The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 814: Difference between man and god

To properly treat good and evil and find a correct relationship, God will occasionally help good, and will never promote evil.

However, he does not say that there is a point to remove the evil that exists in this world. If this is the case, then who will be the whetstone in this world? If there is no evil and the evil is destroyed, then there is no goodness that evil needs to kill, is there a direction?

What exactly are you trying to pursue? Without evil, no one knows how to go, no one knows where there is direction, no direction, how can the world govern? No one knows what direction to develop in, so it is evil.

As long as it is not created by this god, or produced by this god, then it is actually something that exists in the world in a reasonable way. Not only does this world produce evil, but it also produces kindness to face evil. This is the correct way, so Say that if man must become God.

Out of the category of human beings, his conception of evil cannot actually be so disgusting. He cannot say that I hate evil in particular, and I hate it in particular. If I want to destroy it, then evil will not exist. Evil is destroyed by God, and God directly confronts evil.

What do you want people to do? Then God just acts as such a balance point against this evil, so what do people need them to do? Does it mean that people are like little pigs, like kittens, and children are always under the protection of God, and they have always been there.

Enjoying happiness and joy, so what is the difference between them and piggy?

What is the difference between them and God-raised pets? The reason why man is man, man, is the most critical thing that leads all things to coordinate all things. God is also under man. Heaven and earth are gods and spirits, heaven and earth are big, heaven and earth are objective substances, people and gods and ghosts exist. Necessary material conditions.

Among humans, gods and ghosts, it is true that humans are ranked at the highest position, then gods and ghosts are also a representative of goodness, and one represents evil, which is the two sides of man, and man is between this divinity and ghost nature. To establish a human nature, it is complicated, in this complex, people continue to know themselves.

In the process of constantly knowing oneself, the process of constantly developing oneself, and the process of continually denying oneself, the development of the world is completed. This is an essence of the objective law of event development. This objective development cannot be separated from human beings. An essence, then if once became a god.

This kind of thing is absolutely unnecessary, but now, although these people have no such hatred in their emotions, they have got rid of that kind of human nature, but their attitude towards this kind of evil is too clear, because Actually speaking as a god.

It is not possible to treat this evil so clearly. They should treat the good and evil with a fair attitude. When evil appears, then naturally some people will bear this evil. In this evil, these people have experienced these evils. People, they will make a choice for themselves,

Good and evil, so evil and good can be clearly distinguished in this process. Some people choose to be the messenger of good, some choose to become the apostle of evil, these two kinds of people in this fight between each other, Between each other's obstacles, this crisis between each other.

They will produce a kind of energy, and this kind of energy will make the world develop continuously. Who says evil will not develop the world? In the constant war, the evil party first provokes the incident and then suppresses the good side. So how do they suppress it?

In fact, they want to develop the world first. After the development, the development of the world requires not only the power of destruction, not just creativity, not only the development of these weapons, or civilization, but also a kind of ability to the world. A technology and science that feeds back.

Or is it an invention, so who needs it at this time? They need the good side. They want to suppress evil, eliminate the evil, and then take away the results and development of his evil, what do they do after taking it away? After taking it, use these things as a basis.

Then, change their uses, and then treat them as a process that allows the world to develop in accordance with the laws of world development and conform to the general trend of the world. Throughout the countless human frictions in countless world wars.

Tribal wars also have the alternation of social forms of feudal society and slave society or primitive society. None of them is not in this condition, none is not in this case, and none is not in the case of evil alternation. Evil first challenges.

Then develop the objective of the entire human society, and then use the good to suppress these evil forces, and then use this evil to eliminate all the directions of the application of all evil achievements, and then try to make them as far as possible. It makes people happier and makes the world more stable.

Leading in such a direction of longer-term development, and then developing the world, this is the law of the development of the entire world, and what role does God play? The role of God is to be able to guide good people, better maintain their humanity, and better preserve their goodness.

Give them a little guidance or encouragement when necessary, and then Jane kindly guarantees the balance between good and evil, between a certain small range, and a range that everyone can accept, this This is what God wants to do, but now these people have lost their humanity and gained divine personality.

However, they don't seem to understand what kind of creature God is, what kind of responsibility it has.

Such people have confused world will, and he doesn’t know that these people are so clear that this aversion to evil, and there is a certain clear urgency to destroy all evil is right or wrong, but the only one can be sure The point is that all the world will now.

Including himself, he did not have any objection to the behavior of these people just now, and directly expressed their aversion to the evil, and there is no sign of destiny that this thing will bring disaster. There is no sign that this thing is dangerous.

There is no sign that this behavior is unrecognized, so now the world will not know how to choose and how to do it. ..


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