The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1367: Shenhai Division

However, Yunchuan's previous fears disappeared because of the invasion of the Zerg mother emperor. Although it took a lot of time, she even resorted to tactics to let the zerg mother emperor's butterfly remain. The true God ’s will to invade into his sea of ​​God, you know, in this crisis situation, with a little carelessness, his will will be wiped out by the Zerg mother Emperor Butterfly, so that he can use his weight to live.

However, he risked such a huge crisis, and the results he obtained as a result were also extremely rich, not only allowing him to go directly from the earlier stage of the semi-godder to the later stage of the demi-god, in one fell swoop. Among them, there is once again a doctrine of the perfect state of the true God.

And if all this is done step by step, if you do n’t know how much time it will take to achieve it, the more important point is that after Yunchuan killed the Zerg mother emperor, according to his understanding, it should be For a long period of time, no such real gods exist near the Tianxuan world.

There is a steady stream of demons born from the darkness, although there are a lot of them, as long as there is no old true godlike realm like the Zerg mother Emperor Butterfly, under the blessing of Shenhai outside the Tianxuan world, Arakawa Extreme figures in the world such as Supreme can resist it and will not cause much impact on them.

This division of Shenhai lasted for a few days, and it was completely divided. It was divided into two distinct parts of Shenhai, and part of it was transformed into the former Yunchuan Mando vine avatar. Into the small world of Yunchuan.

This part of the Shenhai is the **** body carried by Yunchuan when he is preparing to go to the wheel of the Umbra. This part of the **** body does not contain the imprints of many martial arts gods in the entire world of Tianxuan, but the content of its divine power is not trivial. According to Yunchuan's estimation, the amount of divine power contained in this part of the divine body is full of nearly 100 divine powers such as the Zerg female emperor butterfly.

The other part of Shenhai was left by Yunchuan to the periphery of the Tianxuan world, and still played the same role as before, resisting the invasion of darkness outside the starry sky, although it was said to be separated by Yunchuan It's halfway, but with the imprint of martial arts spirits in the world of Tian Xuan, such as Arakawa Supreme, the power is not weakened compared to the previous one. On the contrary, the majestic breath emitted is even more than the previous one. Stronger.

"Old Sovereign, I'm going to Youjie now. Youjie has experienced a lot of changes during this period of time. I may not be able to return for a while, and the heavenly world will be temporarily handed to you."

After Yunchuan has dealt with many issues of this Shenhai, he did not hesitate, but explained to the master of one of the many super-blocks such as Arakawa Supreme, and then he was going to go to the Umbra.

"The Lord Zun rest assured, as long as the monsters in this real state of God cannot come out, with this sea of ​​gods, I will certainly not let these **** monsters enter the heavenly world one step!"

The super-lords such as Qinglian Sword Emperor opened their mouths positively, and in the eyes of Yunchuan, there was already a strong admiration.

The existence of these old-fashioned world realms, with the passage of time, coupled with the inspiration of Yunchuan's previous realization of the origins and principles, and the continuous training of these monsters over the years, one by one, for strength The speed of ascension has been countless faster than before. The power of Arakawa Supreme and others has begun to transform into divine power. It will not take long for several deities to appear in the heavenly world. Exist.

A large part of this is, of course, the reason that previously inspired the world under Yunchuan's Comprehension of the Origin, but there is another reason, that is, because of the oppression and sharpening of endless monsters. The battle of life and death has inspired the potential of these established world states.

In the Tianxuan world, before the dark ages fully arrived, many supermasss controlled the entire Tianxuan world. Although there are occasional frictions, it is the main thing that affects the magical realm. Just the elders, the existence of the world is generally the master of one of the super-blocks, or the elders who have not had a lot of life. In most cases, they play a deterrent role and can really shoot. , Chances of life and death are scarce.

Martial arts can only make great progress in constant battles. Now, although there may be life and death dangers in the battle with monsters, it can also gain the greatest improvement in them.

And those elders who have just been promoted to the world recently have also fully consolidated their realm during this period, condensed their own small world, and even a few have found their own principles. The existence of the road has touched the threshold of the middle of the world during this period.

In the entire Tianxuan world, with the coming of the crisis, the overall strength is also developing at a very fast speed, which also promotes the improvement of the power of Shenhai in Yunchuan.

The martial arts in these divine cities one by one did not forget when they were feeling the same. The reason why they can have all this is because the white boy in front of him has carried the entire world of Tianxuan with his own thin shoulders. The backbone of them gives them the opportunity to continuously improve.

If it weren't for Yunchuan, I am afraid that this time, the Zerg mother Emperor Butterfly, a monster in the true state of God, would be enough to make all the forces in the entire Tianxuan world irresistible and directly destroyed.

It is precisely because of this that the existence of world environments such as Qinglian Jianzun admires Yunchuan.

Yunchuan nodded. He was still assured of the supreme characters in the world like Arakawa Supreme, and after the old world characters such as Arakawa Supreme were promoted to the demigod state, the power of the demigod could be short-lived. Even if he is not in the Tianxuan world for a while, he will not have too many problems.

Soon, Yunchuan took the other half of the sea of ​​divine power and headed towards the Umbra.

After this, he was delayed for half a month because of the invasion of the Zerg mother Emperor Butterfly, which made Yunchuan's heart a little bit worried. What would happen to the Umbra suddenly when this time passed? Unpredictable changes.

However, after he entered the Umbra, he was slightly relieved that the Umbra is still what he was when he came, and on the surface, there are not many problems.

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