare to entrust him, and hurriedly quit. He laughed, "This time is also laborious. You can return to the ancestors while Yunzong is the master. I will also take advantage of this period to cultivate myself.

This time, he helped Yunchuan to eliminate two monsters one after another, and he also got a lot of benefits. When he saw Yunchuan's resignation, he also left, and was ready to take advantage of the benefits that he had previously obtained, to further improve his strength.

The silver flying boat appeared, turning into a streamer, carrying Yunchuan away.

"The lord is back!"

With the promotion of Yun Qing'er to become a supreme existence, in the entire Heavenly King Sect, at this moment it has become a sea of ​​celebration. With the arrival of Yunchuan, the faces of these elders and disciples of the King Sacred King, one All are filled with joy from the heart.

Yunchuan nodded his head, greeted the elders of these principals, and headed for Yunqinger.

"Chuan brother."

Yun Qing'er walked out of the retreat, with a happy face on Qiao's face. On her body, the cold temperament was permeated, like a fairy walking out of the painting. When she saw Yunchuan's return, Yun Qing'er smiled like a flower and let the whole film The world is shining.

Yunchuan embraced Yun Qing'er into her arms, and her mood was agitated. Yun Qing'er was able to follow him successfully and successfully enter the world. It can be said that the self-protection power has increased greatly in the dark age that is about to come. .

"However, although Qinger now says that because of the Taiyin body, she has a weak perception of Taivagong, and Taoism is no longer a problem, but because she has just been promoted to the world, she belongs to her own side. The small world hasn't fully condensed yet, so it should be chosen carefully. "

Yun Qing'er has just been promoted to the state of the world, and his realm has not yet fully stabilized. However, promotion to the state of the world means that he can condense his own small world.

Yunchuan had condensed his own small world when he was not in the world. This is related to his various accumulated knowledge. However, Yun Qing'er didn't have all the small things he had before. The origin of the world is accumulated as the foundation, so it is difficult to be alone in your own small world before being promoted to the world.

"Qing'er, maybe we should go to the Umbra while we're here."

Yunchuan groaned and spoke to Yun Qing'er a moment later.

Yun Qing'er wants to condense his own small world. Naturally, the best choice is to go to the Utopia and cut the next small world from the Utopia again as the source of the cohesion of the small world. Although the small world that Yun Qinger will consolidate is not as good as him, he is much stronger than the general world existence.

However, the entrance to this nether world is extremely difficult to find. Even if Yunchuan has already found the experience once, but he ca n’t guarantee it. After Yun Qing'er was promoted to the world, the sooner he condensed his own side, The benefits will be greater in a small world, so Yunchuan did not stay long after returning to the Apocalypse.

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