The Legendary Roll

Chapter 884: This is my bitter plan

"Naturally, this is not what you think of Arakawa Supreme. You are really misunderstanding, but after all, the current affairs person is Junjie. If Arakawa Supreme has a way to get me out of the present predicament, then I wait. There is no need to do this. "

The snow god, the great suzerain, sighed, and there was a sense of helplessness on his face, which seemed to be a last resort.

"However, although Arakawa Supreme exists in the middle of the world, your cultivation strength is extremely strong among us, but in the face of the existence of demigod, it is still not enough, and you don't have to spend some useless work. Now. "

The blood sea supreme look indifferent and coldly opened his mouth. Although he was a bit guilty before, at this moment, he has completely stabilized his mind, and there is nothing to hide from the killing, and it radiates out.


But all of a sudden, when the supreme characters in these three worlds were desperate and wanted to shoot against Yunchuan, in front of Yunchuan, several swords of light burst out.

Haven't waited for the blood sea supreme and others to react. In the next moment, the three sword lights gathered in front of Yunchuan have blasted at a very fast speed towards the giant with a snake body in the distance. go with.


The Buddha Lord and others widened their eyes one by one, with incredible colors on their faces, and looked at Yunchuan as if they were a fool.

Although they had previously heard about Yunchuan killing the Devil Lotus, at the time Demon Lotus was able to kill Yunchuan, but in the strict sense it wasn't Yunchuan's credit. The biggest reason was the Lord Buddha. According to others, it was still attributed to the assistance of the Qinglian sword fairy and the Arakawa Supreme Qinglian sword.

In their opinion, according to the words of Qinglian Sword Master, if it was only a Yunchuan, I am afraid that it would not cause any damage to that magic lotus at all.

Now, Yunchuan, whom they regard as the flesh of the chopping board, now dares to shoot directly at the demigod monster in the distance without any greeting.

What's more, the demi-god realm of that person's head has clearly shown from the words that his cultivation during the heyday is no longer just a semi-god realm, but a higher realm.

In this situation, Yunchuan actually dared to take the initiative to the demigod monster of this person's snake body. In the eyes of several people, this was simply his own initiative to seek death.

"It's all right. Under the initiative of Yunchuan's own death, even the Arakawa Supreme can't find us any more trouble."

The few sword lights whistled away at this moment. In the snow chaos, several people were shaking, but they did not take any action to stop them, but they were happy to see them, and they wanted to see Yunchuan's next angry head. A scene of a monster demon killing a snake body.

"Elder Yun!"

When Arakawa Supreme and Qinglian Sword Supreme saw Yunchuan's sudden move, his face was shocked, but there was no unnecessary words, and they immediately took measures. The river of weak water was like a giant python flowing in the sky. In the mobile room, the surroundings of Yunchuan's entire people are rigorous. At this moment, Qinglian Sword Master has a lot of cyan swords swirling out, and the whole person is like an enemy.

Yunchuan's sudden shot was somewhat beyond the expectation of the two. Although the two were the supreme existence of the world, they did not dare to take any care at this moment. After all, the existence of the opposite one was at least a semi-god. The presence.

"You devil, you dare to shoot at me!"

When I saw Yunchuan's three swords screaming at this moment, the serpent giant who claimed to be a blood ghost was suddenly shocked and angry.

When the Lord of the Buddha and others had guessed that the supreme figure in this world would shoot at Yunchuan, the next moment, a few people widened their eyes and faced the sword scream that Yunchuan passed by. The giant and serpent-headed giant with a magnificent and terrifying appearance actually showed the color of Cangjie on his face. It seemed to be trying to escape, but his speed was obviously not enough to keep up. To pass directly through the body.

Blood soared, and the giant snake-headed giant roared painfully, apparently the sword-light caused a lot of wounds.

"how come!"

Such a scene not only made Bloodsea Supreme wait for a moment, but even Yunchuan himself felt a little dazed after seeing this scene, and did not react for a moment.

His sword-lights did not use all his strength, and it could even be said that he just acted at will, just to verify his guess.

However, this kind of random action did not have much power to attack, but it caused the previously seemingly incomparable demigod monster to fall into such a miserable situation. Many people opened their mouths unconsciously, it seems I think I am wrong.

After being attacked by Yunchuan's Jianguang, the giant human snake face, the original terrifying atmosphere, disappeared without a trace.

"It turned out to be a silver-like wax gun tip."

Arakawa Supreme narrowed his eyes and looked at the giant snake-faced giant in the distance. A stun appeared on his face, and he turned to look at the stunned Buddha and others. He sneered and said, "Several, This is the new master you want to be loyal to. "

Among his words, at this moment, there is no unmasked irony and disappointment, and the suffering is seen in people's hearts. The previous Buddha, the snowy sky, and the Supreme Blood Sea, etc., first came to mind when they encountered the crisis. Not how to solve the crisis, but to be prepared to heed the words of the monster and take action against them.

"Hmm! The old monk has already discovered that this man's devil's head has an abnormality and has always wanted to shoot at it. My previous words were just trying to test this monster. It ’s just that the donor Yun is indeed the talent of the sky. He discovered the strangeness of these monsters in advance and made the old monk amazed. "

The three looked pale and white for a while, or the Lord of the Buddha returned to God first, and they still had the kind of gentle and gentle smile on their faces.

Snow God's Massive Chaotian Supreme also twitched his mouth at this moment, but the next moment he returned to God again, and his smile was a bit unnatural, saying: "Sure enough, as I expected, Elder Yun's judgment That's right, the demon hidden in the blood devil's nest is really just a silver-like wax gun head. Before long ago, I was very sure of the saying of Elder Yun, and in order to verify the saying of Elder Yun, I Only then did he hesitate to persecute Elder Yun, using a bitter plan, and forced the true face of this monster! "

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