The Legendary Roll

Chapter 891: Sea of ​​Raging Blood

"How many more!"

The re-emergence of the four snakes and monsters made the appearance of everyone more ugly, and some people couldn't help speaking out.

In the face of the two monsters, everyone was almost exhausted when they were under siege. Although they were successfully killed, they have not had time to recover.

In other words, these monsters derived from the sea of ​​blood are appearing faster and faster. At this moment, it has reached the point where it was derived from a dozen breaths. The time of a dozen breaths is not enough for them to recover.

This time, although the monsters of the four snakes were still beheaded by the crowd, among the people present, two principal elders in the late stage of the Divine Passage fell again, and several principal elders were also directly injured and short. There is no way to restore combat power within time.

Even if the monsters of those snakes have great weaknesses, and their strength is not really a magical state, it can only be regarded as a pseudo-demigod, but their true strength is there. The elder elders in the later stage of the miraculous state can already be called a super-bulk mid-pillar and pillar-like existence under ordinary circumstances. However, from the perspective of casualties, it is clear that their strength is far from enough.

In other words, judging from the current situation, in this Battle of the Blood Devil's Nest, the main elders of these magical realms have obviously lacked strength and can really play a decisive role. Only real ones such as Arakawa Supreme The existence of the world.

The Lord of the Buddha and Supreme of the Blood Sea, etc., although previously said that they were wounded by the monsters of this person's snake body, but after discovering the weaknesses of these monsters, they also played a great role in this battle. The role of the world's most extreme figures.

Right now, there are four demons in the pseudo-god realm again, and the elders of those supernatural realms are all horrified.

To this day, although the monsters of these people's snakes have been killed by many people, each time they are killed, they will appear again, and more than once. In this case, even the people Psychological quality is beyond ordinary people, but in the face of this situation, still feels an ominous feeling.

"It's impossible, it shouldn't be. Why is this kind of monster like endless, there is only one possibility, that is, these monsters are not the real monsters in this blood devil's nest, and the real culprit is someone else!"

When Yunchuan watched the snakes and monsters that had condensed again, his brows frowned slightly. From the beginning, the Supreme Blood Sea easily beheaded and killed the first monster, and Yunchuan's heart had this conjecture. .

Until now, the monsters of these people's heads have emerged again and again, which has further strengthened this conjecture of Yunchuan. Therefore, Yunchuan has begun to search in this sea of ​​blood to find some clues.

There is also an anxiety in Yunchuan's heart. According to the current situation, those monsters are not killing at all, and their strength is extremely high. Although these monsters have obvious weaknesses, allowing them to cope for the time being, but their own consumption is It can't be made up for a moment, even if it is not killed by these monsters, it will sooner or later be consumed here.

At the time of the previous two monsters, the main elders of the late Divine Power among them all had suffered a lot of casualties. At this moment, the number of monsters has doubled as compared with the previous one. Really step by step Beheaded, I'm afraid the casualties will be even worse.

Although the monsters of these people's snakes no longer have any intellect, their terrible fighting instincts are extremely difficult. Yunchuan saw that these monsters had deliberately protected their own snake tails, and everyone wanted Breaking through its protection and cutting off its snake tail, the difficulty has been increased by multiples compared to the previous one.

He looked at the four snake heads and monsters that had reunited, and looked at the other bloodthirsty bloodthirsty. There was no intelligence at all, only the eyes of the fighting instinct, his eyes brightened,

"The monsters of these people ’s snakes have emerged as they have condensed time and time again, and their wisdom has become less and less. The monster that was killed by the Supreme of the Sea of ​​Blood for the first time can still talk completely and even coax. I waited, turning the Buddha and other people into deception, but now, even though they are generally the same, they can't even speak, just making some meaningless growls. "

The teenager looked at the more violent sea of ​​blood around him at this moment, and had some speculation in his heart.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

He got up abruptly, with a long whistle, and several sword lights were condensed at this moment, but instead of heading towards the four monsters that re-condensed, he just fell off towards the sea of ​​blood that was tumbling downward.

At this moment, the sea of ​​boundless blood was full of hundreds and thousands of raging waves, and the tsunami was bursting into waves.

These blood sea tsunami, although it is said that the attack power is not very strong, but with a strong corrosive force, it constantly erodes everyone's protective strength.

At the moment when everyone is shooting, the whole person ascends into the air. Those highly corrosive seawaters, although the threat to them is not strong, but if they really fall into it, they will be considered as the world's supreme. Existence, Yuanli's consumption rate is twice as much as before.

Yunchuan's move at this moment was beyond everyone's expectations. Even the monsters of those snakes did not respond for a while, but the next moment, angry screams were issued in their mouths, and others were abandoned. , Booming towards Yunchuan.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The monsters of these people's snakes are extremely fast, just like Yunchuan's actions, and they have committed some unforgivable taboos, but Yunchuan deliberately distanced them from the beginning.

Only one person's monster rushed to Yunchuan's front, but did not immediately attack Yunchuan, but the huge body voluntarily rushed to the front of a chopped sword light and bombarded Yunchuan. A sword light was taken down stiffly, and the skin flickered.

But the sword lights cut by Yunchuan at this moment are not one, but there are dozens of them, but the other monsters are far behind, watching the sword lights cut down.

The dull roar rang, the sea of ​​blood exploded, and the power of Yunchuan Jianguang erupted completely, even though the sword lights emitted by Yunchuan did not use all their strength, they could not play too much against those monsters. Effect, but to the water of the blood sea, it is like a thunder.

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