The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1368: Wheel into the Underworld

However, judging from the extremely crowded white ghosts in many **** cities, the underworld is still undercurrent at present. If a crisis erupts, I am afraid that the entire underworld pattern will cause great turbulence.

\ "Yunchuan. \"

\ "云 小 友. \"

He galloped all the way to the Forgotten Realm where the Lord of Forgotten Rivers, the Lord of Forgotten Rivers, the Lord of the Other Shore, and the Lord of the Ghosts had waited here, except for the three masters In addition to the existence, there are several real divine realms and demigod realms, all respectfully standing not far from the existence of the master level of these one.

The arrival of Yunchuan made the eyes of the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts and the Lord of Forgetfulness shine, and they greeted Yunchuan.

Behind the existence of the masters of these two respects, the existence of the realities of the divine realm saw the amazement on this scene.

The existence of these demigods and true divine realms is the loyalty of the existence of the masters of these two parties, and they have been informed of the mission this time by the Lord of Ghosts and others.

\ "This is the existence that the Lord of the Other Side asked me to follow, why is it just a demigod existence? \"

\ "The Lord of the Ghosts' attitude towards this demigod turned out to be a tone of conversation with his peers. How could this be possible."

Seeing the enthusiastic discussion between Yunchuan and the three masters, the existence of these demigods and the true miracles face each other suddenly. The existence of those demigods is fine, and those who have been promoted to the realm have been promoted. To the existence of the true divine realm, they were a little confused and puzzled, because the previous orders of the principals of these parties gave them unconditionally to follow Yunchuan and cooperate with Yunchuan.

They used to think that Yunchuan was the pinnacle of the real divine realm, and only the last step was able to be promoted to the existence of the real divine realm. In that case, the existence of these real divine realms is naturally convinced, but now, when seeing Yunchuan only After only being in the realm of demigods, all of them suddenly felt a little bit stunned and confused.

After all, these cultivation strengths have reached the existence of the true divine realm. Even in the entire Umbra, it can be said to be the existence of the upper layer of the pyramid. The status and strength are in addition to the existence of the master level of the one who forgets the Lord The existence of these true gods is the strongest, and naturally has its own personality. Although they are the most loyal beings chosen by the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts and others, they will execute the orders of the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts and others, but in their hearts Questioning is inevitable.

However, although the existence of these demi-god realities is true, each one has a different look, but Yunchuan has talked to the master-level existence of the three masters, including the master of forgetfulness.

\ "In the few days you left, I waited to go back again, had contact with several people in Jiali Lie, and found more places that were abnormal before. The people in Jiali Lie have indeed appeared Under great circumstances, their Majesty sent this time is no longer credible. \ "

The Lord of the Heavenly Ghosts looked dignified and opened his mouth toward Yunchuan, saying: "But before I entered the Wheel of the Umbra, I couldn't wait to tear my face with him. When Yunchuan entered, you must Be careful, but you can rest assured that the seven lords that have been eroded, such as Kalyle, can be restrained by the three people outside, and will never be allowed to enter. \ "

"The 7 gods such as Karelie were previously inferior to me, and this time, although the will of the Umbra is said to have been eroded, it has not yet been completely done. Different wills are confronting each other. The strength does not increase but declines. I can be sure that the seven will join hands, but over time, I can feel that the power that was part of the will of the Umbra has begun Eroding faster. "

The master of the other side spoke, and the red girl in the sea of ​​flowers laughed softly: "Brother Yunchuan, rest assured, there will be no problems in this period of time, otherwise sister Sister Chuan will not let you go so risky . "

"be careful."

The Lord of Forgetting River is gentle and waterless, and doesn't have much words. He opens to Yunchuan, and there is concern in the eyes of a crescent moon.

"Rest assured that this time I am also fully prepared. In the Tianxuan world, in the past some time, an old monster from the real **** invasion invaded. After I killed it, its repair strength was compared with the previous one. There has been a leap forward once again. As long as the main character of one party is not out, under normal circumstances, no one can threaten my life. "

Yunchuan opened her mouth confidently, letting the lord of the other side and other extreme figures show a little stunned face, but Yunchuan's self-confidence also reassured them a lot.

The leaders of these gods have seen Yunchuan's potential and strength in this period of time. Naturally, there is no doubt about Yunchuan's words.

"Ghostly fall, I have explained to you a lot of things in this operation before. You must not lose anything. You are responsible for cooperating with Yunchuan friends. Be careful."

The Lord of Heavenly Ghosts turned back and called for the existence of three demigods that belong to him. The strongest among them is a true **** named Ghost Mountain, while the other two are the demigods.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to complete the task!"

The existence of three demigods such as Gui Luo and other divine realms were all very complex, while on the other side, the three demigods that belonged to the Lord of the Forgotten River and the Lord of the Other Shore existed, and they also spoke one after another.

In the previous conversation, Yunchuan already knew that under the negotiation between the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts and Nagare, and the snake, they finally made a concession one by one and reached a compromise one by one. Each of the gods' existence can have a true god. The existence of the realm and the existence of the two demigods enter into it.

The existence of the true **** realm under the Lord of the Heavenly Ghosts is called Ghost Fall, which is a martial art cultivation whose strength is about to reach the end of the true **** realm, and the existence of the true **** realm under the Lord of the other shore is a white bone flower named Bone Lotus, There is an existence between soul body and super life. Although the cultivation of strength is the initial stage of the real state of God, when viewed, it is on par with the existence of the middle stage of the state of true god, and even there is nothing more.

And the existence of the real divine realm sent by His Majesty the Master of Wangchuan is a translucent creature condensed by the Wangchuan River, named River, which looks like a flowing stream of water, strength Compared with the other two real divine realms, it is not weak at all, and because it was born by Wangchuan River, this river has absolute loyalty to the Lord of Wangchuan.

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