The Legendary Roll

Chapter 857: The Incident of Jianzong

Qinglian Sword Emperor was almost scolded by pointing at his nose, his face was embarrassing and ugly, but he could not refute even the refutation. At this moment, Qinglian Sword Emperor was extremely impressed, because until now, he was really all I do n’t know what happened in the Qinglian dense realm. Even now, he, the master of the Qinglian sword sect, cannot even open his ancestral land of the Qinglian sword sect. The Lotus Land has been completely closed at this moment.

However, if such rhetoric is not his personal experience, I am afraid that even going out would not believe him, thinking that this is just nonsense, but after such a thing really happened to him, it was He couldn't laugh at all.

In this case, his heart became more and more anxious, and he felt faintly that in the dense environment of Qinglian, it seems that something bad is happening. Under the pressure of the few people in Arakawa, he has always been I tried to open the Qinglian Secret Realm to see what happened inside the Qinglian Secret Realm, but what made him feel even more ugly was that even if he was close to his full strength, he had even endured several backlashes. , But still no slight response.


Suddenly, at this moment, the entire Qinglian Jianzong came with a severe tremor at this moment, just like all Jianlian Island. At this moment, a big earthquake suddenly occurred. The severe tremor caused the hall to All the people in this group are unstable and somewhat crooked.

"what happened!"

Suddenly, such a change took place, and even Qinglian Sword Master did not respond, and was furious, flying out of the Sovereign Hall and looking around.

I saw Fang followed the intense tremor. On the sword islands, it seemed that they had been attacked by people. There were huge cracks. The cracks ran in all directions, and some places were like spider webs. Continuous.

In this case, those sword lotus islands can already be completely destroyed. On those sword lotus islands, there are many disciples of Qinglian Jianzong who dodged for a while and fell directly into that area. In the cracks.

Arakawa Supreme and others have also flew out of the Qinglian Sect's main hall. After seeing such a scene, a shocked look was also revealed on each face. Looking around, but none of them were found. Why are you suddenly hit by such innocence.

Because looking from all around, the arrogant soul consciousness that exists in the middle of the world with Arakawa Supreme has not noticed any danger at all, and no one has attacked Qinglian Jianzong himself. This is what it looks like today.

As at this moment, the sword lotus islands that constitute the Qinglian sword sect began to disintegrate from the inside and began to self-destruct, which made people shocked at first glance.

The terrible tremor continued, and many sword lotus islands began to disintegrate one by one at this moment. Not only the face of Qinglian Sword Master was gloomy and ugly at this moment, but even Arakawa Supreme and others felt one by one. Unusual, no longer confessed to Qinglian Jianzun Xingshi.

Anyone can see that if this continues, I am afraid that it will not take long for the entire location of Qinglian Jianzong to disappear, and Qinglian Jianzong is now undergoing a major change.

When Arakawa Supreme saw the scene in front of him, he also began to believe in the words previously spoken by Qinglian Sword Master, because even if Qinglian Sword Master coaxed them no matter how hard they were, they could not let their super-large residence be destroyed like this, because This pays off.

Thinking of this, Arakawa Supreme's complexion also began to become a little worried. He originally thought that there would be no problem in the Qinglian Secret Realm of Qinglian Sword Sect, and Qinglian Sword Master could not play any tricks in this regard. This will allow Yunchuan to come forward with confidence, but now it seems that he is a bit too relieved.

What made him a little relieved is that according to the identity token induction of Yunchuan's staying in the Arid Heavenly Sect, Yunchuan still has a breath of life, while the other disciples who entered the dense realm of Qinglian are Already one by one, all the soul tokens left in the sect have also been broken. This is confirmed news.

Because of this, although Arakawa Supreme said at this moment that he was anxious and was attacking Qinglian Jianzun, he was still able to calm down, otherwise, I'm afraid he would have gone violently.

"Qing Lian Jianzong, what's wrong with this, how could this amazing change happen?"

He looked around and searched again. He still didn't find the root of all this. Although the Qinglian sword sect changed at this moment, because Yunchuan is now trapped in the dense environment of Qinglian, Arakawa Supreme Can't make a wall view.


At this moment, a crack on Jianlian Island had reached an extreme, could no longer be supported, and sank suddenly.

With the sinking of this Sword Lotus Island, a huge vortex of Beihai formed directly at this moment.

Arakawa Supreme looked from within this huge vortex, and I saw from this vortex that there was a tinge of breath that made Arakawa Supreme feel a little bit cold, and that kind of breath fluctuation, Arakawa Supreme can confirm that it has definitely surpassed the world The situation, even just a hint of breath, reached the level that made him all chill.

This situation is definitely beyond him. Arakawa Supreme looks to the Qinglian sword lord in the distance, and the evil spirits have loomed between his eyebrows. At this moment he can be sure that Qinglian sword lord It's concealed a lot of news from him, and Yunchuan has definitely fallen into a crisis of life and death.

He could feel that in the horrible atmosphere surrounded by the vortex, Yunchuan's breath was also in it, and much weaker than usual.

"Qinglian Sword Master, what are you hiding!"

Arakawa Supreme looked to Qinglian Sword Master, there was no emotional fluctuation in his voice, and he asked.

Qinglian Sword Master has also come steeply at this moment, seeing the black hole formed after the depression of Sword Lotus Island, feeling the faint breath that came out from him, his face also showed a look of uncertainty.

"This is the breath of Qinglian's dense environment. In the dense environment of Qinglian, there is a big change at this moment!"

Qinglian Sword Master's complexion became ugly at this moment, and she said in a deep voice: "I did not expect, I did not expect, I actually hid this kind of existence in the secret place of Qinglian. I'm wrong! "

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