The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1336: Retreating Crystal King

All this happened between the beards, and in the distance, the crystal king, the crystal city god, who was exuberant from the distance, also felt the change in Yunchuan. Suddenly, his murderous energy converged, and his face was exposed. Suspicious.

Previously, in the feeling of the existence of this old true divine realm, although Yunchuan's deity is said to be comparable to super life, it is indeed a definite demi-god realm in the sense of Taoism, but now, in a short period of time, After the past, Yunchuan's Taos fluctuated, but suddenly there was a breath of true god's realm. With the huge deity of Yunchuan that is comparable to the super-life, it made the old true gods' existence feel a kind of Feelings of palpitations.

"City Lord, what I said, do you think it's right? Tianjing true **** doesn't know if he will die. Sooner or later, I will provoke the calamity for your crystal family, and I will discipline you and save you from a calamity. You should thank me for that. "

Just when there was some suspicion in the heart of this **** of the city, Yunchuan smiled and smiled slowly, a little aggressive.

"Yunchuan, Yunchuan! This time I will wait for the planting, Tianjing really has bad luck, I hope you can go smoothly!"

The crystal city's **** city lord hummed, and eventually turned around and left, and did not move towards Yunchuan.

Yunchuan saw the master of the city of God retreat and realized that he was a little relieved. He had just worn away the Tianjing true god. Although the divine power had been restored under the use of the arm of the demon master, but the loss of mind, It won't be able to make up for a while.

In addition, the Lord of the Holy City exists as an old true divine realm. At least it is also the strength of the real divine realm. The strength of the divine realm is also in its heyday. If he then uses Wangyang's divine power to annihilate the other party directly as before, can he find an opportunity or The two said that what's more important is that he will definitely lose more than that. I am afraid that the magic power on the arm of the Demon Lord will be directly consumed by him.

It is precisely because of this that when Yunchuan saw the arrival of the Lord of the City of God from the beginning, he put on such an aggressive look, in order to deter the Lord of the City of God from the momentum and let the other party Retreating from difficulty, but now, his actions have obviously achieved great results.

"The previous connection between the entrance of the Umbra and Tianxuan World has been opened by the arm of the Demon Lord of Masters. Counting the time, I have been out of Tianxuan World for three or two years now. It may come, and it's time to go back and look at it. "

Yunchuan's face was groaned, and he glanced around. In the distance, many martial arts on the killing battlefield were watching here. I saw Yunchuan's eyes glanced at, and one by one the eyes showed awe. Do not dare to look at Yunchuan.

"In the realm of demigods, the death of a real **** is a shock of a **** of the city in one word. This Yunchuan is enough to rank among the top three in the killing list."

"Even if it was Jingzhen that day, there was no such terrible strength as Yunchuan in the demigod state. On the entire battlefield, in the absence of the true godland, this Yunchuan has become the first person to deserve it. It's up! "

Many demigods looked at the distant figure of Yunchuan's silver flying boat, and the awe-inspiring color was revealed on each face.

However, these martial arts practitioners from all walks of life who are still in the killing battlefield. From this day, few people have seen Yunchuan again. They have not seen Yunchuan again, and gradually the name of Yunchuan has become A legend in the killing battlefield has become an out-of-the-box myth when entering the killing battlefield.

Now Yunchuan and Yunqinger have returned to the heavenly world through the communication channel between the killing battlefield and the underworld.

The silver flying boat galloped, leaping from the connection between the killing battlefield and Tianxuan World. Yunchuan and Yun Qing'er rushed towards the area where the Sacred King of the Heaven was before standing on the flying boat.

"In the world of Tian Xuan, great changes have indeed taken place."

Yunchuan looked around. At this moment, the entire world of Xuan Xuan, although it was said to be white night and the sun was shining, it still showed a dim color. When looking up, there were two huge stars above the sky, one It is the original sun, and the other is a glowing red color. It is extremely huge. When you look at it, it occupies almost half of the sky. Even the original sun is crowded by this bright red star. It looks dull under pressure.

And this dim glowing red color in the whole world of Tianxuan is precisely because of the light of this big star.

"Chuan brother, look at the current situation, it is estimated that the fainting disaster star has come in these years, and the light emitted from the fainting disaster star makes people feel a sense of wanting to kill. . "

Yun Qing'er frowned next to Yunchuan, feeling the shroud of this brilliant red light, making her heart feel a very uncomfortable feeling.

Yunchuan nodded. When he left, the signs of fascinating stars have been shown. Now, after a few years, this situation has become more serious than before. stand up.

The power of his soul is spreading out, toward the vast land below. Now Yunchuan has been truly promoted to the demigod state, plus the vine vine clone that is comparable to super life, so the power of soul is unfolding. It almost enveloped an area.

"The radon in the North Sea has become so serious."

Yunchuan's complexion is a little dignified. In his feeling of the power of the soul, many martial arts in the North Sea are in battle, and most of them are usually indifferent spirit disputes, or some The trivial things that were originally trivial would lead to a life-and-death struggle.

Although it is not strange to say that fighting among martial arts practitioners, but so many people, feeling with the power of Yunchuan's spirit, quickly realized the problem.

"Who is it!"

The huge divine power of Yunchuan's half-god state covered the entire North Sea, and immediately made the Qingzong Sovereign, the supreme master of Qinglian Sword Sect in the North Sea, aware of it, rising into the air, and seeing the silver flying boat. Yunchuan and Yunqing'er first glanced at each other. After a close examination of the sound, they were immediately overjoyed.

"Master Yun! You are finally back!"

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