The power of the Milky Way, the flame of Huang Quan, various laws, and various combat skills, as long as they can integrate into this sword, Chu Lan will all be integrated into it.

That kind of rule diagram is the most common rule diagram. The clan king ancestors took the initiative to contribute and never thought about making money.

When Qin Shaoxiong's face changed drastically, he looked fierce again.

"This should be powerful, but I still think Chu Lan will win. After all, when he first came to this chaotic cosmic city, he defeated Qin Shaofei and Qin Shaotian, even I think.

Each wire has amazing cutting power and sharp breath.

Chu Lan is their master!

It was then.

Obviously, the finger is forced to condense through the flame, but it is really like flesh and blood. The finger has clear lines, fingerprints, even fingerprint swirls, and even a "hair" hole on the finger, even a "hair" hole that occasionally appears.

When he did not threaten Chu Lan, he did not understand why he was tortured by Chu Lan.

Fang Xingyun was immediately caught by Fang Xingyun. First, he saw that the fish's body began to wither, then the fish's eyes, and then Chu Lan felt that the rules in the fish's body had been quickly extracted!

"But it's strange. I didn't intend him to accept my invitation. I just wanted him to enter the virtual universe. The little animal was worried that he didn't know that I planted the star bug eggs on him, not even the king's ancestors. To my way of doing this."

"Carving Skills"

For example, Chu Lan is like absolute evil. They even think that they can break the rule of law by a dozen layers!

After the three Song Zhe, Sun Xiaotian directly tore the wormhole in time and space and came here. The amazing momentum, these people Chu Lan think that it is not difficult enough.

But in this strange situation, there are terrible energy fluctuations, which is almost terrible.

"But it's good."

"Who is this boy?"

Thousands of swords were rippling in the air with strange ripples.

"In the future, I will reward you based on your performance, but I need your absolute loyalty, do you understand?"

The only way to worship Benjamin Lent who is good at spiritual power should be to develop his spiritual power to the extreme. At that time, intensive attacks will be carried out, not to mention power, but the destructive power and collective offensive ability are absolutely considerable.

Qin Shaofei said more fiercely: "I can't eat a little, and I can recover in two years. In front of Sun Xiaotian, this face will never disappear."

You have to say it.

Xintianjiao scored 7.02 million points on the road of breaking the rule of law in one year. If you say that, you may make countless people in the sky chaotic.

He said: "The deeper our understanding of the law, the better we can be promoted to a higher level." After all, since the silver trainer, in fact, we have a bottleneck, but the bottleneck of silver nine training machine is not obvious .

As Chen Daozhi's biological son, Chen Yongming has very high demands on himself.

Qin Shaotian looks ugly. He looked at Chu Lan. The only good hand took out the ID card and said:

Sun Xiaofang's strength and defense are growing in an unprecedented way. At the same time, she reached out and grabbed, and all the sticks appeared in her hands.

"This, boy, has done a great job. Will he get so many points from the gold trainer?"

Secretly investigate Chu Lan's "sex" style.

Chu Lan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down and began to observe the construction of time and water laws!

This theory was later proved wrong by scientists.

With this in mind, Chu Lan sneered again, squeezed Song Zhe's shoulder tightly, lifted his body, fell down, grabbed Song Zhe's head tightly, and killed his head.

one day one Night.

It is estimated that there will be tens of thousands of sinful points in the world, such as Rao Weixiang.

Nevertheless, of course, this is amazing.

A vanity is created in Angela's heart.

They don't believe it. If Chu Lan is so good, why do you want to grab their points?

Great Emperor Chu Lan said, opening the empty beast coldly. Brother!

"Hello, Seventh Brother" Chu Lan also smiled and shook hands with Mo Baixue.

They are gradually lifted from the elements of water, which cannot give me a very different feeling.

The mysterious old man could not cry and laugh in his heart. He shook his head slightly, and did not stop Chu Lan.

Close to you, sir!

There are so many swords at a time that he can't even catch it!

It is like a real meteorite, falling from the universe to Chu Lan.

But compared to the more than 200,000 high-level soul crystals of tarantula, it is not so outrageous.

This Qin Shaoxiong, his understanding of the law will converge, so Chu Lan will not notice how much his understanding of the law has reached.

That kind of panic soon turned into fear, totally fear of Chu Lan.

He has always been affectionate.


At the same time, a thousands of swords are connected together. Even if tens of millions of swords are imperfectly fused, under the impetus of Huang Quan's flames, 10,000 swords can only be fully integrated as soon as possible.


As soon as I looked at it intently, I saw the mysterious old man sitting there like a stone.

Watching many old people and digital beasts practice here, Chu Lan nodded to the five little guys, and then walked straight to Wan Jiantu, a legal tablet computer mixed with chaos.

"Even if you want to kill me with your little finger, your elder ancestor of the Yuanneng family despised Laozi very much."

As soon as he reached for it, a thousand swords appeared in Chu Lan's hands.

Hundreds of Zuli animals were slaughtered under the control of the insect tribe.

An array of six-pointed stars appears.

The supreme lecture, even if it is no longer useless to him, increases his knowledge.

Two million middle soul stones are enough for Chu Lan to understand this faster in law.

Even Xiaoxi unknowingly flows faster, just like Xiaoxi is afraid of something coming!

They all passed the third floor. Only Dao, Li Xinghe passed the fourth floor. Rao Weixiang was even more surprised. Only when he reached the sixth floor was he defeated.

After that, he snorted coldly.

Suddenly, a strange wave appeared.

200 meters!

Because the brothers already hated Chu Lan.

Under this attack, the helpless red finger clicked. The sound of fragmentation is getting denser.

Virtual universe, the territory of all digital beasts.

Chu Lan was sucked away from his life expectancy in 2000, and he did not want to do it again.

"Who?" Chu Lan looked around.

no no

The Great Emperor realized that the corners of the beasts in the air raised slightly.

With this in mind, Sun Xiaotian felt that he should go.

The time passed by second by second.

Chu Lan's eyes flashed, these thoughts flashed in his heart, he couldn't help laughing, because such thoughts are easy to earn.

Even for Chu Lan, it doesn't make much sense.

Rao Weixiang stood in front of the "Man Jian Tu" mixed "chaotic" monument and complained about those extremely proud, he said hehe. ..

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