The Legendary Roll

Chapter 892: Real ontology

The sea of ​​blood exploded a few hundred feet directly at this moment, and the hundreds of feet of seawater were transpired directly, forming several holes, which could not be filled for a long time, as if there were several huge scars in the air.

At the same time, the fierce human snakes and monsters have rushed to Yunchuan not far away, and they will attack Yunchuan, but after Yunchuan ’s sword light fell on the sea of ​​blood, this Several monsters trembled, their movements were stiff for half a breath, and their breath was a bit slumped.


The silver flying boat appeared, Yunchuan's body was like a silver swimming fish, and the speed was extremely fast. Taking advantage of the rigidity of these monsters, Yunchuan rushed out from the surrounding of these monsters and arrived Arakawa is near.

At this moment, the young man's face was slightly enlightened, and he exclaimed: "If I guess well, the monsters of these people's snakes are not the real body of the monster in this blood devil's nest, its real body. , It should be hidden in the sea of ​​blood below, or in other words, this sea of ​​blood is its real body! "

Yunchuan spoke aloud, his voice was loud, and spread in all directions, and immediately shocked everyone on the field. Obviously, the guess that Yunchuan said was too incredible.

Arakawa Supreme also had a shock on his face, but he also saw Yunchuan ’s move and the changes in those people ’s snakes and monsters. The river of weak water waved out, and the monsters that came again Obstructed, and said, "Yunchuan said it makes sense. Even if the monsters of these people's snakes are beheaded, they will be reborn, not at all, and Yunchuan just bombarded these seas of blood, but these monsters It was also wounded, there must be a great connection between the two, or this sea of ​​blood ... "

He didn't continue to say anything, obviously, he also felt that this guess was a bit too incredible, but he had already faintly believed in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Arakawa Supreme shot again, but this time when he shot, he also no longer beheaded the monsters of those snakes, but blasted towards the sea of ​​blood below.

Boom boom!

Arakawa Supreme is a mid-level world-class Supreme Existence. The wave of attacks is obviously more powerful than Yunchuan's previous attacks, once again transpiring the water of the blood sea into several hundreds of holes.

After his attack fell, the entire boundless blood sea violently tossed up again at this moment. The sea of ​​blood in Shanghai was soaring towards the two people, Arakawa Supreme and Yunchuan. It seemed that one person was severely hit at this moment. Want crazy revenge in general.

At this moment, the monsters of the first snake body shook again at this moment, and the body stagnated for half a breath. One of them caught the flaw by the supreme existence of all the world states, and directly directed its snake tail. Smash, successfully killed a monster.

The blood sea Supreme in the distance, after hearing the speculation and practice of the two Arakawa Supreme and Yunchuan, his entire pupil was slightly enlarged at this moment, showing the level of shock in his heart at this moment.

After all, the speculation that Yunchuan had just spoken was really too incredible. The blood devil's nest that they wanted to annihilate, and the hidden monsters inside it would be the entire boundless blood sea. If it were not for the current situation, I am afraid blood He Haizun would really listen to this as a joke.

After all, his entire Blood Sea Demon Sect was established by relying on the entire boundless blood sea. It can be said that it is equivalent to his blood Sea Demon ancestor, but at this moment, his blood Sea Demon ancestor was Become a monster, everyone feels a strange feeling.

However, this kind of thing like Tianfang Yetan is now confirmed by two people, Yunchuan and Arakawa. According to various signs, the monsters of these people's snakes are indeed not the real body, and that The blood sea below may be the real monster, or the real monster is still hidden in the boundless blood sea.

There are two kinds of speculations, but no matter which kind of speculation, it is not good news for Bloodsea Demon and Bloodsea Supreme. If the infinite sea of ​​blood is really a monster, after this battle, it is obvious Already awakened to full motivation.

And his blood sea demon sect, for so many years, has always been to establish a sect door on the body of a monster, just thinking about it, thinking of the dangers, the cold sweat on the blood sea supreme amount can not help but fall.

Not long ago, the Qinglian Jianzong's green lotus in the dense realm contained the demon lotus that was trying to get out of trouble and then the whole Qinglian Jianzong blood sacrifice idea. In that case, Qinglian Jianzong this The super stupid will surely wipe it out in a human-like evaporation mode, and the Qinglian Secret Realm at that time was not within the Qinglian Jianzong. There was no small buffer between the two, so dangerous. .

However, his Blood Sea Demon Sect has established the entire Zongmen resident on this monster. This situation is equivalent to putting a piece of fresh meat in the mouth of a tiger. If the monster is completely complete Wake up, without using any other means, can directly swallow his blood sea monster.

Blood Sea Supreme's thought of annihilating this devil's nest at this moment has reached an extreme, because if this devil's nest is not extinguished, then he and his super block Blood Sea Demon Sect will certainly annihilate with it.

Boom boom!

Thinking of this, a trace of fierceness suddenly rose on the Supreme Blood Sea's face, and a wave of blood-red beams of light suddenly appeared from his whole body as he waved his hand, as if Tianzhu collapsed, and slaughtered fiercely towards the seawater below. .

These blood-red beams of power are extremely powerful, and there is a special weird power that makes the water of the blood sea below evaporate out of thin air. The blood-red beams of light wipe out a large area of ​​blood. Upside down.

The blood sea demon relies on the entire boundless blood sea. In this long time, naturally, this piece of boundless blood sea also has a lot of understanding, and the blood sea supreme supernatural power is mostly based on Based on this boundless blood sea, in this case, the damage caused to this piece of blood sea is also great.

Inspired by a few people, other martial arts attacked the sea of ​​blood below one by one at this moment. All the magical powers bloomed like fireworks, looking dazzling and beautiful, but the power contained in them seemed to be Can turn this sea of ​​blood all over.

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