Then, to seize the sovereignty of this world will, how could Chu Lan let them complete these events.

This does not seem to be a noble existence more than God at all. They are simply annoying existences than villains. Then Chu Lan hates this kind of person most, and hates to use the power in his own hands, no matter what Disregard the efforts of others, and then use your own reasons and worldview.

Obviously, they should not rob others, but they advertised themselves as the incarnation of justice, but they said that the weakness of others is unjust. Unjust people take this thing that they should not take, so they should be eliminated. Chu Lan hates it most. This kind of self-explanation is unclear and absolutely unreasonable.

He also hates this self-righteous evil person most. He thinks these people are a hundred times more hateful than those who really think they are justice, so Chu Lan is furious, the sky is evil, these scum It was very ugly to be bombed.

Some of them found that it was not good, so they ran away, but others felt that the world will naturally raise their own will, how could they be afraid of these **** evil thunder, so they decided to resist hard, Chu Lan did not bother these hard resistance people, He just feels that he will end up with himself, and that is death.

So Chu Lan put away the evil thunder, directly grabbed these world wills with his big hands, grabbed their specific forms, and then directly shredded, roasted them with their own fire, and baked them into liquid, and then these liquids actually Flowed into his own barrier again.

Become the last of your own barrier, a material, after fusion, the world barrier actually shines, and then belongs to the void, so that the whole world seems to be much more stable, and then came out and caught a few space-time dragons in this barrier , I don’t know because there is too much world will in the barrier as material.

Or was it because Chu Lan spent too much effort in it, and the time and space circulated among them, these dragons actually obtained continuous breakthroughs and improvements, and turned into a particularly long dragon, and then walked in this, did not expect a time and space The dragon can actually withstand the energy of another barrier.

This is equivalent to two big energies in the whole world, and the big snake in the constellation of the constellation is not to be outdone. It seems to compete with the space-time dragon. After all, he was originally transformed by space-time, so he thought After the request, the request actually jumped into the world barrier.

When I started to check Wanjie and intersect with the Space-Time Dragon, there was actually another barrier. In this way, the entire barrier turned into four energies. The strength of this growth, Chu Lan felt that even if he wanted to break it, It also takes some time, so Chu Lan is quite satisfied with his work.

So the whole world has the strongest backing. Chu Lan thinks that even if he is destined to come by himself, as a person who has no entity to use the rules, I am afraid that it will take him a long time. Era, several epochs passed.

The entire new atmosphere world may have the ability to protect itself. Chu Lan thought of it and put away his own ideas and spells. The will of the world also cut off the connection with the world, and turned into a human appearance. God, and this **** is actually a **** in the true sense. He no longer has the mentality of the world’s will, and has no mentality at all. The world’s will has jurisdiction over the world and the authority to manage the rules of the world, everything is Chu Lan. It was collected and distributed to the 13 constellations, as well as those 30 original planets.

Chu Lan himself simply transferred this part of his power to the will of the world. The heart of the world will also be seeded by Chu Lan. When the world will obey, he can give him a lot of resistance, but When the will of the world is disobedient, it can become the existence that destroys it.

And the seeds will absorb the original energy of the world ruins and transform into a new person who completely agrees with Chu Lan to replace Chu Lan to supervise the world, and then help these lives live better and happier lives.

All things are fixed, Chu Lan is also equivalent to giving the world a chance. The world will also know that as long as he can serve the world wholeheartedly without losing his direction, he can truly follow his will and become completely free. The patron saint of the world.

So he did his best, Chu Lan saw his thoughts, so far so clear, so satisfied, and ordered him to retreat and retreat directly to the kingdom of God, the main **** that the world will transform into retreat , Chu Lan did not call him anything else, and called it Chu Feng.

After all, he is also a descendant of his own. When he transfigured him, he also placed great hopes on him, so even if he was destined to himself, he was given a name, a surname, and everyone knew his name. , In fact, will also know his true identity.

Everyone sensed his existence and thought that he was an apprentice of Chu Lan, or the true descendant, so he respected him and everyone agreed that he would act as Chu Lan’s agent to represent Chu Lan’s voice. , Stay in the Kingdom of God, and become the true Lord God, so all the dust settles.

And the other 12 people in the universe received it separately, Chu Lan’s advice to them, there is also a principle, and an introduction to this new world they, they live in, and govern, according to the rules of this world and Chu Lan had an expectation for them.

When the world of the people began to grow, many of the seeds of life began to germinate, and in this life, before, or when it germinated, the mist rising from these seeds of life actually turned into a Phantom, and Phantom is Chu Lan.

Chu Lan seemed to be spreading something, it seemed to be reading something, he walked through every inch of the world where the world was growing, buried something in it, and then said a few words to the sky. Within a few minutes, the clouds and the sun and the moon appeared, and they said a few words to the trees, and the trees began to learn to grow.

Start learning to shoot and germinate, and learn to defoliate and decompose, and then use the defoliated leaves as one of their energy accumulation energy cycles, and then the animals begin to learn their own language, that is, Chu Lan teaches them to sing by hand, Chu Lan does all this After finishing, come back to face that world.

The right constellation universe. ..


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