The Legendary Roll

Chapter 805: Multicolored Damage Extreme

"Multicolored, five injuries!"

However, at the moment when the Supreme Blood Sea broke free from the imprisonment, Yunchuan suddenly spoke again. This time, the voice of opening was not the old and vicissitudes of the previous, but the original voice.

And with the opening of Yunchuan, in his all directions, the five big beasts of the big red fish tear the void at this moment, and the huge body became hazy at this moment, and turned into red, green, blue, yellow and purple. The five-color streamer hovered over Yunchuan's palm.

Yunchuan looked at the face with a smirk, and looked toward the blood sea that came to him. His face was indifferent, his palms stretched out, his little finger bent back to the palm of his hand, and he slowly spoke, as if the sound came from the sky.

"Colorful changes. First, the lungs are gold. The change of gold."

Yunchuan's words fell. Above his little finger, the bright yellow color transformed by the big yellow flower suddenly disappeared.


Blood Sea Supreme's complexion changed, the momentum of forward rush was suddenly stagnant, his face showed pain, his hand covered his right chest, everyone in the audience could hear, his right chest, lungs, chest There was a muffled sound within, and then he could feel that his lungs were rendered with a layer of bright yellow at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Just like in an instant, his lungs turned into a hard nugget, and even the simplest breathing was impossible.

There is even an indescribable pain. From the upload of its soul, the soul of the blood sea is supreme, and at this moment, part of it is also stained with this bright yellow color.

For the existence of worlds such as Bloodsea Supreme, if there is a problem with the lungs alone, it may cause trouble, but it is not a serious injury. It can regenerate the flesh and blood by delaying up to a dozen breaths. Replace yourself with a new lung that has become a pile of gold nuggets.

But what made Bloodsea Supreme feel a little annoyed at the moment is that the trauma he is suffering is not just a physical trauma, but the most fundamental is his spirit, all turned into yellow flowers. The attack of Minghuang Qi was carried out, and this attack happened between silence and silence, and he didn't even know how that big yellow flower turned into that Huanghuang Qi entered his soul.

His physical lungs were eroded by gold gas into a pile of gold nuggets, but it was the external manifestation of his soul that was presented above his physical body.

The existence of a half-step magical realm hurts the Supreme Master of the World of Blood Sea one after another, and even caused him to be severely damaged. This matter would not have happened to the Supreme Master of the Sea of ​​Blood if it did not happen. He believes.

Both the lungs and the soul were painful, and the eyes of Bloodsea Supreme were red. At the same time when looking at Yunchuan, a thick greed emerged from Bloodsea Supreme's face, saying: "I did not expect, The power of this Shinto principle is so horrible that it will make you a weak little ant who is only half a step away from the magical realm. It can hurt me. Yes, really good. However, this treasure of Shinto is really in your hands. It ’s a violent thing, and if it comes to my hands, the power that can be exerted can even seriously damage the old immortal of the Arakawa Supreme, let me come over! "

The pain and greed pervaded the blood sea's supreme face, and he gave a strong sigh of relief, forcibly suppressing the pain caused by the petrification of the lungs, and blasted towards Yunchuan again.

The distance between him and Yunchuan was originally about three feet. This distance can be said to be extremely close. In normal times, in a fraction of a second, he could directly reach Yunchuan's side. He grabbed it, but it was just the moment he raised the speed. At this moment, Yunchuan's ring finger was bent, and his voice was indifferent again.

"Multicolored change, second, the liver is wood, wood changes!"

Yunchuan looked at the blood sea supreme close to himself. There was not even a trace of discoloration on his face. With his opening, on his ring finger, the dark green transformed by the giant treeman was as before, It suddenly disappeared again.

Blood Sea Supreme snorted, and after only taking two steps, he stopped involuntarily again. This was not his own desire to stop, but his liver. At this moment, his lungs appeared as well. The general problem turned into a dark green, just like a clump of wood. It can no longer exert its original function.

Even at this moment, the eyes of Bloodsea Supreme have begun to appear dark yellow, without any glory.


The blood sea supreme anger drank. At this moment, he did not want to continue, but the lack of two key organs in his body made him have to stop and use repair to force his injury. Depressed.

Colorful change, third, the kidney is water, water changes! "

It's just that he hasn't waited for the Supreme of the Sea of ​​Blood to fully adjust his state. Yunchuan's three remaining fingers are completely bent at this moment, and the other three colors disappear at this moment.

"Colorful changes, fourth, the spleen belongs to the earth, the earth changes!"

"Colorful change, fifth, the heart belongs to fire, change of fire!"

Yunchuan's discourse almost didn't stop, and did not give Blood Sea Supreme a little bit to breathe out, suppressing his injuries. His spleen, his kidneys, and his heart all changed at the same time. The colorful asparagus is completely assimilated.

At this moment, the spirit of the blood sea supreme is also involuntarily emerging behind him. Above his spirit at this moment, it is already covered with red, green, blue, yellow, purple, and multicolored colors. The intense pain makes the blood sea supreme. His complexion was embarrassing and he couldn't move at all.

His heart was no longer beating at this moment, but turned into a flame, burning his own body and his liver. At this moment, countless green plant roots had grown and took root. The nutrients in his flesh and blood, and his kidneys, have directly turned into a pool of pus, his lungs have become a pile of gold nuggets, and his spleen has become a pool of dirty soil.

And his soul was also invaded by the five colors of red, green, blue, yellow, and purple. Although Yunchuan and Yunqing'er were already close at hand, it was just that the Supreme Master Xuehai could not take any action at all.

Even at this moment, within these few breathing times, he didn't even have the strength to blink his eyes. The whole person's mind was placed against the colorful light that pervaded the spirit and soul. The sea of ​​blood is supreme in this world. At this moment, the supreme figure in the real world really felt the immense threat brought by Yunchuan.

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