The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1196: True and false guardian

When Yunchuan went to the starry sky before, he once heard the many monsters who built the mother emperor's avatar. From the magical monsters that came in all directions, the mother emperor was only responsible for one of them. In other large and small worlds, there are other monsters coming.

Under the advent of this kind of monster, it is not surprising that even if the existence of the world has fallen, let alone the largest number of martial arts who are not ordinary people cultivated in the body, and this Umbra in Yunchuan's previous It is already known in the understanding that it has connected countless large and small worlds, and many monsters of the fascinating disaster are spreading in various worlds at this moment, and it is not surprising that the number of dead souls has surged.

But according to the words spoken by the black armor soul body, in this Umbra, the traces of such monsters were also found, and even one of the masters of the Umare, the adult on the other side made a very The major changes have been inferred from Zhongyunchuan. I am afraid that the magic troubles and plights facing the Umbra nowadays are not very optimistic.

"The advent of the dark age has spread and persisted not only in the Celestial World, but also in other large and small worlds. I just don't know what kind of monsters invaded the Umbra, but it is urgent now. I still got the qualification to temper the soul body first, and then helped Qinger to condense her own small world. Only if I first stand firm, can I be the right path! "

After all, this side of the realm is much wider than the world of heaven, but now it is only the spirit that is entering the realm of the black world. The physical body is not here, which means that you cannot fully exert your own strongest strength. In this case, Yunchuan will naturally not rush forward.

Yunchuan and Yunqinger followed Hei Yi along. The extradition city was extremely wide. After half a day, a tall and magnificent palace appeared in front of him, and the leader of the black armor soul body stopped in black. When I got down, I looked back at Yunchuan and Yunqinger, and said, "My two guardians, this is where the city's mansion is. I will go into it first and let the two adults have the qualification for selection."

"It's working."

Yunchuan smiled slightly, nodded in agreement, and watched Heiyi enter the tall and magnificent palace, within the city's main palace.

"Chuan, what do you think this is?"

Yunqinger and Yunchuan were a bit bored. They wandered around the city's main house, and the next moment they exclaimed, attracting Yunchuan's eyes.

With the eyes of the two, we can clearly see that the white dead souls are constantly wandering. There is a wide yellow turbid river in front of this tall and magnificent palace, and those white dead souls are exactly one by one. It seems that he entered the murky yellow river unconsciously, and went down the yellow river to somewhere.

"This yellow river seems to be very similar to the yellow river at the entrance to the Umbra before, or the two are simply a big river."

After Yun Qing'er saw the wide yellow river half-sounding, he was uncertain.

"It is indeed the big river outside. The atmosphere between the two is exactly the same, and these ghosts are not in the yellow big river. I don't know where they will be sent. There are too many secrets in this nether world."

At the same time, within this palace.

In this magnificent palace where the city ’s main government is located, the two figures in black robes are having a good talk, and there are extremely horrible fluctuations around Zhou. If you look closely, you can clearly see that Although the two bodies are still formed by the soul, half of them have already begun to condense the real flesh and blood.

"Citylord, I have found a qualified undead and waited to apply for eligibility."

As soon as Heiyi, the leader of the black armor soul body, entered the hall, he couldn't look up because of the breath of the two, and trembled.

"Oh? I finally found a well-qualified ghost. Tell me about it."

The middle-aged man in the black robe trench coat looked up, his voice filled with a kind of majesty that naturally occurred under a high position for a long time, so that the leader of the black armor soul did not dare to conceal it in the slightest. The situation of both children was introduced.

However, the leader of the black armor soul body did not forget the previous warning of Yunchuan, did not say what he suspected of Yunchuan's true protector, and kneeled down after introducing the basic information.

"You're lying, Hei Yi, how dare you hide something from me?"

But this black one has just finished, and the face of the middle-aged man in the black robe windbreaker appears angrily: "The ants are there, and you have no secrets in my eyes, but you still want to be in I'm hiding now! "

His voice was rumbling, and the fluctuations contained in it caused the whole black person to burst suddenly. When he reunited the next moment, the voice was full of panic, saying: "Master, the Lord, it is not I think We must conceal it deliberately, but the existence does not want too many people to know his arrival, and the two existences who came are the true guardians of the sons of the other side! "

"Guardian ?!"

Hearing this rushing word from Heiyi, the lord of the extradition city was suddenly shocked, and flew down the next moment, walked directly to Heiyi's body and lifted him up, saying: "You know the cost of deceiving me How are you sure of the protectors of the sons of the other shore? "

"I felt the smell of the flowers on the other side of the two people, and the smell of the flowers on the other side of the two protectors adults has a very noble atmosphere, far beyond the ordinary flowers on the other side ..."

On the main surface of this extradition city, there was a solitude, and he looked at the other existence above the high seat. The man in the black robe above the high seat shook his head and raised the tea in front of him. He said, "As far as I know, In this area, only one of my guardians came, and although there was competition between the sons of the other side, there was no unruly situation. This is the iron rule set by the adults on the other side. Obviously, The son of the other shore and the guardian are counterfeits. "


This man in black robes downplayed his mouth, sitting on the high seat, and sipped tea. At the moment he spoke, around him, a magnificent image of the flowers of the other shore appeared, with a very noble atmosphere, letting the extradition city At this moment, all the city owners lowered their heads to show respect.

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