The Legendary Roll

Chapter 951: Hidden Temple

At this moment, the wild west is a secret place.

This hidden place is located deep underground in the wild desert of Xihuang, and it is still constantly changing, making it impossible to touch the location of this hidden place.

And if you look closer, you can clearly see that this hidden place is a huge divine court. In this divine court, light and darkness are intertwined, the sound of the Buddha sings, and the evil sound enters the soul. The Buddha and the enchantment went side by side, and the bodhisattva and the demon girl danced together, appearing sacred and enchanting.

In the center of this vast sanctuary, above the main seat, is a figure dressed in black armor. The eyes of many Buddhas and bodhisattvas in the surrounding sanctuary look respectful and respectful when looking at this black armor figure. Obviously, this black armor figure has a high prestige in it.

"You guys, what do you think about the Daguangming Temple?"

At this moment, the figure of the black armor above the main seat was a little dignified, and he opened his mouth to the people below. The sound contained a natural magic.

If Yunchuan is here, he can recognize at a glance that the black armor figure above the main seat is like the evil monk in the town prison previously under the Great Guangming Temple.

This sect of Kemo was killed by the Lord of Buddha hundreds of years ago, and suppressed in the prison. Later, when Baiwu Supreme rebelled, a ray of remnant was immortal, and he wanted to follow Baiwu Supreme and escape. The town jail, however, the town jail at that time had concentrated the power of several world-class supreme existences, coupled with the key destruction of Yunchuan at the time, so that both Baiwu Supreme and Ke Moxun did not escape. However, they were killed again, and the evil monster Ke Mo was blasted on the spot.

However, at that time, Yunchuan saved a few pieces of black armor after the bombardment of Ke Mo Xie Zun, and saved them. After they completely imprinted their marks on them, they saved them. Put in the West Wild.

Yunchuan released the fragment of the black armor, not to save the life of Kemo Xizun at that time. At that time, Yunchuan also had speculation that Nagma could be resurrected with a few pieces of black armor, but, At that time, there were only a few fragments of the evil monster Kemo, and it can be said that its strength has fallen to a lowest point in history. Even if the strength of Yunchuan at that time was far from being overbearing, it was already easily imprinted on it. Put on my own brand, and completely control the black armor fragments in his hands.

Yunchuan at that time was far from being as arrogant as it is now. It only had the ability to refine the virtual realm. With the strength of the virtual realm, it controlled the existence of at least the supreme level of the world, such as the exorcism of Kemo, if it changed someone else. , I will certainly think that this is just heaven and earth, but this is indeed an indisputable fact.

However, the situation at that time was not without small risks, because if the grammar evil spirit was restored and Yunchuan was still the previous strength, he would be freed from the control or even backfired by the grammar evil spirit at any time.

At the moment, the Lord Komo Evil on the main seat of the divine court was a little gloomy. He was born again at that time and naturally noticed the marks of control that Yunchuan had imprinted on him, but he did not care much at the time. From the perspective of Kemoxun, as long as he can resume cultivation, the difference in strength between the two will be easily broken.

However, what he didn't expect was that Yunchuan's strength entered the country extremely fast. Even though he now relies on the faith he snatched from the Buddha, he has restored his cultivation to the state of the world, but in his In his feelings, Yunchuan's control of him was not only weak, but also a little bit stronger than before.

"Xin Xin Buddha, I think that if many world-class figures in the Xuan world attack the Great Guangming Temple today, it is an opportunity for me to wait. If I wait in the dark, I can just take advantage of the fisherman and take the whole The power of Xihuang ’s faith has been seized in one fell swoop, letting the new Buddha take your strength to the next level! ”

The opening is a golden Buddha, this Buddha has the ability to cultivate divine power, and said a little excited.

"I have reached a bottleneck for the development of believers, and the Great Guangming Temple where the Lord of the Buddha is located has become more and more restrictive for me in the recent period of time. Even the Lord of the Buddha has been waiting for me personally during this period of time. Shooting, let me wait for heavy losses. However, the Buddha ’s Lord seems to have experienced some problems recently. He turned to the dark creator of the monster that appeared in the devil ’s nest. According to my understanding of the Buddha ’s temperament, under normal circumstances, the Buddha It is impossible for the Lord to make such a choice. "

Another bodhisattva revealed the holy Bodhisattva and groaned.

"The Tianxuan world is now more and more turbulent. Prior to this, the supreme figures of the world have been the apex of the entire Tianxuan world, but until now, such demons have emerged endlessly, but this is just In my opinion, the previous Tianxuan world was too rigid. My development can only be confined to the wild west. The forces between the super-blocks have become deeply entrenched. I want to break through many difficulties, but now, As long as I can take this opportunity to replace the Great Guangming Temple of the Buddha in one fell swoop, I will be promoted to a semi-god realm, there is a great possibility! "

There was a touch of madness on the face of Kamo Xunzun, and some hesitated.

For the current Kamo Zun, he is extremely impatient and wants to break through to the state of demigod, because otherwise, Yunchuan's control of him will never be able to get rid of him, and he will always be constrained.

In particular, a series of deeds in Yunchuan have been passed to the Arakawa Supreme more and more clearly. In this case, the sense of urgency has become more and more urgent in Ke Moxie's heart.


But all of a sudden, at this moment, there was an invisible wave from a distance, rippling into this sanctuary wandering in the ground. When this invisible wave rippling, the moment of Komo's evil face suddenly disappeared. It became extremely ugly.

In this wave of fluctuations, he impressed him with a summoning meaning, and this wave was familiar to him.

Before he was in the prison, there were only a few fragments left. If it weren't for Yunchuan, he wouldn't be able to survive from it. But Yunchuan controlled his fragments, but he also caught him. The life ring of Yunchuan, especially now that Yunchuan's strength is close to him, Yunchuan's call is hard for him to resist.

"Damn, **** it!"

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