The Legendary Roll

Chapter 883: Alliance division

"Yunchuan ....."

Bloodsea Supreme also looked at Yunchuan at this moment. His pupils had already turned into a dark red at this moment, filled with a crazy bloodthirsty light, and his voice was hoarse.

"My blood sea Demon Sect may usher in a great fortune, Yunchuan, don't blame me ..."

He is like the snow gods of the Snow God, and his voice is hoarse. It seems to be very difficult to make up his mind.

Because of his blood sea demons, although he obtained the creation in this boundless sea of ​​blood, and achieved a supermass, the inheritance was not complete, so he also held the blood sea supreme and the whole blood sea demons. Zong Baichi's further capital.

At this moment, the existence of the boundless blood sea is in front of his eyes. As long as he can kill Yunchuan, he can make up for the missing inheritance of the blood sea monster, naturally making the blood sea supreme extremely tempting.

"Yunchuan ... It was you who forced me. If you had not previously robbed me of the inheritance of the colorful God, I would have robbed the colorful road that originally belonged to me, and I would not have fallen to the point where I am now. It's because of you, don't blame me for shooting you! "

He spoke at the moment, apparently completely determined.

"Extreme sea of ​​blood, you want to be in harmony with these demons, don't make mistakes, how can you believe the words of the devil!"

Seeing that Bloodsea Supreme has also made a choice, Qinglian Sword Master angers and rushes to the crown, speaks loudly, and screams loudly.

It ’s just that his words did n’t say anything. His voice just came out. The Supreme Sea of ​​Blood was like a wild-haired wild cat, angrily reprimanding: "Qinglian Sword Master, you do n’t feel backache when you stand. What qualifications say me! "

His eyes are red, and the whole body is full of blood. It looks embarrassing and horrible. He said: "Qinglian Sword Master, you mean man, you abandon the scum of your allies at the critical moment. You are good. In the eyes, don't hesitate to pull the lower skin, and alliance with Yunchuan, don't think that I don't know, you have already achieved great fortune in the Qinglian Secret Realm, and will complement your Qinglian Sect's inheritance. Qualifications to impact the demi-god realm, but as for me, I still can only be stuck in the beginning of the world, in this case, you still want me to give up ?! "

He spoke angrily. Although he had already torn his skin with Qinglian Jianzun, and the small alliance had already been broken, this was the first time he was so angry that he was angry with Qinglian Jianzun.

This sentiment seems to be contagious. For a short time, the alliance present has been divided into several factions. One faction is naturally led by Chaotian Supreme and Bloodsea Supreme Buddha. It is necessary to kill Yunchuan for the existence of chance, and the other faction is the faction of Arakawa Supreme Qinglian Sword to protect Yunchuan, and the others are waiting and seeing.

The giant serpent's discourse seems to have a natural magic in it. Just a few words, it captures the inner obsession of these world existences, and strengthens the former world existence. The alliance fell apart and collapsed.

"Hehe, Yun Yun, I was in a dilemma. The Yun Yun always has a high wind and bright festival, and the old monk praised it. This time, the Yun donor may also play his own fearless spirit, feed the tiger, cut the meat and feed the eagle, and make for my Buddha. As for the contribution, the old monk here can guarantee that the cloud sacrifice will not be sacrificed, but it will surely be the pure land of my Buddhism. "

At this moment, the Lord Buddha stepped forward, hehehe said with a sense of compassion in his voice.

"The Lord Buddha's remarks are good. Although I usually see you as unpleasant, but today I support your words."

When I saw someone speaking, he reconciled, and a look of joy suddenly appeared on the blood sea Supreme's face. The snow in the distance was distant. Although it was said that he had been provoked by Yunchuan, there was a lot of gap between him and the Lord. He also stood up, but nodded secretly, his face showing hilarity.

"Oh, Lord Buddha, feed your tiger, cut your meat and feed your eagle. Isn't this your usual trick at Daguangming Temple. How did it happen to me? I don't have such a high level of awareness. And, in this kind of thing, you should lead by example. What happened to me? "

Seeing these three world-class figures who stood out at this moment, Yunchuan's face didn't have any particular fluctuations, but sneered and said.

"My Buddha is compassionate. If there is a place where the old monk is needed, even if the old monk feeds the tiger and cuts the meat to feed the eagle, the old monk is not bad. However, even if the old monk gave up this stinky skin, it would not help the situation in front of him. , Far less effective than a cloud donor can do. "

There was a smile on the face of the Lord Buddha, but there were no special fluctuations.

"Sure enough, on the extent of shamelessness, Daguangming Temple is still better!"

At this moment, Qinglian Jianzun showed an undisguised anger, and anger drank.

"Yunchuan, you did not swear before, saying that the demon hidden in this boundless blood sea is enough to cope with. It is because of your inference that I and others have fallen into this crisis situation. , This kind of thing happened, you should also be responsible for it! Supreme Arakawa, Qinglian Sword, this is the meaning of everyone, you do not disobey, although Arakawa Supreme is strong, but you can not deal with that giant Strength, surrender Yunchuan! "

The snow **** of the Snow Gods saw Yunchuan fall into such a situation at this moment, and his face suddenly showed a sense of pleasure and sneered.

"You can think about it. According to the behaviors of these demon heads I have encountered before, these demon heads, and the words they speak, there can be places to believe, and, snow chaos, Lord Buddha, you two It ’s not the first time that I have faced such a demon, but I ’m so naive? ”

There was no particular wave on Arakawa Supreme's face, narrowing his eyes and frowning slightly, looking around, and slowly speaking.

Around him, the weak river flows slowly around the surrounding, protecting Yunchuan in it.

Hearing the words of Arakawa Supreme, the two faces of the Lord Buddha and Xuerantian changed. The two had previously participated in the encirclement of demon heads such as Baiwu Supreme, and naturally knew this.

"Still, this time, you are just thinking of the communiqué personal vengeance, and you just want to take this opportunity to kill my ancestor Yunchuan?"

Arakawa Supreme spoke softly and continued, but this time, his words had revealed the dangers.

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