The Legendary Roll

Chapter 888: God's Whip

Under normal circumstances, he would have liked such a situation, because it can also prove his status from one side, but now, he is facing the existence of such a real demigod, in which case, It is not the best choice for the other party to focus on it.

"How is it possible .... how is this possible ...."

The blood sea supreme at this moment, even widened his eyes, never imagined that this would happen now.

Especially at this moment, after knowing the other party ’s true strength, the impact on his mind was far better than the Lord Buddha.

The three of them, who had been played by the other after encountering the giant with the first snake body, almost carried the name of a traitor, and Yunchuan saw through the blood ghost who was just a silver-like wax gun. It is conceivable that they lost their faces after being misused.

But they just wanted to make up for it. The Buddha ’s words have even been released. As a result, this demon is a real demigod. This is like a great irony to both of them. At that blow, the Bloodsea Supreme knew that it was like a nightmare to be targeted by this demigod monster.

The power of the giant snake's shot was seen in the eyes of everyone in the distance, and everyone in the audience shrank their pupils.

"Is there a real demigod?"

Yunchuan turned his head, looked to the side of the same solemn Arakawa, and asked.

Arakawa Extreme looked at the distance, the long river that had stopped flowing had clearly stopped, and apparently he was ready to shoot.

He shook his head and said with a deep voice: "It should not have reached the real demi-god, at most it is the peak of the world, half-step into the level of the demi-god, and the power of its shot is very great. Fluctuations and instability. "

Yunchuan nodded, revealing the color of contemplation, and said, "This man's first snake body has a snake tail that runs through the infinite sea of ​​blood under his feet. When his snake tail appears to attack, its power is instant. It ’s skyrocketing, or his snake-tailed power has skyrocketed. "

Qinglian Sword Emperor, not far from the two, nodded, and said, "The old man has also discovered this. After his snake-tail power has skyrocketed, the breath on his body is at a very fast speed. Weakened and even fell to the point where even the world exists. "

Yunchuan stared at the blood ghost, only to see that after the other side hit the blow, the huge snake tail retracted directly and plunged into the water below.

All this happened between the electric light and flint. The Lord Buddha and Bloodsea Supreme vomited blood and backed off, and the monster of the man's first snake body restored to its previous state.

After its huge snake tail entered the sea of ​​blood, the whole sea of ​​blood formed a huge vortex at this moment, rushing into its body.

That blow made the breath of this man's snake body unstable, but with the influx of blood and sea water, the breath of the other party recovered at a very fast speed, and the blink of an eye has been restored. As before, I regained the previous fluctuations in breath.

One blow made the two world-class figures of the Lord of the Buddha and the Supreme of the Sea of ​​Blood fully crushed with one blow. Under normal circumstances, no matter who it is, there will be a lot of consumption, but at this extremely fast replenishment speed, It was quickly restored to its peak.

The face of the Lord Buddha and the Supreme Master Xuehai still has an unbelievable shock. Although in the distance, a few people in Yunchuan have seen that the head of the giant snake has many falsehoods, but the Lord Buddha and the Supreme Master Xuehai The two were inside them, but this situation was not found at all.

The two of them only saw that the two hit with their full strength, and the other side only played an understatement and shattered them as if they didn't use their full strength at all.

Such a situation has shocked the two of them almost to the point where they cannot be added. It can be said that at this moment, the two have no fighting spirit.

Because, at the moment, the two of them, even if they exist in the supreme level of the world, face the existence of the demigod, but they are like the martial arts in the quenched body facing the power of the Yuantai Realm.

Under the repression of the natural realm, it is no exaggeration for the two to have such a reaction.

However, the three people in the distance, Yunchuan, Arakawa Supreme, and Qinglian Sword Supreme, although said to be dignified, did not have the response of the two Lord Buddhas.

One reason is naturally that the three people in Yunchuan did not face the monster, but the second reason is because the three of them are very different from the Buddha and they all have themselves. The road, the Tao heart are extremely firm.

Naturally, Yunchuan need not say more. The Supreme Lord of the Arid Heavenly Sect, Arakawa Supreme, has long found his own path, and even has his own form of Tao. It is very possible to break through to the state of demigod.

The Qinglian Sword Emperor, like the Lord of the Buddha and others, was trapped in the early stage of the world and did not enter for a long time. However, not long ago, the Qinglian Sword Master invited Yunchuan to enter the Qinglian dense realm. A great crisis appeared, but Yunchuan turned this Qinglian sword sect's crisis into a lot of good fortune, so that Qinglian sword respect complemented his previous missing inheritance, and went smoothly from then on.

What's more, when Yunchuan was in the Qinglian sword sect, Yunchuan once learned a lot of the seeds of the Qinglian sword that he had obtained, and brought them to the Qinglian sword lord. Now the Qinglian sword lord does not make up for it After his inheritance, his strength can be said to be almost a thousand miles away, and under a little observation of the three, he also found some falsehood of the giant snakehead of that person.


At this moment, Arakawa Supreme snorted, and the river of weak water surrounding them, at this moment rose at a very fast speed against the wind, turning into thousands and thousands, like a whip, held by Arakawa Supreme in his hands, Pulled towards the giant with the snake in its head.


At the same time, Qinglian Sword Master didn't sit idly by, but in his entire body, there was one green lotus after another, forming one after another, and followed the attack of Arakawa Supreme.

Although the Lord Buddha and Bloodsea Supreme did not deal with them, and they had previously thought about doing something to stab their swords in the back, the situation at the moment was not when they pursued the monster in the head of the snake. Killing is the top priority.

The vast river of weak water is crystal clear, but the power it contains is horrible, just like the whip of God hanging from a high altitude, and he has already drawn the snake and monster in front of him. .

"You all die!"

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