The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 813: No way to judge

Then use this contaminated spirit to measure us? Fortunately, we have not been polluted, and now we just want to express this attitude, we just want to destroy this world. "

"It is to destroy such people, whether they are illusions or whatever, they are to be destroyed. We are here to tell the world will of our own ideas. Now that we have ideas and attitudes, we We want to express it, so we must kill these things."

"If the world will see our attitude like this, it seems that our actions and choices have not accepted us, and if he wants to kill us, then I believe that Mr. Mr. will not sit idly by, believe me, Mr. is willing to make a very fair and fair rule."

"He encouraged us to do this, he also guided us to do it, so as long as we insist on doing so, we will not be blocked by anyone, as long as this person dares to block, our husband will not make him feel better, believe me ."

Everyone thinks it makes sense. I always think that Mr. actually represents the highest rule in the world. Then Mr. respects what he cares about, what kind of world he wants to insist on, and what kind of world he wants, then it is the truth. Regulated.

But in fact, the correct order is that the world that the sir wants is also what they want, and the sir uses the most powerful force in the world, so the sir is here, then we can realize our ambitions, without having to worry about anything, They come now to talk to the will of the world.

It’s a bit nice to talk about negotiations. In fact, I’m here to take over with the will of the world and tell him that he has this ability, this belief, and this right direction to take his place. Now all he needs to do is take control. The power and authority here are in your own hands.

Everything else doesn't matter. If the will of this world is stubborn and understands the direction of the real world, or the world view of the will of the world is actually polluted, then the sir will not sit idly by and will help them Directly wipe out the will of this world.

Everyone was thinking this way, so they did not hesitate very much, and did not hesitate to put all these false energy bodies that appeared in this yoke into a yoke, which seemed to be the robot's phantom energy body.

The will of the world saw it and was very happy. He wanted to directly take the power of the will of the world and then kill these people. However, when he performed such an act, he found that he had no power to mobilize because these people Although with such terrible emotions.

And they killed it with a very irritable mood, but the world will find that no will has any opinion on them, including dark matter. They have no opinion on them, but it is a rejoicing mood, and the will claps to applaud, The world will never think why.

But when he thought of the reason, he thought, um, maybe he was wrong.

What the will of the world thought before was that under such an environment, some of the choices made by these people would be more violent, more radical, or less calm.

Then these things will actually be regarded as an imperfect, irrational behavior or psychology. If such psychology appears in ordinary people and their lives, it is actually understandable.

But if they appear in the daily life of a god, or one of his mental states, then, in fact, in the rules formulated by heaven, such a god, such a **** is actually not recognized Because a **** has divinity.

If you say this, then everything about him must be sensible, and he must make a general layout from the perspective of the world, then he will not be angry because of some small things, or be treated as a person. Go talk about being a god, and then take care of the trivial things.

Then it is because of a little bit of pain, or some evil, then excessive anger, then it is indeed a violation of some rules, for example, in such a daily operation of a country and a person Of course, there will be many characters of all kinds.

Well, some of these things actually serve justice, how to say, some evils are actually the whetstones of justice, how much power he has, how many abilities he has, how many shortcomings he needs to make changes, Need to improve So what makes him improve?

Is it endless happiness? Or endless praise, of course not, but a kind of suffering, but who gave him the suffering? Then it must be evil, and the power of evil is actually greater than this justice. Our justice is so beautiful. How can he maintain the same things he needs in this world.

How can it be more beautiful, how can it be more prominent, how can it remain beautiful forever, without being blinded by this endless dust in this world? Well, in fact, we need a human balance, balance is the opposite of good and evil, and the magic of evil exists for good.

Evil is not to overthrow the good, but to accumulate the magic of evil. Some people become evil, not what he can choose, and some people become those who can choose to become evil, then this person definitely does not want to act A victim is not going to make a whetstone for good.

He definitely wants to cover goodness, which is the evil nature, so what is the nature of goodness? The nature of goodness is actually to defeat evil, but in fact its essence is to maintain goodness, only because of this evil in the preservation process to hinder him.

That’s why he made his direction clear, and when there is no evil in this world, in fact, goodness has no direction. It’s not to say that as some people say, when you maintain a good state, if this No evil appeared.

They are not kindness, but if there is no evil then goodness has no direction, when there is no direction, it is actually not kindness, but a state that cannot be qualitative, cannot and does not know what it will be. Something, then God represents absolute goodness.

And this kindness that is detached from the world will not be hostile to evil and jealousy, because he will stand on the angle of a high world view. ..


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