The Legendary Roll

Chapter 974: Yes, my lord!

The existence of many world scenes at the scene also felt this, so after the shot of the Black Lord, all of them followed the shot of the Black Lord and wanted to stop the golden Buddha.

It is just that this golden Buddha in the Great Guangming Temple hall is a complete ghost, leaving many world realms to be vacated, and the attack on it is not much. Usefulness.

After that, the power of many faiths gathered from all directions at this moment came from all directions at the same time, directly blocking many attacks from the world.

"Hehe, how are the donors and the old monks' preparations? In the Great Guangming Temple, in the homeland of Xihuang, the old monks are undefeated!"

Overlooking that golden Buddha statue, with the influx of almost endless faith in the whole western wasteland, the breath of the Buddha's body has also increased a lot, and the voice when he speaks also has confidence.

Although the previous batch of devoted devotees to the Great Guangming Temple has ceased to exist, the remaining faiths are not as firm as those of the previous batch of devotees, but after all, the Great Guangming Temple has been rooted in the western wasteland for too long In this case, the Lord of the Buddha manifested the miracle, and he reunited the faith on the entire western wasteland.

In this case, although it can not be said that many super bulk attacks can be repelled, but at least the defense of Daguangming Temple can be maintained for several months. Such a long time is enough to create many variables.

Arakawa Supreme and others also know this, so they want to prevent the golden Buddha from continuing, but the Lord has already manifested the miracles, so that most people in the West Wasteland have worshiped, unless It is within a short period of time that all the devotees of the Great Guangming Temple on the western wasteland can be eradicated. Otherwise, it would be impossible to stop the gathering of so many faiths.

However, there are many people on the ground in Xihuang, and every believer will kill them. I am afraid that the entire Xihuang will become a **** on earth. This method is simply unrealistic.

"Buddha, do you think nobody in the world can control you, today you will destroy your foundation!"

Just as everyone was at a loss, Yunchuan stepped forward and laughed.

Yunchuan's words boomed, it seemed to resonate with the endless stream of beliefs, and the power of these beliefs spread to all directions, allowing most of the western wasteland to listen To his voice.

Under normal circumstances, this situation does not occur at all, and even a supreme person in the middle of the world such as Arakawa Supreme cannot spread his faith in all directions.

But now Yunchuan has achieved this. Not only has the Buddha's Lord Buddha's ghostly appearance changed greatly, but even Hei Li Shengzhu and others, looking at Yunchuan, have revealed an incredible color.

The Lord Buddha can let his voice spread in all directions, which is understandable. After all, the Lord Lord has been operating in the wild for many years, and the tentacles of the Great Guangming Temple are spread in all directions. The infinite power of faith can be mobilized to let his voice spread. , And even manifested the falling vision of the blossoming golden lotus, consolidating the faith.

However, the scene of Yunchuan's genius just mobilized the power of this faith. Although it is not that the power of faith is mobilized, but a part of it, it is also amazing. There is already a part of the power of the Buddha's faith, which was directly intercepted by Yunchuan and became Yunchuan's belief.

"How is this possible? How could a large part of my faith be intercepted by Yunchuan, just like the belief that was originally Yunchuan?"

The statue of the golden Buddha felt everything that was happening, showing a thick and incredible color, which was really too unusual.

"Kermo Evil!"

But before the Lord Buddha understood what was happening, Yunchuan yelled again and again, spreading in all directions as the power of those beliefs flowed.

The next moment, on the western wasteland, an immensely magnificent and immensely magnificent divine court emerged from below the ground, and above the divine court, there was a burst of light, faintly visible. In that divine court, the Buddha and the Bodhisattva shared Dance, ghosts and witches recite the scriptures, and they look magnificent.

With the call of Yunchuan, on that extremely magnificent and immensely magnificent temple, a figure wearing a black armor appeared on it, with a hint of hesitation on his face, but the next moment, he punched his chest with his right fist. Jia Jia banged, "Yes, my lord!"

Along with his words, the entire divine court ran at this moment, sowing thousands of rays of light, and the sound was booming: "The pseudo Buddha is dead, the new Buddha is standing! The pseudo Buddha is dead, the new Buddha is standing. ! "

In the words of this divine court, about one-third of the believers who had been on the ground in the whole western wasteland had changed the court at this moment, and they heard the voice as if they had the backbone of the Lord. It is said that the voice of prayer is still heard in the mouth, but it is no longer a belief in the Lord of the Buddha, but a new Buddha.

Such a scene made the satisfaction of that Komo evil statue high in the court of God appear to be satisfied, but the next moment, it seemed that something was thought, but the tangles appeared on the face.

Although the former evil lord of Kemo was controlled by Yunchuan, he did not want to help Yunchuan. On the contrary, in his original plan, when he wanted to use the two to fight, the fisherman profited and the whole big The Guangming Temple's beliefs in the Western Wasteland were plundered and wiped out.

However, after this, the development of things really exceeded the expectation of the evil monk Kemo, the Lord of the Buddha gathered all the powers of the elders of the Great Guangming Temple, and the red lotus industry fire condensed as a result, not only Refining Yunchuan to death, on the contrary, also allowed Yunchuan to rebirth, and gained great benefits in the red lotus in that industry, and even realized a trace of cause and effect.

It is precisely because of this that the evil lord of Kemo has been able to clearly understand that the brand that Yunchuan left on him and the connection with him have been dozens of times stronger than before. , To the point where he can control his life and death with one thought.

Moreover, what Kemo Xiezun had not previously discovered is that Yunchuan's previous imprint on him not only controlled him, but also passed on the believers and beliefs that he had worked hard to develop through this channel. Going, that is to say, everything that he had worked so hard for in the end was just a wedding dress for Yunchuan.

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