The Legendary Roll

Chapter 889: Ripped Snake Tail

The monster of the man ’s snake body screamed with horror, and it was mixed with stern force. Only then was the river of weak water in the Arakawa Supreme raging, without any cover. The monster of the snake body was also clearly seen. Clearly.

But just as he was blocking, the river of weak water waved by the Arakawa Supreme changed its position in an instant and directly pumped onto this man's first snake body and monster tail.

The snake tail of this man's first snake body and monster is connected to the boundless sea of ​​blood below, but Arakawa's supremely weak river, at this moment, shattered it directly.

Because the other snake ’s tail had previously been discovered by the Arakawa Supremes, it was not a pure flesh and blood body, but was formed by condensing the water of the boundless blood sea below. Under normal circumstances, ordinary attacks attack On top of his snake tail, with the ripples of the sea water, he can save nearly 50% of his attacks.

The previous full attack of the Lord Buddha and the Blood Sea Supreme did not have much effect on this person's first snake body monster. This is one of the major reasons. Most of the power of the two attacks Has been offset by it.

However, the Lord Buddha and the Supreme Master Xuehai did not discover this, so it was shocking and terrifying.

At this moment, the river of weak water in Arakawa is a rare treasure, possessing the power of a supreme treasure, and also a rare wonder, because the weak water itself has the characteristics of absorbing all the world's water, even just one Weak water, if used properly, will be enough to put a giant miracle in the dead.

Arakawa Supreme is a river of weak water. The weak water contained in it has even formed a river. It is conceivable how powerful the power contained in it will be. It can be said that it is the body of the boundless blood sea. Human head snake body mist has natural restraint.

Like a long whip hanging from the sky, after a weak river flows directly, the water contained in the body of the man's snake body and monster directly evaporates, and it almost makes the other's snake tail directly disconnect. It can be said that It was miserable.

This man's first snake body roared out of his mouth. The source of his strength can be said to be the tail of a snake connected to the boundless sea of ​​blood, but the sudden blow of Arakawa Supreme made him feel no small. Field trauma.

The entire sea of ​​blood is roaring and transpiration, forming blood vortexes that penetrate the world one after another, sweeping towards a crowd, and the huge energy contained in the sea of ​​blood is madly heading towards this person at this moment. The monsters of the snake body rushed out, repairing the wound just suffered at a very fast speed.


But just then, one blue flower after another bloomed on the sky, looking magnificent and magnificent.

However, behind this magnificent beauty, there are extremely amazing murderous powers. After the blue lotus blooms, it turns into a blue sword spirit, cuts through the space, and heads towards the opposite snake tail that is recovering.


The violent sound of tearing through the space was drawn out. The cyan swords that formed after the cyan lotus bloomed were unprecedented at this moment. Although they were blocked by the **** swirls, they were as flexible as swimming in the water. Like a fish, they bypassed each block and rushed towards the snake tail that was being repaired.

Qinglian Sword Master is originally a sword repair. As a world, his accomplishments in kendo are even more tyrannical. At this moment, this situation is already evident.

The cyan swimming fish formed by the sword light flowed at this moment, and went forward and forward, toward the direction of the snake tail in the distance, cutting one by one, making a jingling sound.

Boom boom boom boom.

Immediately after the cyan swimming fish was cut, they exploded directly in the position of the snake tail, which made the snake tail suffer more trauma.

Arakawa Supreme and Qinglian Sword Supreme are two world-class figures in the realm of the world. They do n’t move, they move like a nine-day thunder. The cooperation is even more tacit, and they do n’t give the man ’s snake body a chance to react at all.

Moreover, because the two had already learned the reason for the weakness of the monster before this, the trauma caused to the other at this moment is far more than the previous attack of the Lord Buddha.

There was a thunderous sound, and the monster of the snake's body made a stern sound at this moment. Before the large snake tail had time to recover, it had been directly blown open and fell from a high altitude.

And the area where the other party is connected to that blood sea is also almost gone, leaving only a lone half body, still floating in the air, miserable.

The distant Lord of the Buddha and the Supreme Master of the Sea of ​​Blood, at this moment, each one has his eyes widened, his face full of shock and unbelievable looks, it seems that he has seen what the sky and the night are talking about.

The previous snake body and monster re-condensed in this blood sea almost scared the courage of both of them with only one hit, and determined that it was impossible to overcome.

However, when Qinglian Sword Emperor and Arakawa Supreme shot, the series of attacks by the two people almost made this man's first snake body's monster almost without any resistance and cut it directly into two sections.

"How is it possible that ... I waited with them, how could there be such a big gap in strength?"

Blood Sea Supreme looks dull, looking at Qinglian Sword Master in the distance still has an incredible feeling.

His Bloodsea Demon Sect and Qinglian Sword Emperor Qinglian Sword Sect are two super sects in the North Sea. Before the unpleasantness in the land of colorful true gods happened, the two super sects still have a period. The cooperation of time can be said to know each other's existence.

He and Qinglian Sword Emperor have similar strengths, but now, judging from the strength shown by Qinglian Sword Emperor, the two are already like heaven and earth, and there is a fundamental insurmountable gap.

"The former Qinglian Sword Emperor, like me, was stuck in the early stage of the world for a long time without any advance. If there is any change, it is this time. Among them, there is the figure of Yunchuan. Could it be said that all this is because of Yunchuan, because Yunchuan Qinglian Sword Master has been so strong in such a short period of time? "

The blood of the Supreme Sea is full of thoughts, and his head is a bit swollen. There have been too many changes in the Tianxuan world in this period of time, making him feel hesitant in a dream for a while.

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