The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 1046: Turn a blind eye

In an instant, three hours passed and Chu Lan opened his eyes.

Suddenly, the body of the lava tyrannosaurus was not frightened, and its eyes became extremely shocked.

Chu Lan and Sun Xiaofang, he saw clearly in the live broadcast, it was the beginning of Sun Xiaofang, and Chu Lan had nothing to do with it.

Chu Lan smiled contemptuously and went to the door.

Who is he, Chu Lan is not your grandson's son-in-law, do you need to treat him like this?

Chu Lan bowed to Fang Xingyun standing in front of him. Thank you, Master. "

Chu Lan finished this sentence and injected a trace of energy into the space ring.

However, even though the mysterious old man said a few words, his marvel at Chu Lan's talent became stronger and stronger.

"This is a good place. In the cosmopolitan city of Ax, these people exist alone, they can get points, and then the layers above are no longer a waste of time. When you do your best Time.

Chu Lan's eyes can be so bright, not to waste a point, to obtain complete combat skills such as meteorite falling, Chu Lan is naturally full of doubts.

How does he feel about Wei Chuanxiong's terrible understanding, like his understanding? So far, Wei Chuanxiong has appeared alone.

"You don't need to know this problem." Chu Lan's lips were also very irritable, and there was a slight fluctuation in the corner of his mouth. At this time, a finger fell in the middle of Chu Lan's eyebrow "hair".

The six highest beings are all the greatest characters in the world, the means are powerful, they can disintegrate the galaxy and reverse the world!

Of course, this is just a gesture of goodwill. Before Chu Lan became a king's trainer, he would never become Chu Lan's brother, even a little kind.

A big palace where Fang Xingyun lives!

Everything Chu Lan showed was shocking. If Chu Lan's ability to understand the law disappears, he will soon be listed as a key hunter on the alien hunting list.

Chu Lan held a stone slab in his hand and his heart beat faster.

"Little guy, do you want to practice fishing charts?"

Can this method make Fang Xingyun not confident?

Not to mention this method of energy collapse, he himself does not understand what is happening. Even if he understands that this way is completely his killing at the bottom of the box, how can he take it out and sell it?

The third map should grab the law, and the fourth map will probably grab the source! "

"Oh no"

These three digital beasts also have a good understanding of the law, so they despise and mock the Julian beasts around them.

Old Luo glanced at Chen Tao and smiled slightly, but smiled without a word. He went to Supreme Master Fang Xingyun and opened his mouth under the joint attention of all the top trainers.

Chu Lan is convinced that Shen Dong must know that the top 10 Tianjiao can recruit 20 guards.

"what are you worried about?"

Both diamond trainers are a little nervous.

"Okay, don't you want to grab points from us newcomers?"

But why not?

Every 10% increase in legal power can reach a new world and realm. After the understanding of the law reaches 10%, even every 1% of understanding can greatly increase one's power.

For about a million years, besides Sun, who is more likely to break through to become a great emperor and become an animal trainer? That's not his precious disciple, the blame "Wei Chuanxiong"? Founder’s talent is also amazing.

At that time, Chu Lan did not even have time to disintegrate Song Zhe's energy. Song Zhe has been able to integrate law and energy and use it together.


His lips moved slightly. At the end of the millennium, the beast couldn't help but ask: "Old man, you know, do you really want to bring two disciples at a time?" I remember none of you like taking care of them.

"This boy, he can't learn anything, can he?"

He is right.

"It seems that after a while, I also got Master to demonstrate how to grasp the law, so that I can simulate it, rather than on both sides, as long as I can grasp the law, using my current understanding of the law.

But after all, Li Xudong is a diamond trainer with a high status and nobility, and is a precious wealth for mankind. Until Li Xudong did not do this, no one would aim at him because Chu Lan killed his son.

Listen to this.

"I want to talk about the rule of law."

Fang Xingyun smiled with relief on his face. He stared at Chu Lan, nodded in satisfaction, and announced loudly:

In this department, there will be many diamond trainers who go to war on working days to understand the law and explain the understanding of the law to various newcomers or gold trainers.

If you understand the accumulation of more than 30%, that is to say, the sin in the pride of heaven, the possibility of becoming "sex" of the king's trainer even exceeds 50%!

The more faces she gives, the less she values ​​you. On the contrary, ignoring her now makes Sun Xiaofang feel like a cat, hoping that the two will talk about everything immediately and say endless words.

He is more likely to succeed.

"There is a map of the law of power, and then all I have to do is find a pure law of fire and a pure law of water, so that I can put the power of the three forces of the river.

Like Catherine, he is the greatest child of mankind.

Through Chu Lan's enthusiasm for practice this year, they knew that Chu Lan was a practice maniac.

Instead of mass murdering the humanitarian diamond trainer, Chu Lan killed Li Xudong. This was a waste of diamond trainers, and everyone ignored it.

"Fortunately, I didn't do it just now, and even Song Zhe was defeated. I'm a fart."

But Chu Lan heard the mysterious old man, but his eyes were naked.

"As for you, you don’t have to go. With your strength, it’s not as strong as this person. It’s best to die when you go, so you better stay and practice. When it becomes stronger in the future, I will naturally treat you it works."

"Little guy, would you like to worship me as your teacher?"

"Chu Lan" across the street saw that his father had been holding his hand, and his eyebrows did not wrinkle:

"Theoretically, to what extent can the gold level 9 trainers understand the law, Your Majesty? Has 100% ever done this?" Rao Weixiang asked with narrowed eyes.

It is based on the meteorite map drawn by Shen Dong. The most powerful combat skills will be practiced to the extreme, and can even perfectly simulate the meteorite rain!


How do they know that Chu Lan's strength is several times higher than the ordinary gold level 9 trainers, when the silver level 6 at that time? When he upgraded to level 9 silver medal, his power actually exceeded Qin Shaotian!

In time, he can charge more tuition.

The secret method of the law of combustion he just used has increased at least 20 times and 20 times in an instant, so that the lava tyrannosaurus can only use its power to reach a deadlock.

Chu Lan said hello to these "classmates" one after another and walked towards the lecture.

It turned out that the melee attack must kill skills, combined with the strongman's understanding of the 13.2% rule, the fist of the orangutan beast can completely bomb the moon such as satellites! ..

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