The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1195: Soul stone

Although this ascension is insignificant to the power of their vast world, even not even one-millionth to ten-millionth, the two are extremely sensitive to the soul, even the most subtle. The findings are clear to both.

In normal times, it can be said that it is difficult to improve the power of the soul. In addition to the improvement of the power of the soul by martial arts skills, other improvements can only rely on some precious and invaluable natural resources. Treasures are possible, but even if the Sacred King of the Heavens is one of the top supermassions in the entire world of Tianxuan, there are not many such treasures that can enhance the existence of the world.

However, at present, the most common snack in this city seems to be able to enhance their magical power. It can be imagined that both Yunchuan and Yunqinger are shocking at the moment.

"By the way, Heiyi, I got some Yuanshi by chance before. I don't know how to exchange it with Soul Stone?"

But also when the hearts of the two were still in shock, Yun Guang's Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the stall owner who was gazing at them, and suddenly there was an embarrassment in his eyes, and he turned to the black one and asked. Road.

Yunchuan has learned from the previous ones that the hard currency in this nether world is the soul stone, but if they are Yuan Shi, they can say that they have a huge amount, but they do not have one.

Behind Yunchuan, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the black armor soul body, but then laughed: "The two adults said that the living person absorbed the ascension to be the element of the realm? This kind of element Shi doesn't have much use for beings like me, so I rarely hear about it, but as for the cultivation of strength has reached a high level, like the other side or the existence of the next level, after the flesh and blood is reborn, right The consumption of this type of Yuanshi is extremely large, and there is also a small market. In this extradition city, one Yuanshi can be exchanged for about two soul stones, but if an adult goes to the other side of the city, I heard that there is a demand for Yuanshi there. The amount is large, and one yuan can be exchanged for at least five yuan. "

"Oh, I only remembered this before, because doing some things consumed all the soul stones and it happened that there were some stones in the body, so you can use the proportion in the extradition city to get some soul stones for me."

With a wave of his hand, Yunchuan threw hundreds of thousands of yuan stones in a storage bag to this black one, and said, "You take the rest for your own use, and it can be considered a small reward for you."

The black armor soul body took over the many stones, and suddenly a surprise appeared on his face, and said, "Adult is here to wait for me, and I will wait for a few brothers to make up enough soul stones."

He was shocked and delighted, heading towards the gates of the previous black armor souls. He could not find hundreds of thousands of soul stones alone, but it was more than enough to add the previous black armor souls. As long as they have time to visit the other shore city in the future, the value of these yuan stones will be doubled and they will get a large income.

Under normal circumstances, this black armor soul wants to please Yunchuan, the protector in his eyes, and will not take advantage of it, but there is an unquestionable meaning in Yunchuan ’s words. The meaning is obviously to insult the few of them. This black armor soul sees and appreciates, knowing that these big men generally do not like them to disobey, so they no longer quit.

It didn't take long for this black armor soul body to have exchanged the soul stones they needed in Yunchuan. Yunchuan saw Yun Qing'e Qiao's face still looking unwilling, and immediately set up the booth. All of these soul candy gourds on the exchange in exchange for one by one, put into Yun Qinger's side of a small world.

The group walked and stopped all the way, almost bought all these stalls over and over again, in addition to all kinds of food, Yunchuan also bought some of that kind of Horcruxes, these Horcruxes are all by the most exquisite soul power Although the composition is said to have little effect on the current Yunchuan in terms of power, this weird and completely different composition from the Tianxuan world has also inspired Yunchuan.

The scene of the two of them looked at the black armor soul who was leading the way in a black tongue.

"The two defenders are acting strangely one by one. Could it be that the son of the other bank led by the two defenders has not yet grown up, do you need these toys?"

He saw the various things that Yunchuan and Yunqinger had bought and bought, which were one of the most ordinary things in his opinion. These things have been disdainful when they were repaired to his level. Yunchuan and Yunqing'er were both interested, one by one, this comparison naturally made him wonder.

However, despite the confusion in this dark armor soul, under his preconceived mind, he never thought that Yunchuan and Yunqinger were not the sons of the other side as he had previously thought. Martyr.

As Yunchuan and Yunqinger were led by the black armor soul toward the center of the city, the road in all directions began to become more crowded than before, and many white undead that poured into the city from outside the city Although it is said that one by one is proceeding in an orderly manner under the maintenance of other black armor soul bodies, but because of the large number, it still makes this extremely large city seem extremely crowded.

"I don't know what happened in the recent period of time. The number of dead souls who have arrived in the extradition city is several times more than before. It was more than enough to accept these dead souls in the extradition city. Now it is a little crowded."

This black armor soul body pushed away the white wraith that was blocking the way, and complained a little: "I heard that this situation is not only in the extradition city, but also in other cities. It is also because of this. In this way, the talents on the other side will specifically order me to wait for the selection and selection of the qualified existence of these ghosts. I have heard the news in the past that it seems to be related to the alien demon who wants to invade my Umbra? "

"A demon in the sky? Could it be the monster on the star?"

Hearing the words that Heiyi seemed to inadvertently said, Yunchuan's heart was suddenly stunned. This extradition city was the entrance to Tianxuan World, which was the creator of darkness in the previous period of Tianxuan World. Rampage, even the existence of the world has fallen to several people, ordinary people are even more deadly.

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