The Legendary Roll

Chapter 975: Bad for your foundation

Adding all these things, it can be said that at this moment, no matter from which aspect, the evil emperor Kema has fallen into Yunchuan's control.

Especially before that, Yunchuan once used the horrible red flame to kill half of the **** ’s soul, causing the Lord ’s body to be severely damaged. Promoted to the state of the world, but there is still a long way to go to the Lord of Buddha, especially the already advanced Lord, let alone that now Yunchuan has controlled it, even if it is not controlled, I am afraid that Kemoxun will not be its opponent.

Adding all these things, Kamo is not a person who doesn't know current affairs. He naturally took the initiative and made the previous move.

With his words, the entire wasteland of the West had originally rushed to the power of the Lord ’s faith, and suddenly suddenly reduced by as much as half. In the power of those beliefs, it was mixed with a faint black gas. Let the original golden light, the power of faith like gold, become less pure, and replaced by a purple and black color.

In this case, the influx of these belief forces did not play any role in protecting the Lord of the Buddha and the entire Great Guangming Temple. On the contrary, it also turned the illusion of the golden Buddha into a ghost. This color is purple and black.


In the main hall, the Lord of the Buddha opened his eyes with anger and spit out golden blood again. The breath around him was much lower than before. His eyes were full of tremor and incredible color.

"The foundation of my Great Guangming Temple was buried in the hands of this little thief in Yunchuan!"

The expression on the Buddha's main face now seemed to cry instead of cry, smile instead of smile, and the voice had been faintly changed. Seeing the scene of the imperial monk ’s order Xixihuang, he already knew that at this moment, he, Daguangming Temple It can be said that it has been defeated, and there is no longer any situation where it can rise.

He also did not know the way until now. Who was the master behind the new Buddha who appeared in the Xihuang ruled by his Great Guangming Temple? It is exactly Yunchuan. Half of the power of faith has been transferred by Yunchuan. Devouring, in this case, it can be said that the Lord of the Buddha has lost the foundation for his resurgence, and has been directly cut off by half of the foundation.

In his heart, at this moment, a kind of creepy feeling suddenly emerged. The new Buddha created by the former Buddha Kama, although he said it was a big trouble, but he didn't take it too seriously. , Thinking that as he cultivates to the middle of the world, he will certainly be able to kill him at a very fast speed.

But up to now, what he didn't think of was that Ke Moxie infiltrated his followers so much, and was still under the control of Yunchuan. As a result, his previous biggest dependence has disappeared as a result. No, this infiltration was not formed overnight, but it lasted for a long time, but in such a long time, the Lord Buddha never noticed it, so that he fell into this situation. .

If the heart of the Lord Buddha is dead, seeing this scene of Qinglian Sword Master and others will also have a great shock in my heart. Looking at the distant presence of the power of thousands of faiths, it is as if a **** came to earth. The teenagers in white are all shocked and incredible.

After all, the current scene is really too amazing. There is a new Buddha and Buddha contending for faith in the West Wasteland. They also know it, but they do n’t know until now. The master behind all this is not Others, it is exactly Yunchuan that has not been exposed.

Judging from the previous scene, the entire western wasteland, the area originally controlled by the Lord of the Buddha, is no longer an iron plate as before. Yunchuan seems to share the faith with it. At this moment, it is called the uncrowned king on the western wasteland. Not too much.

Coupled with Yunchuan at this moment, after experiencing the new life after the horrific burning of the Red Lotus industry fire, the breath emitted by all around Zhou Zhou has already had the late stage of supernatural power, which is almost half a step into supreme cultivation.

Before Yunchuan entered the Divine Realm, he already had the strength to rival the world. Now, Yunchuan's realm already has a half-step supreme state. We can imagine the current Yunchuan's strength How big a leap there has been.

The faces of Arakawa Supreme and Qinglian Sword Revealed a face that could not be concealed, and the faces of both were filled with joy, burned by the horrible red lotus industry fire, and they were still successful. It was a great improvement in strength, and this situation naturally relieved the two of them.

However, the extreme existence of the world of Kemoxun is actually called Yunchuan as the main body, and he has subdued a world-class supreme person. Such horrible achievements would have been appalling. If they had not heard it I am afraid no one will believe it at all.

That immensely huge divine court, under the control of the evil demon Kemo, was wandering in all directions in the western wasteland, so that the faith in the entire western wasteland poured into the area where the Buddha's Great Guangming Temple was located. The less, the more and more towards Yunchuan.

After all, the group of zealous believers who had been most loyal to the Great Guangming Temple has already transformed into the red lotus industry, and there is no trace of death. Many of the remaining believers in this western wasteland have already failed to believe. No matter how firm it is, coupled with the continuous penetration of the evil Lord Komo during this period of time, most of the faith has naturally shifted since the appearance of the divine court.

Yunchuan looked at the power of many faiths gathered from all directions, and his brows frowned slightly. The power of faith that came to him was not pure Jinmang like the Lord of the Buddha, but a kind of purple and black Obviously, there is not much cover at this moment in Kemoxun, or the amount of the power of faith is too large for him to hide, and he has restored this kind of faith with a little evil meaning.

"That does not work."

Yunchuan did not accept the power of many beliefs. As the Lord of the Buddha directly cultivated with the power of faith, he had previously experimented. Although he said that training with the power of faith would make his practice faster than before. It ’s a lot faster, but it ’s also the same. There are endless thoughts in the power of those beliefs, which will only pollute their own soul power. It has a quick effect in a short time, but in the long run, it will pay more.

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