The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1194: Connected Realms

Yunchuan almost finished his speech. The other black armor souls began to introduce them to Yunchuan and Yunqinger one by one. You can add one word and one word to each other. I want to make a good impression on Yunchuan and Yunqinger.

These black armor souls explained one by one. After a while, Yunchuan and Yunqinger looked at each other, and the two eyes showed a shocking and clear look.

Under Yunchuan's previous intentional intentions, these black armor souls all completely believed in the words of Yunchuan's protectors. Both Yunchuan and Yunqinger were deliberately seduced by words, very It's easy for both of them to know most of the things about this netherworld.

"Chuan Brother, according to the previous inferiority of these black armor soul bodies, this nether world is really a world that is not inferior to, or even higher than, the heavenly world. There are most of the world in the starry sky. They are all connected to this Umbra, and all the ordinary people who have not set foot in martial arts in those small worlds, one by one, their dead souls will enter this Umare after death. "

Yun Qing'er's eyes widened, and the shock and unbelievable color flashed in his eyes, then he was well covered by him, and he opened his mouth to Yunchuan's voice.

Yunchuan nodded, and his eyes showed a dignified color. The entrance to the Umbra was not only connected to the Tian Xuan world, but even to other worlds. From this one can clearly see that this Umbra Is a lot higher than the Tianxuan world.

"According to what I have learned before, maybe Tianxuan World can be compared with this netherworld before it has been robbed, but now it is far worse. Presumably, the existence of a world is not uncommon in this world. There is even higher existence! "

Yunchuan's heart was shocked. After knocking out the general situation in this side of the world, his heart was inexplicable.

"Not only that, but the seed of the other side flower that I have obtained earlier is probably unimaginable. It is the son of the Lord of the Ten Sides in the Underworld, and the other side of the flower side that has been chased through the other side If nothing else, it should be the true protector of the flower seed of the other bank, but it was only occupied by my dove! "

Thinking of this, whether it is Yunchuan or Yunqinger, one by one is in their hearts. Although their current status is said to be extremely respected and held by the stars of these black armor souls, this is also their fiction. In the case that the identity of the guardian has not been dismantled, once the identity of the guardian is broken, I am afraid that even the Lord of the Ten Sides will be alarmed and chase them down.

"However, just these black armor souls just said that in this extradition city, a part of the potential souls are being initially selected. As long as they can pass the elections, they can get a re-concentrated soul. Opportunity, according to the previous black armor souls, this re-condensing soul body consumes this extradition city every time, but it has a great benefit to the soul. The strength of my soul now is After a series of chance coincidences, it has reached the level of the highest level of the world. If this re-concentrated soul really has great benefits to the soul as it says, maybe I can rely on this Ascended to the demigod state! "

Yunchuan's eyes flickered, and after a while he was old-fashioned and said: "I know about it, huh, you know, I am the protector of the son of the other shore. Now the son of the other shore has not yet grown up and needs some experience. Now this selection Then it ’s a good opportunity for me to experience it. Take me to take a look. Um, be careful not to expose my identity, or you will wait for some unpredictable risks for you! "

"Uh-huh, I'll wait, I know!"

The black armored souls looked at each other, and the face showed a clear color. The black armored soul headed out stepped out, respectfully said: "I still have some permissions. I can directly serve two protectors. Obtained a qualification for selection, however, this selection is organized by the city owner. The falsehood of the two adults will likely be seen by the city owner ... "


Yunchuan groaned a little, but then waved his hand and said, "I and others who are the guardians of the other bank, as long as there is no child who is also the other bank's son, other people can't pose too much threat to me, even if It does n’t matter if it finds it. ”

After hearing such words from Yunchuan, the faces of these black armored souls became more respectful. The head of the black armored soul said: "Two adults, my name is Heiyi, then Come down and ask two adults to come with me to select and register for that qualification. A few of you, guard the gate here, make sure not to let other souleaters break into it. "

The black armored body headed by this one has a serious face and speaks in a deep voice towards the other black armored bodies, then leads Yunchuan and Yunqinger in the envious eyes of the other black armored bodies. People went towards the city.

These black armored souls are responsible for selecting the many white undeads, and only the black armored soul headed by that one has sufficient authority to leave, but the other black armored souls can only be envious.

Yunchuan and Yun Qing'er both swayed and followed. Heiyi entered the city and looked around in the city. I saw that inside the black city, all the facilities are available, except that there is a city near the gate. This black armor soul is guarded by heavy soldiers. Except for Xiao Xiao, other places are extremely prosperous, and even cries of sales are one after another.

"A donkey's soul meat bun, thin and thin!"

"Soul hawthorn gourd, a string of soul stones!"

"Soul Treasure Fragment, the ghost king of Yuantai Realm said yes!"

The sound of yelling came one after another, and it passed into the ears of Yunchuan and Yunqinger. Before Yunqinger arrived at a stall selling hawthorn gourds, his eyes showed curiosity, and I saw this hawthorn gourd and Tianxuan The appearance of the most common hawthorn gourd in the world is not much different, but it looks like an illusion when it looks like an illusion.

Yunchuan picked up two bunches of this hawthorn gourd, one bunch was passed to Yun Qing'er, and the other bunch was put into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the faces of Yunchuan and Yunqinger were surprised. They put this soul hawthorn gourd in their mouths, and there was nothing special about the taste, but they were It can be clearly noticed that the spirits of the two people are lifted a little with the entrance of this hawthorn gourd.

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