The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1341: Ask the ghost master

Among the ancient gods' devil's nest, the ancient god's **** body, the huge body of the monster hurried out, and walked out of the devil's nest rolling with a smile.

"I want to ask my brother, how can we solve the problem of mutual exclusion and mutual influence of various Taos?"

Yunchuan looked at this tall ancient god, and his eyes burned, and he said, "You have been promoted to the demigod state a long time ago. You must know the answer?"

"Solving the problem of exclusion between multiple doctrines?"

Gu Shen, a huge monster with a complexion on his forehead, looked cold, and then fell down with cold sweat on his forehead, crying bitterly: "Master Sect, you are in a position to be a strong man, isn't it? I have only been a qi and blood channel so far. Then realize that it is only a demigod, how can one know that multiple ways are excluded? "

He heard this question, and suddenly became very frightened again, apparently thinking that Yunchuan was deliberately making things difficult for him, and a smile was forced on his face, and he said, "In my opinion, as long as you do n’t practice, With this variety of doctrines, this problem can be solved easily, because many demigods like me exist without sufficient talent and energy to cultivate and understand many kinds of doctrines. This kind of problem is not likely to occur. ..... "

"You don't know ..."

Disappointed in Yunchuan's face, he shook his head and stopped talking with the horrible monster in this ancient god's nest, but continued to wander away.

Gu Shen's face appeared sorrowful, and then Changshu breathed out and murmured: "This evil star is finally gone. He kept his promise and did not kill me. I saved my life, but I am afraid that his problem Even if the real state of God exists, he will not encounter it at all. How many doctrines did he comprehend? This will encounter a situation where multiple doctrines are mutually exclusive ... "

The body is huge and entangled with magic lines. The mighty ancient **** is now like a frightened kitten. Looking at Yunchuan's distant figure, he hurriedly lifted his body and retracted into In his own nest, even the magic cloud in the nest stopped rolling, and the area covered by the original nest was shrunk again.

"Chuan Ge, this is ..."

In the distance, Yaoyuan followed Yunchuan's Arakawa Supreme and Yunqinger, staring at each other, and Arakawa Supreme smiled bitterly, and said, "I can't answer this question either. Generally, I do n’t just focus on one. Taoism, one Taoism is very difficult to be promoted to demigod. Where can I experience multiple Taoism, they are mutually exclusive. If I really have this talent, I would like to experience this feeling. ... "

The two were somewhat uneasy, and continued to follow Yunchuan forward, only to see Yunchuan moving forward again, walking to the entrance of the Umbra and Tianxuan world, into the Umbrella.

"The Lord of Heavenly Ghosts once said that the understanding of the Doctrine is as much as possible in the realm of the world. Presumably the existence of the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts and the Lord of the Other Side forgets the Lord of the River, which should be a solution to my current dilemma. Get some idea. "

Yunchuan entered the Umbo again from the Umbrella entrance. The physical body was limited by Umbrella's rules and remained in place. However, his spirit power has now reached the demigod state, even if he does not rely on it. The physical body, the power of the soul alone, is already an absolute strong class.

Arakawa Supreme and Yunqinger saw Yunchuan before going to the Umbra. They smiled bitterly and stayed here to protect Yunchuan's physical body. Yunchuan didn't leave the guardian of Luoyun Island this time, apparently still immersed in how to solve that. In question.

Within the Umbrella, Yunchuan has a sky ghost bead in his hands. The sky ghost beam emits a splendid light of annihilation. By virtue of the special induction with the host of the sky ghost, Yunchuan can follow the sky ghost's realm. path of.

Yunchuan's existence as a demigod, even if only the soul comes, but the speed is extremely fast. After a period of time, the range of the heavenly ghost's domain guided by the heavenly ghost pearl has been in the distance.

In this heavenly ghost, almost all the areas as seen by the eyes show a white and transparent color, one by one, white ghosts floating in it, densely boundless, like a sea, with With the arrival of Yunchuan, when these white ghosts looked at Yunchuan, or the sky ghost beads in Yunchuan's hands, they all showed their awe and solemnity.

After these white ghosts, there is a piece of white bone plain, and on top of these white bone plains is a dense white bone. With the arrival of Yunchuan, these white bones click and click. All of them were connected together to form white bones and skeletons, and they were looking at Yunchuan one after another. The flickering eyes of Sensen Ghostfire also had awe and surrender.

Earlier, when Yunchuan got the ghost ball of this day, he had the qualification to mobilize the army of heaven ghosts in the field of heaven ghosts, and Yunchuan's previous position also represented his most honorable status.

Immediately after the sea of ​​ghosts and white bone plains, knights in black helmets and bone horses appeared, and the number of knights could not be seen at a glance.

There are also bone-winged birds in the air, and ghost whales in the black sea, all appearing on Yunchuan's path, but none of these many armies have done anything to stop Yunchuan.

"Yunchuan, why didn't you come here without saying hello, I'll make someone prepare a feast!"

In the distant palace, at this moment, a roaring heroic voice came, and then, from all sides of the palace, huge white skeletons flew out, and combined with each other to form a white skeleton, this The bone skeleton looked a little illusory and unreal, and suddenly changed, and stopped in front of Yunchuan.

"Lord of the ghosts."

Yunchuan bowed slightly to show respect. Although he said it was the first time he met the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, he had seen the image of the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts many times as early as within the Heavenly Ghost Bead, so Yunchuan No stranger to this God of Ghosts.

"The Lord of Heavenly Ghosts does n’t need to prepare for it. I came here to ask a confusion. How can a variety of Taos be used to their fullest potential? Although I said that I have learned many Taos, I have always There are no small restrictions, and sometimes even mutual exclusion. "

Yunchuan opened, opened the door to see the mountain, and asked directly to the Lord of the Sky Ghosts.

"Various kinds of doctrines. Before, I learned through the imprint of the spirit in the sea of ​​Qizhen that you have come to understand the five or six doctrines, which are far beyond my achievements in your realm."

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