The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1342: Under the tree

The Lord of Heavenly Ghosts heard Yunchuan's words, and the ghost fire in Nasensen's eyes flashed with amazement, a little shocked and unbelievable, and said, "According to normal circumstances, you have learned four or five doctrines. That happens. "

"The number and quality of the doctrines I have learned have been improved several times over the previous ones."

Before the Lord of the Heavens continued to speak, he suddenly heard Yunchuan's words. He suddenly turned black, looked up and down Yunchuan, saw Yunchuan speak seriously, and did not have the slightest joking expression on his face. One of the masters of the party did not respond for a while, and said, "In other words, you have learned dozens of doctrines now? Is this the case? This situation, even if I have already I have been in charge of the Umbra for countless years, but this is my first encounter, and I cannot answer you? "

"Can't even the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts help me solve this problem?"

Yunchuan's face was more disappointed. Most of the whole person's mind was still immersed in how to figure out the key to solving this problem. He shook his head and turned to leave. "I disturb the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, I Go to Lord Chuan and Lord Chuan to see if they can solve this doubt for me. "

The Lord of Heavenly Ghosts was dumb. He also saw that Yunchuan was now immersed in his own world, so he didn't care about Yunchuan's rude situation. Looking at Yunchuan's back and shaking his head, Tao: "Yunchuan, the master of the other bank and the master of forgetful rivers, neither of you has such a demon as you, I ca n’t answer them, and they ca n’t answer them either. This is a path you have taken yourself and no one else can help you It is only you who can help you later, and only you can solve this situation by yourself. "

"Only by myself? Even the existence of one of the principals cannot solve this situation, and it seems that it is only me ..."

Yunchuan heard the words of the Lord of Ghosts, and a look of enlightenment appeared on his face. The situation he encountered at present is indeed unique to him, even the existence of the master of one side, such as the Lord of Ghosts Nothing can be resolved, and it is even more impossible for him to ask other people.

After leaving the realm of the heavenly ghost, he did not continue to go towards the direction of the Lord of the Other Shore and the Lord of the Forgotten River, but returned along the same path to the heavenly world.

At the entrance of Tianxuan World and Youjie, Arakawa Supreme and Yun Qinger did not stop during this period of time, guarding Yunchuan's physical body, and saw Yunchuan's spirit return to the physical body. Surprised on his face, Yun Qinger stepped forward and asked, "Chuan, have you found a solution?"

"No, I went to ask the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts. Even the existence of the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts and other parties, in his vision and knowledge, has not encountered this situation. If I want to solve this problem, also It's up to me. "

Yunchuan shook his head. The two behind them, Arakawa Supreme and Yun Qinger, were a little stunned when they heard Yunchuan's words. The existence of one of the main levels can be said to be a well-deserved peak in many worlds, but it cannot be resolved. This problem, such a state, Arakawa Supreme could not think of.

Although Yun Qing'er said that he had followed Yunchuan for a long time and had some faint understanding, he was still a little confused at this moment.


The three of them walked one step ahead of the other, and returned to the Heavenly Emperor's Sect of Sudden Heaven. At that moment, Yunchuan's gaze was fixed and he looked down.

Yun Qing'er and Arakawa Supreme were a little surprised. They followed Yunchuan's eyes and saw that they were below. It was a small village on the outskirts of the setting sun. In this village, there was a coward. A huge tree is being cut.

This large tree growing on the outskirts of the setting sun has the size of several people in a hug. The crown is extremely dense, covering the sky and the branches.

The coward chopped a large tree that was held by a few people, and chopped it for a few days, resting for a few times, and Yunchuan stood in the sky above this small village. All watched the coward chop this big tree.

Not far behind Yunchuan, Arakawa Supreme and Yunqinger are a little bit unknown, so I don't know why Yunchuan stayed here for a few days, just watching the coward in this mundane village.

From both the coward and the towering tree, in their eyes, they are just the most common scenes in the Celestial World. There are many scenes in the Celestial World almost at all times. A similar scene appears.

However, although they said they did not know what Yunchuan wanted to do, they did not rush to bother Yunchuan, but quietly waited behind Yunchuan.

\ "Mr. Yun, is he trying to find out the answer to his question from this coward? But there is not even a little bit of cultivation in this coward, not even Wuxiu. , And his previous problems did n’t even understand the existence of God ’s realm. \ "

Arakawa Supreme doubts, murmurs, and feels that Yunchuan's current state is a bit wrong. Generally, Wu Xiu has doubts in his heart, and he will ask Xiu to be a stronger existence, so that he can get the doubts in his heart No one will ever ask ordinary people to solve and resolve. In his opinion, this woodcutter who is chopping wood may not even know the most basic martial arts knowledge. How can he answer Yunchuan? This kind of confusion that even one of the main characters cannot answer.

Over time, the coward has completely cut down the towering tree and began to chop down the crowns and branches of the big tree one by one. The trunks and branches above the big tree are dense and dense. Gathered on the trunk of this big tree, and the purpose of this coward was to cut down all the dense branches to burn fire and firewood.

"That ’s the case, that ’s the case. I ’ve been worried about this problem before. The solution is very simple, just like the big tree right now, although countless branches and crowns grow together in this big tree. Above the tree, but whether it ’s the canopy or the many branches that branch out, the purpose of existence is to provide nutrition for that trunk. It is the dense trunks and canopies that make the trunk of this big tree even more It ’s big and really grows into a towering tree. The problems I have now can be solved in the same way! "

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