The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 804: Inexplicable emotions

The will of the world does not understand what kind of emotion is causing it. It is clearly a person who tramples this person to save the child of the trampled person.

His own child, at the moment when he ran out, it just happened to be killed. If, the world will only say if, this person has a little selfishness, he should be holding his child, not stepping on others, and then again To save the children of others, all the world will not understand.

This is not something that a rational person will do. This is not a choice that a person will make at all. The world will not understand it, and he doesn’t want to understand it, but he can’t put these things in his mind, and then go Later, he saw more of these scenes.

Everyone did not save themselves, nor did they save their children, nor did anyone else, they ran around, and they were all about the same age as the ones they saved, and they all saved people who were younger than themselves. Could it be said that small people can take revenge? Does it mean that the little ones remember this tragic scene?

Small people, after this tragic life, can they survive, shouldn’t they be saved as the strongest, the smartest, the most wise, the most powerful, the most aggressive, shouldn’t they save the elites and The mainstay, why save these children who may not even have memory?

why? Why are there no children? The more angry he gets, the more confused he thinks. He thinks that if he looks at it again and again, he will be crazy and he will collapse, but he has to look at it because he wants to find them, and also to find these aliens, Find them a point of hatred.

He wanted to find these things, but he waited for a long time to use countless spiritual advantages to shuttle through the countless mind spaces of each constellation universe creature, countless memories, and finally waited for countless children, only children, Probably the biggest one was just memorized.

Many of them still can’t remember things. These children are full of surprises, astonishment, tears, looking at their elders, friends older than themselves, blocking themselves with their bodies, blooming, exploding, dying And then their eyes watched their planet explode.

Death and destruction, then they themselves were stunned by the aftermath of the impact, and then drifted around in this world, and finally, they were rescued, and then some of the wild ancestors were rescued and brought into their own restricted world, and live well Raised, some were rescued by some unscrupulous people, killed and experimented.

Some are hiding in the void, struggling every day, snarling, crying, remorse, although the will of the world is very rational, although there is more such destruction, but it really makes If he feels these as one of them, he dare not dare.

Because he knows that, he must be distracted, he will forget his identity as the will of the world, he will hate his identity, yeah, so much suffering in this world, so much unfairness, as the will of the world What did you do?

Standing high, let’s talk about the rules, some laws, some world trends, what’s the use of these things, etc.? I can’t make up for it. I can only tell myself rationally that these are caused by objective laws, and there is no way to make up for them.

These are all caused by the laws of the world. These are all people have their own lives, they can do it by themselves, but they will do good things in the future, and there will be countless such good and evil in the future, and countless deaths like this. Yes, I don’t know the cause of the demise, what I can do, I can’t do anything.

The world will quickly tell itself that it is not a person, that it is not a person, that it has its own responsibilities, and that its current duty is to protect the world, that is, although these are very pitiful as a child, they grow up but have dangerous creatures in this world. Prevent them from destroying the world.

To prevent them from becoming that kind of devil, to prevent them from destroying others' families and destroying others' happiness like those bad guys who destroyed themselves, so the world will pay close attention to find the point of their hatred, but he can't find anything Arrived.

These memories are all present, all abused, and all miserable phenomena are also present, but the will of the world cannot find the idea of ​​their hatred, can not find these obsessions.

The world will not know why, why not find it? Where did all these things go? But the world will not dare to look down anymore. He is very tired. He feels that he will be assimilated soon. He will never forget the one who blocked the aftermath of the bomb with his body.

Turned his head, to those who don’t necessarily understand them, smiled, he was already blown up like that, his limbs were obviously not healthy, and it clearly hurt like that, but he still gritted his teeth and wiped his face. Blood, turning his head hard to not necessarily remember who he is.

I don’t necessarily know who I am, and I don’t know whose children say:

"Children, live a healthy and happy life, don't remember these, you must not have hatred, you must not think of revenge."

All people are repeating this sentence, all the voices of all the world are such a sentence, the will of the world is simply to doubt, is this world bleak? Isn’t this world complicated? Isn't human nature complicated? Why at this moment, all people are like gods.

It’s even clearer than God, and it’s greater and more selfless. Why do they know that the weak body exudes such a powerful idea, such a powerful appeal, and why the world’s will is so puzzled that it’s crazy. However, he did not know that under such a mind.

Under such conditions, when he spares no effort to invade the minds of these people who are already similar to his realm, to violate their memories, to mediate their memories, to mobilize their memories, his own Energy does consume more.

In fact, he has no ability to organize the third or fourth test, but his ability to prepare for the second game seems to be gone, but the world will tell himself to insist.

Even if there is no point of hatred in the minds of these people, but they already know what they hate the most, and they already know what they should hate in the depths of their hearts, so the world will clenched his teeth and insisted, he thought, For the good of this world, for your own ideals and pursuits.

For your own responsibility. ..

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