The Legendary Roll

Chapter 856: Skylocked Chain


But it was also at the moment when the magic lotus acted, on a lone boat in the distance, Qing Lian ’s body moved, and the next moment, the chains that penetrated his body came out through the body at this moment. Has stretched hundreds of feet, blocking the figure of Mo Lin towards Yunchuan in the air.

"Qing Lian, you have been able to counter-manipulate these sky-locking chains!"

Countless chains came out of Qing Lian's body, and after a short stroke of effort, they came first, blocking directly on the path of the magic lotus.

The figure of Molian who was heading towards Yunchuan was blocked by the chains directly, and her voice was incredible.

Obviously, for the fact that Qinglian has been able to manipulate these chains, this Molian lotus seems extremely shocking and incredible, and the voice even faintly changed tone at this moment.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The magic lotus formed a blossoming lotus leaf, and cut away towards those chains. The two collided with each other, making a deafening noise, and numerous sparks were emitted from the void, and each spark was condensed without When scattered, when it fell, it was like a meteor falling, and fell onto the vast expanse of the ocean where the green lotus is located, so that the endless expanse of ocean directly transpired a large amount of water vapor.

The endless water vapor is like a thick fog. After transpiration in the surroundings, it rises above the sky, and a dark cloud is formed directly, mixed with lightning flashes and thunders and turned into a pouring rain.

This situation is like a scene of world extinction. It looks shocking. Yunchuan under the confrontation of the two can most intuitively feel the terror of the two. can.

The confrontation between the two, even if it is only the simplest collision, can directly lead to endless heaven and earth visions. Yunchuan can be sure that even if he has seen the world-level existence of the supreme existence, even the two The person has already had a life-and-death struggle, but neither has the power of one-tenth of a million in the simple collision of the two.

Under normal circumstances, even if Yunchuan has recovered all his strength, if he is confronted with Molian, I am afraid he will not be able to take an attack from the opponent.

However, Qinglian now, after winning the previous gambling contract, has allowed him to be imprisoned before, so he has lost a lot, and can even use the chains that were originally tied to him to block him. In front of Yunchuan, he received such terror attacks for Yunchuan.

Throughout the whole world, heavy rain had already started at this moment. The heavy rain was like a waterfall. When it looked, it was already connected to the water and sky. The visibility was extremely low, and it was even impossible to see what happened in the distance. ,

I can only see faintly that there are two horrible figures in the distance, who are colliding fiercely at an extremely fast speed, and blasting the void of this world into irreparable void cracks. A continuous void crack has been formed, and this void crack is still expanding at a very fast speed, and even some void black holes have been continuously combined with each other.

Just a few dozen breaths have elapsed, this void and heaven and earth has become a scarred hole, even in more distant places, many areas have been exposed directly to form a small world The chaos of chaos, the most primitive, permeates the void.

Of course, in the face of such a doomsday situation, Yunchuan under the protection of Qinglian has never been threatened by the aftermath of the confrontation between the two. His breath is still in the same This extremely fast speed of recovery.

The rebuilding of the soul power, the regeneration of broken bones, and the exhausted blood power are also gradually filling up. After all, Qinglian is beyond his strength. The sentimental vitality is even more effective. Even though there is no such thing as Qinglian Sword Seeds now, it is still helping Yunchuan recover at a very fast speed.

Although Yunchuan has separated part of his mind from focusing on the confrontation between the two, most of his mind is still placed on his own physical condition.

This time, he can also be said to be blessed because of disaster. In a short time, he has experienced several such battles between life and death, both for his mind and his physical body. The benefit has made him realize a lot.

Although it is said that now is the most critical moment, he can not digest these insights from life and death for a while, but as long as he can digest one day, it will be transformed into his most domineering background.

At the same time, on the North Sea, among Qinglian Jianzong.

Inside the Sovereign's Hall, Qinglian Sword Emperor is a bit burned, with an ugly smile on his face. Below, there are the elders of the main sects. In addition, the Sovereign of the Sacred King, Arakawa Supreme also came here At this moment, the face is still hung up with badness.

"Qinglian Sword Master, could you please explain to me, what happened in Guizong's Qinglian Secret Realm? Why, Qinglian Secret Realm is your ancestral home of Qinglian Jianzong. You said that You yourself don't know what happened, such rhetoric, Qinglian Jianzun, do you believe it yourself? "

At the moment, Arakawa Supreme's power in the middle of the world was spread unabashedly, so that the whole hall shuddered a little, and in his words, there was an undisguised anger.

The elders of the other supermassives are all looking at Qinglian Sword Emperor. Although their strengths are supernatural, at this moment they represent their own supermassions, and none of them have flinched. One after another opened their mouths toward Qinglian Jianzun.

"Sovereign Qinglian, among the super sects I am in, all those disciples who have entered the dense realm of Guizong's Qinglian, have all their soul tokens broken. Is it in the dense realm of Guizong's Qinglian? What happened and what happened? I'm waiting for those disciples who have entered the dense environment of Qinglian to live or die now? "

"Sovereign Qinglian, haven't you said before that, in the dense realm of Qinglian in Guizong, as long as you are safe and secure, will there not be a threat to your life? If the spirit token of one of the super-major disciples is broken, you can Explaining that he was in danger beyond his reach, but all the disciples that we entered into the secret environment of Qinglian did not seem to have survived. You, the Qinglian lord, did not know what was going on? "

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