The Legendary Roll

Chapter 806: Shinto

Yunchuan not far away had a pale face, but a series of attacks had already consumed him 90% of his strength. However, Yunchuan did not relax at all. The light flashed in his hands and the five-colored glory diffused. In the meantime, a multicolored spear was formed, which suddenly pierced the void, and appeared in the eyes of the Supreme Blood Sea the next moment.

"Little beast, you!"

Yunchuan's offensive is a long story, but it has only taken a few breaths from its occurrence to the present. This is the limit speed that Yunchuan can evoke at the expense of energy, which is almost seamless. connection.

In the face of Yunchuan's blasting shot, Supreme of the Blood Sea had no time to fully recover his body, but had time to raise his palm and stand in front of that spear.

Thorn pull.

The sound of the flesh breaking through, the palm raised by Bloodsea Supreme was directly penetrated by the multicolored spear, and the blood was terrible.


Yunchuan's complexion was pale, his body stabilised for a moment, his body sighed, and the multicolored spear slowly dissipated.

It was not that he did not want to continue, but a series of attacks just before. He had consumed the last element of power in his body, and even the power of the protector could no longer be maintained, let alone the consumption. Terrible multicolored spears.

"This ... how ...!"

However, after seeing this scene in the distance, the Lord Buddha and others blocked by Arakawa Supreme, each eyeball was about to stare out, taking one breath at a time, and couldn't believe what I saw in front of him. This scene.

Seeing the Supreme of the Sea of ​​Blood has been pierced by a multicolored spear and **** palms, a few people looked at Yunchuan as if they saw a demon. The realm of Yunchuan was clear and clear. At the end of the period, the repair of the half-step magical state was strength, and the gap between the world and the world was no exaggeration to call the difference between heaven and earth.

Under normal circumstances, even if it exists in the later stage of the miraculous state, if it really exists in the world state, even if the existence of that world state has not just entered the miraculous state for a long time, it will not be able to compete at all, even if it is injured. Here.

It is precisely because of this that this has created the supreme figure of the world, in an extremely detached position in the world of Tian Xuan, but today, in their eyes, they have broken this iron rule in general, and, The existence of breaking the iron rule is just a young boy with a weak crown, and his state has not reached his existence.

boom! boom!

Also when the Lord Buddha and others saw the distant scene, one by one, the Arakawa Supreme seized the opportunity to spit the blood of the Lord Buddha and the Chaotian Supreme, and also broke through the entanglement of several people. The figure suddenly disappeared, and when it appeared again the next moment, it was already in front of Yunchuan, and a palm blasted towards the Blood Sea Supreme.

Kakah Kakah.

The Supreme Spirit of Blood Sea, although originally said that it has been rendered into a colorful color by the colorful pole change, but after all, he is the supreme existence of the world, and at this point he has restored some ability to act.

But also at this moment, the sudden palm of Arakawa Supreme was just before he was able to restore his ability to act. With a solid palm, he immediately blasted the sea of ​​blood and broke his bones. I don't know a few.

Under normal circumstances, Bloodsea Supreme would not have been so vulnerable, and Arakawa Supreme, only the palm of his hand was able to achieve such results, so that Arakawa Supreme felt a little incredible and looked back. At a glance at Yunchuan, he knew in his heart that if it hadn't been for Yunchuan, he wouldn't have slapped this old opponent into such a miserable picture now.

Yunchuan saw that Arakawa Supreme got rid of the entanglement between the two Lord Buddhas, and was relieved in his heart. Without much speech, he sat directly on the floor and began to recover.

As a matter of fact, even now Yunchuan has no strength to speak. Before the Arakawa Supreme had arrived, he simply supported by a will.

After all, the Supreme Master of the Blood Sea is the master of the Super Master of the Blood Sea Demon Sect. The world ’s supreme existence exists. Wanting to persist under his hands for so long and even hurting this Supreme has already made Yunchuan go all out. Already.

His multicolored pole change, but after obtaining the multicolored true god's doctrine, combined with a martial art called Wuju bursting fist that he got back when he was in the Yun family, a supernatural power created by him.

Yunchuan is now a half-step supernatural power, and the degree of integration of Yuanli and Divine Spirit is comparable to some common supernatural powers. Then, this colorful change created by Yunchuan has achieved great success in one fell swoop.

However, the biggest reason why this colorful change in Yunchuan can have such great power is that after he obtained the doctrine of colorful gods, in this treasured land of colorful gods, the former The five primal beasts already have full control.

The five big beasts, such as the red big fish, were transformed from the colorful God's Tao and merged with this supernatural power that Yunchuan learned from the Colorful Wu Tao, which naturally increased Yunchuan's supernatural power.

After all, the five big beasts, such as the big red fish, each have the strength of half-step supreme peak cultivation, and the five have restrained each other, even making the Qinglian sword respect helpless.

If it were out of this treasure land of true gods, and without the assistance of these five elements, Yunchuan ’s multicolored pole-changing power would still be amazing, but it would not be as shocking as it is now, and it could even make the world There is a level of injury.

"However, I have now obtained this true Shinto of the colorful god, and now I am just understanding a skin of it. As I deepen my understanding of it, the power of the supernatural power will come. , It can certainly be gradually strengthened, even without the assistance of the five primal beasts, it can threaten the existence of the world! "

Yunchuan here has been rehabilitating his own cultivation strength, and the Blood Sea Supreme in the distance was slaped by the Arakawa Supreme, and then flew out hundreds of feet. The shape stabilized, two large mouths of blood spit out one after another, and the breath slowly stabilized.

"Extreme Arakawa, Yunchuan, okay! Okay! This time my blood sea was confessed, I took it down! You, the Emperor Tianzong, deceived the treasure of the true **** from my hands this time, and I can take it back later ! "

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