The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 803: Invasive memory

Feeling their hatreds like ruins, that's what has reached the boiling point, and their aversion to this world.

The dislike of tens of millions of years, the dislike of the friends around them, is the idea power that a devil can build. Therefore, the world will believe that this time it will be bet on evil, it will not be wrong, the world will think Then, once they showed something wrong.

I must try my best to let them hunt. Only in this way can I protect my dreams and my world, can I continue my dreams, and can I complete my pursuit of myself. Began to invade the memory of these people.

From their remnant memories, feel their sights, and the world just wants to recreate some sights through these, to send hatred to these people, and even collapse.

So everyone is unconscious, the world will invade their own subconsciousness, in this subconsciousness, the world will see countless tragedies, is to see the memory of all cosmic creatures, because this cosmic creature is now all A combination of organisms.

So his memory is also a combination of all creatures. Among the memories of the combination of creatures, the clearest is not the conversation between them and the woman, nor the helplessness trapped by the shackles, nor the encounter with Chu. The joy of Lan Shi is not the painful life of these tens of millions of years in the void.

Or a happy life in progress, not even the scene of hatred before. Their deepest memory is actually as an ordinary creature. In their childhood, before the war, everything they experienced, everything was actually. Is happy.

The world will see the memory of these creatures. Their deepest memory is the most profound of happy memories. As a very small ordinary creature, they may be a small bee or a small elephant. , May be a little leopard, they are between their own populations.

In the biological universe where they live, under the care of relatives and friends, adults sleep, play, watch the sun roll, jump on the grass, play with friends, engage in destruction, and capture the prey of adults. Let it go because they think these creatures are as cute as they are.

The reason is that they think these children in life and themselves are already friends, how can friends eat friends? Those herbivores, they said before eating strawberries, you are delicious, so I want to eat you, I think you are cute, as cute as me, so after I finish eating you.

Let’s be friends in a dream, and then the world will see that the memories in these creatures are full of innocence, fun, and happiness. The world will not think that this is still a hatred, and this is hatred for tens of millions of years. The inner world of people.

Is this the memory of those capable of revenge now? Was they so happy before? Is this world so serene? The world will not help but glance at two more times, looking at the memories of these creatures and growing up slowly from their childhood. He saw these people, experienced the pain of love, experienced the torture and test of friendship, they once again said their joys, they once again came home from school together, once on the grassland together Talking about the little secrets that only the two of them know, about love, about longing for the future.

In the eyes of the world's will, these things are actually people's selfishness. In fact, they are all excuses for people's own selfishness, but I don't know why the world will actually feel in memory. These people's excuses seem so real. , So beautiful.

The world's will suddenly thought of a sentence, I don't know which world, which generation was selected by the destiny son of destiny, as long as everyone believes, then the illusion will become true, and this reality is A true truth, it was the will of the world that year did not understand this sentence.

It is only now that the will of the world understands the true meaning of this sentence. Perhaps the so-called emotions of people are lies when people want to get something, but this lies have been spoken for a long time, and those who have just started to lie have countless After the offspring, these offspring will treat these things as real things in their bones.

So everyone believes that this thing is carved deeper in the bones, so everything becomes real, all emotions are no longer a reason and an excuse, they actually also contain some devotion, these emotions were previously requested by humans The excuse now becomes their reason for giving.

The world will clearly see that these creatures in their emotions, in his memory, do not get anything more, but want to give something, but to think about what kind of dedication they do for others, and want others to In what kind of giving, I think about what to do for others.

What kind of things to get others, these actually become the main connotation of these emotional things that were originally used for deception. The world will be a bit trance, but it is after all the world will, and the experience of hundreds of millions of years tells him that Reason tells him that he does not accept deception.

The memory began to develop more and grow more, and when they faced Star Wars, what kind of miserable situation came at this time, the army of the atmospheric group, their artillery, their advanced weapons, their advanced Biological attacks detonated planets.

Everyone on the planet, some in this planet in this crisis, has revealed their selfish nature. In order to save their children, they don’t care to trample on the children of others’ homes, and they don’t care to trample on themselves for many years. 'S friend, he showed their selfishness at this time.

This world will feel ashamed, after all, this is the selfishness revealed by the creatures in the world under his jurisdiction, and the inferiority of being human, but he is not good to blame them, because although they know to do this, they saved , Not an old man, not a friend, not myself.

They save the next generation. This world will not know whether they are selfish or a dedication, because when they are trampled on, he does not have any grudges and hatred, he smiles and smiles. Looked at the trample to rescue a child.

The will of the world looked at it carefully, only to realize that this trampled person saved not his own child, but the trampled child. ..


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