The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1193: Son of the other side

The dark eyes of these black armor souls were as cold as a torch, and they constantly glanced around Yunchuan and Yunqinger.

Yunchuan's brows were slightly frowned, and the next path around Zhou was faintly flowing, so she was ready to shoot at any time, while Yun Qing's Zhou's upper and lower **** was flowing between the places, and even the surrounding void was faintly distorted. Feelings, blossoming in the void, life and death.

Feeling this kind of Xiao Xiao's breath, in the small world of Yunchuan, the other shore flower also began to become a little turbulent, and wanted to let Yunchuan release it.

"Huh? On him, I feel a breath that seems to have the same roots as the adults on the other side, extremely noble!"

This extremely depressing breath lasted for a few breaths, and suddenly, a black armor soul felt the turbulent other shore flower in Yunchuan's small world, and suddenly his face changed. The color disappeared without a trace, replaced by a shock and incredible, even with awe and respect.

When Yunchuan looked, the next small world deliberately let go of his own small world, so that the atmosphere of the other side of the flower in the small world once again exuded a ray, so that several other black armor souls can also feel the Yunchuan small at this moment. The breath of flowers on the other side of the world.

"This is the breath of the son of the other shore!"

"Adults on the other side are one of the ten masters of my Umbra. If you want to, the flowers on the other side can be used in every aspect of the Umbra, but these other flowers cannot really grow to the height of the adults on the other side. The sons of the other side cultivated by endless hard work are the true heirs of the adults on the other side. I faintly heard that every son of the other side has the carefully chosen guardians chosen by the other side so that the sons of the other side will not be in Die before you even grow up! "

These black armor souls are stationed in this city one by one. Naturally, they are well-informed, and they will have heard rumors faintly. At this moment, you have inferred conclusions under your words and words. Even the soul on his body was a little turbulent.

"You, Lord Protector?"

There is a black armor soul body opening, which is different from the previous questioning. At this moment, the voices of these black armor soul bodies have a respectful meaning. Looking at Yunchuan, he tried to open the mouth and asked.

"I didn't expect to be discovered by you anymore. My identity was inconveniently exposed. I had deliberately concealed it for your benefit. You are clever, but you are wrong!"

Hearing the tentative inquiries of these black armor souls, Yunchuan sighed, showing the color of compassion on his face and shaking his head.

"That's it. I waited for what I heard before and it was true!"

"I also heard earlier that there is not one son on the other side, but there are several. The adults on the other side allow these many sons on the other side to compete with each other. In the end, there is only one who can inherit the honor of the adults on the other side. The battles are extremely fierce, as are the defenders between them. I am waiting to be involved in this whirlpool! "

"It's no wonder that the Lord Guardian would not want to startle me. It turned out to be the case. From the breath I felt before I waited, the Son of the Other Side to which the Lord Guardian belonged was not yet an adult. The Lord Guardian wanted To avoid disputes, I did not expect that I was intercepted directly by accidental hits! "

Hearing the tone of Yunchuan's words, these black armored souls immediately confirmed their previous guesses, and each one secretly grieved.

"Master Daoist, I didn't intend to offend. I also belong to His Majesty on the other side. Master Daoist, you come to this extradition city by the side of the extradition bridge. You want to come and have your own considerations. Familiarity may help some adults. "

When I saw Yunchuan silent, the hearts of these black armored souls became more and more stubborn. Although Yunchuan said that he had hidden the fluctuations of the breath around him, it made these black armored souls impossible for a while. See clearly the truth and reality of Yunchuan and Yunqinger, but these black armored souls are preconceived, but in their hearts they have already established the identity of the guardians of Yunchuan and the guardians of the sons of the other bank. , Its strength is naturally nowhere to go.

If the two Yunchuan are the soul-eaters they had previously guessed, then these black armor souls are naturally not afraid of both Yunchuan and Yunqinger's shots, because this extradition of the hidden dragons and crouches in the city will naturally not let those who eat The soul shoots, but now the two are the guardians of the sons of the other side. They have more identities than them and have the strength and ability to kill them at any time.

"Oh, I'm really new here, and I don't know much about many things, so please explain it to me."

Yunchuan groaned for a moment. The original frowning brows also stretched out at this moment, smiling a little, letting these black armor souls breathe a sigh of relief.

"However, you have to be clear. My identity is still a secret now. Be sure not to let too many people know my news. This is also for your benefit. Once my news is leaked out, it will be involved. The stakes are too big, and you must also understand that with your strength, once you are involved in such a vortex, I am afraid that none can escape from it! "

Before waiting for the sighs of these black armor souls to breathe a sigh of relief, Yunchuan continued to speak, so that the hearts of these black armor souls suddenly became one by one, nodding their heads and saying: "Guard Road Lord Master, rest assured that we can distinguish the stakes in this. We are the most loyal guards of His Majesty the Other Side, and will not betray the Lord Taoist and the son of the other side! "

"Well, the sons of the other shore see your actions in the eyes, and if you do well, you will not be treated badly."

The black armor souls vowed one by one, and Yunchuan's face showed satisfaction, spreading a smile.

Hearing Yunchuan's almost promise-like words, all of these previously scared black armor souls suddenly exulted one by one, and their agitated bodies trembled and nodded.

"By the way, I and the other two were helping the sons of the other side to break through. This period of retreat was not clear to many outside things. Earlier I heard you say that the other side of the city is selecting potential souls. What happened? "

Each of these black armor souls fell into ecstasy, especially the promise of Yunchuan earlier, which made them want to perform well one by one.

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