The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1335: Shinto

And Tianjing Zhenshen, which was originally like a crystal, has become floating sand when viewed from a distance. Without the solid feeling before, Yunchuan ’s ocean of divine power has continued to corrode and refine. After three days of Tianjing Zhenshen, most of the souls of Tianjing Zhenshen have been refined.

\ "Yunchuan, you can't kill me! \"

Tianjing Zhenshen's voice has become extremely weak, and knowing that he has escaped hopelessness, he no longer asks for forgiveness, and his mouth is still ruthless.

\ "Dead to the point of death, but his mouth is hard, Tianjing is true, and he can't live by himself!"

Yunchuan sneered. Although his sea of ​​divine power had been consumed by more than ten thousand feet, but under the continuous supplement of the divine master ’s arm, it was still a vast ocean, and it seemed that there was no slight decrease at that time. With his thoughts, this sea of ​​divine power is even more raging. The waves are sky-high, and each wave contains many doctrines, constantly consuming the Tianjing true **** body.


The **** body of Tianjing has already become crisp in the past few days. Now Yunchuan ’s **** power ocean has increased its strength, and it has suddenly become the last straw that overwhelms the camel. Completely collapsed, a crystal nucleus the size of a fist emerged, twisted and changed, and the face of Tianjing Zhenshen emerged, banging and crashing into the cloud and shaking the sky and trying to escape to the outside.

\ "The crystal family of Tianjing Zhenshen, it is really extraordinary that there is a second **** soul. If it was Qinger who was always trapped by Luoyun Island, I was just escaped without my investigation. \ "

As soon as Yunchuan's gaze was condensed, Wang Yang's general divine power condensed again toward this crystal, and wanted to crush it.

\ "Yunchuan, stop! \"

Suddenly, at this moment, a distant breath exploded in the distance. It was a crystal giant almost the same as Tianjing True God, exuding the breath of the real state of God, the voice of anger opened, and the sound was like a thunder burst. .

\ "That is the crystal king of the Crystal City, he received the news, but did not expect to come here in person!"

\ "The Lord of the Sacred City cannot participate in the battle of the killing battlefield. This is a convention. The King of Crystal wants to break the rule this time. As far as I know, there is a big background behind that Yunchuan. One of the main characters of the party sent in person. \ "

\ "It is worthy of the existence of the master of one party. It is only a state of demigod. It almost killed the real life of Jingzhen that day. However, as the master of the city of God, the crystal king forcibly shot regardless of status. This time Yunchuan I can only eat a dumb loss, and the credit is lost for a while. The King of Crystals is an old true **** existence, but it is not a good generation. \ "

\ "It is estimated that this crystal king will be held accountable by Umoji City, but Yunchuan's big loss is certain. \"

Nearly ten days have passed since Yunchuan Refining, the Tianjing true god, and many martial arts have been attracted by the movement here, and the news has also passed to the Jing City ’s **** city. Place.

Seeing the coming of the crystal king in the distance, Tianjing Zhenshen, who was dying, had only a fist-sized crystal left, but he also uttered a strong desire to survive and struggled again.

\"court death!\"

Yunchuan sneered, he didn't even care about the crystal king who came from far away. The surging divine power in the ocean of divine power formed a huge fist. One punch and one punch were like the sky falling apart, facing the crystal size of Tianjing Zhenshen Drop it.


Yunchuan ’s divine power consumption is extremely amazing. When each punch is knocked down, this piece of divine ocean will be visible to the naked eye, but after a few punches are knocked down, a crack of cracking will be heard on the crystal of the size of Jingzhenshen ’s fist that day. Sound, cracks spread on it, bursting under the terror attack.

\ "You! You killed Tianjing! \"

In the distance, the lord of the crystal city, Jing Wang, rushed to it, but just when he arrived not far from the Yunchuan Shenli Ocean, the last crystal of Tianjing Zhenshen also cracked. After the scream, all the breath of the whole person was annihilated.

And until then, the main crystal king of the **** city came to the not-so-distant ocean of Yunchuan's huge body of god, and when he saw this scene, the whole man was suddenly snoring and angrily.

"Being disrespectful, this Tianjing true **** has repeatedly tried to put me to death, but also wants to survive in my hands, and it is more than death."

Yunchuan shook his head, stared directly at the crystal city **** city lord, sneered, and with his opening, his huge body that had previously turned into a sea of ​​divine power began to attenuate and shrink at a very fast speed, and re-formed into the previous The appearance of those vines confronted the host of this crystal city.

The crystal city **** is not just as soon as Tianjing Zhenshen was promoted to the real **** realm, but an old real **** realm exists, the breath is magnificent, and he is still in the heyday state, although Yunchuan said to himself now Strength is confident, but there is no idea of ​​leaving the other side.

However, now Yunchuan is not afraid of these true gods. Judging by his huge body, the existence of such real gods has shot at him. Even if he does not resist, he can maintain it for a long time by relying only on the huge body. For some time.

After his **** body restored the former vines of tens of thousands of vines, one of the vines was imprinted with the word of the **** of heavenly crystals, and the word of the **** of heavens crystals seemed very imprinted at this moment. It is bleak, but soon, in the incredible eyes of this crystal tribe city master, the Tao of the true **** above the vines is growing at a very fast rate. After a short time, there is already a demigod Realization of the realm.

"A true Shinto rule."

Yunchuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was somewhat satisfied. He bombarded the Tianjing true god. Although he consumed at least 200,000 feet of divine power, the harvest was not small. The tens of billions of souls The surging surge was enough for him to comprehend several paths to a very high level.

"However, this light doctrine of Tianjing True God still has a lot of disadvantages. For the time being, it is only necessary to realize the realization of the demi-god realm. In contrast, my understanding of the cause and effect way can take this opportunity. , Promoted to the realm of true God in one fell swoop! "

After Yunchuan's groaning for a while, he did not realize all the Taoism on the vines, but focused on the causal Taoism with the help of golden scrolls, and realized the real God state in one fell swoop.

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