The Legendary Roll

Chapter 952: Avid believer

The evil spirit of Ke Mozun was raging, reaching a point where it could not be added, but it was somewhat helpless. Yunchuan had never called him before, making him think Yunchuan had forgotten it.

In other words, taking Yunchuan's previous cultivation as a strength, even if he was summoned forcibly, it would not cause him any trouble. At best, it would only cost him a little bit of tricks. It can be ignored. Now Yunchuan's growth rate is far beyond his expectations.

At the same time, Xihuang, where the Great Guangming Temple is located, all the horrifying figures come from far to near, but each figure has the worst repair strength that is no less than the supernatural power, and every week is murderous. steaming.

These strong figures coming from all directions are truly super-majors who came to attack the troops of the Daguangming Temple.

Many of these arrogant and terrifying atmospheres gathered here, causing the vast majority of martial arts in the entire wasteland of the West to tremble and tremble with inexplicability.

In the eyes of many people, there are so many supermassages, and the existence of the world is converged here, let alone the Great Guangming Temple. The entire Xihuang, if they want, can be directly destroyed.

After all, although the Great Guangming Temple is a super stupid, it has only one super stupid, and the Buddha ’s cultivation is only the beginning of the world. In the home of his super stanza, he may be able to face the existence of two worlds at the same time. However, at the moment, the world world supreme is not only one and two, but there are several world world supreme existences. It is a person in the middle of the world, surpassing more than one Buddha in the beginning of the world.

In this case, it is natural that many large and small forces in Xihuang have no confidence in Daguangming Temple and think that it may not take long for them to become the absolute hegemons in the Xihuang of the West. Clouds and smoke, dream bubbles.

Among them, the false Buddha preached by the evil monk Kemo is dead, and the discourse of the new Buddha has spread throughout the western wasteland. Many believers in the former Great Guangming Temple are hopeless in this way. Under the circumstances, he changed the gate and turned to the new Buddhism school founded by Ke Mo Xie Zun, which allowed his power to develop and grow further.

However, after all, the Daguangming Temple has been ruled by the Xihuang for many years, and its belief can be said to have long been ingrained. There are countless believers. Under the call of the Lord of Buddha, there are countless mad believers coming together from all directions in the direction of the Daguangming Temple. They are all mortals who do n’t have many martial arts practices and have no power to bind chickens, but their degree of enthusiasm for Daguangming Temple is extraordinary. They have even reached the point where they are willing to die for Daguangming Temple. people.

This situation happened from time to time, and many of the super-commons who came to Xihuang had at least the power of supernatural powers. These giants have their own pride. The dignity of the strong must not be insulted, and the attacks of the cult followers of the Great Guangming Temple were naturally killed directly by the elders and blood flowed into the river.

For supernatural figures of supernatural powers, although it is said that these mortals who are not bound by chickens will not be shot on weekdays, it does not mean that they can be bullied. The gap between the two is like The eagle in the sky looks like the ants overlooking the ground. Under normal circumstances, there is no intersection between the two.

Now these obsessed believers are blocking them like a mantis arm, and if they are in a good mood, they may let them go. If they are not in a good mood, they will be crushed like ants.

Not far from the Daguangming Temple, Yunchuan looked away from a distance, frowning slightly, and said, "The zealots of the Daguangming Temple are really a big trouble, a little tricky."

Not far from him, the existence of many worlds also converged here. After hearing Yunchuan's words, the Lord of Red Fire sneered and said, "What trouble can there be, just some small ants, I ca n’t help it. I ’ve waited for the super sect before to make it clear that the Lord ’s refusal to rely on the devil has declared that this is no longer personal security, but the crisis of the entire Tianxuan world. But these fanatics still treat me. As a heresy, in this case, these cult believers cultivated by the Great Guangming Temple still obstructed me so much, and even beat back and raked me in turn, stigmatizing me and turning it into a demon. The assassination of the Lord Buddha who took refuge in the demon head, I did not need to take too much care at all, just kill them all! "

The Red Fire Lord is murderous and directly speaks. He was previously severely betrayed by the Lord Buddha. Naturally, he has no affection for the Lord Buddha and the entire Great Guangming Temple. In addition, there are many people who do n’t know how to die. Fanatics slammed him and even shot at him.

Putting it in the ordinary, this is simply impossible. After all, those cult followers of the Great Guangming Temple have the strongest cultivation and do not exceed the realm of refining virtual reality. Shoot at him in this world.

The Lord of the Red Fire originally had a violent temper, plus his previous impression of the Daguangming Temple was extremely poor. In this case, his journey along the road can be described as a **** storm.

"I do n’t know the Red Fire Lord. These zealots in the Daguangming Temple have always been the support of the entire Daguangming Temple, and, as far as I know, the high-level of the Daguangming Temple, using the beliefs of these zealots, can even show some Prohibition, in which case we have to guard. "

Yunchuan heard the murderous words of the Lord of the Red Fire, but his face was still, he shook his head and said.

At the time of the Demon Shrine's appearance, Daguangming Temple, which was far away from Xihuang, walked in front of all the supermassions. The first one came to the Devil Temple, according to Yunchuan's understanding, because of 100,000 cult followers. Self-sacrifice, which opened a channel.

Nowadays, many enthusiastic believers who have flowed into the vicinity of the Great Guangming Temple from all over the Xihuang, have gathered almost all of the Xihuang. At first glance, there are at least tens of millions, and they are still gathering. In.

This is also the reason why most of the zealous believers do not have much martial arts and cannot travel long distances. In addition to the previous strategy adopted by Yunchuan, the evil spirit of Kemo has dispersed the belief of the Great Guangming Temple, otherwise, it will be presented to everyone. The number in front of me is much larger than it is now.

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